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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. well... i think you should pack your bags and move to another country... cause you dont sound very canadian to me... we are a country that sticks together and pays taxes to provide services for people that otherwise may not be able to afford them... no matter what decisions they make in life canadians should know they have help...without a bill waiting for them in the end... peoples circumstances can change...one day your on top and dont need the governments help...the next you realize how happy you are that your government has your back...and the taxes you and others in your community paid have your back... the world is a messed up place but i like the fact that the people making the big bucks and paying lots of tax dollars are helping to support the poor when they need it... it sucks that some feel this is a license to be stupid and leech off of the system... but i dont want to have to pay for a rescue down the road that was truly unforeseen...
  2. so firefighters dont risk anything when they save you from your burning house? we dont pay the bill for the day for that... and just so we are clear... i do think it was stupid to be out in those conditions... ...
  3. keep you motor trimmed down in the water and youll have no issues... just be careful when you go to run it the next day... dont force anything... let it really warm up...
  4. so whats next... your kid breaks his leg skateboarding... now you pay the bill... skateboarding is dangerous... you break your arm downhill skiing... now you pay the bill... skiing is dangerous... you get t boned at an intersection by a drunk driver...now you pay the bill...driving is dangerous... your house burns down cause of a grease fire...now you pay the fire dept bill... deep frying is dangerous... we all do things in life that are considered dangerous to some extent... think about what something like this could start...this is the opening the government needs to start making us pay for all the services our taxes are supposed to pay for... people can smoke cigarets for 50 years and then our taxes pay for the health care they require... now that is STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there are warnings on the package that state that smoking causes cancer and other health issues... but every time a lifetime smoker goes to the hospital..the cost isnt splattered all over the news...and his bills get paid by the taxes we pay... i tried to avoid this one but i had to say my 2 cents...
  5. i agree they should not have been out there... but at the same time there are lots of un educated anglers out there... there are still guys here that dont know the walleye limit changed like 4-5 years ago... or that pike have a closed season now... we dont all access the resources available to us... i dont listen to the radio or read the newspaper... and if it wasnt for ofc i wouldnt here most of the warnings/news... considering this happens from time to time... id say first rescue is free because we do pay taxes for these services... but it goes on your record... after that make em pay...and make em pay big.... like that guy who said it was his third time being rescued... that means hes put rescuers lives at risk 3 times now and hasnt learned from it... people get into jams here and there... thats life... i dunno... ive never gone through the ice so its hard to say... id rather play it safe and get my tackle ready for spring and make carp bait...
  6. That's a myth I Never see a lul in the action once it's dark...
  7. most nights i might fish till 1-2 hours after sunset... thats the best time in my opinion...2 hours before to 2 hours after sunset...i can get more in those 4 hours then a 8-4 8 hour day trip... but ive started fishing at midnight and done well also...did that on walleye opener last year... 12 walleye in about an hour of fishing... if you figure out where they hold for the night and stay on em... youll figure out the feeding times... from what ive seen... areas with access to deep water... are best... at dark the walleye will slide up the bank to feed in the shallows..
  8. if its just for storage.... a friend of mine made a box from a rubbermaid bin... he cut some holes and lined it with screen...youll want hole in the lid as well for oxygen... then he dug a hole almost as deep as the container... so about 2-3 inches were still above the ground... put the bin in the hole and pack soil around it... buy proper worm bedding and worm food from walmart or canadian tire and mix it up... but dont fill the container or theyll find a way out.. make sure you make this worm hotel in a cool shaded area... youll be able to keep a load of worms in this set up... and they will live a long time if you keep feeding em the worm food...
  9. USA!!!!!!! walleye central classified adds https://www.walleyecentral.com/classified/searchresults lots of amazing deals on boats... most are pretty far away but you can find some closer stuff if your patient... ...
  10. thats awesome... a lot of guys couldnt get those numbers in a boat... good for you
  11. i will... i just havent had time yet... and my canadian tire only has the crappy gas line... so i have to find the good lines somewhere... whether or not the gas line fixes the problem im still gunna clean the carbs because every so often my needle valve is getting blocked open... so i have debris floating around in there somewhere...
  12. i love spring time drives to check on ice/fish activity...
  13. X2 as for changing colors on a clear night with a bright moon as apposed to a darker cloudy night... not really... still using the same colors and baits... in both conditions...
  14. same with my ontario license... smooth as silk... recieved it fairly quick too... couple weeks
  15. Musky straight retrieve baits... noise and vibration to help them zero in on your bait... retrieve the baits at a steady pace...and slower then you would during the day... some fish will move shallower...and some will rise in the water column... so fish high up... Walleye on structure like rock they move really shallow at night.... on weedbeds... i find i catch em the exact same way as during the day... just different colors... as for technique... same speed....depth...lure... for me... but i change to bright colors at dark.. EDIT Carp... will move into shallow CLEAR water bays at night that they avoid during the day.... ...
  16. so for me to do the carbs i will will need 3 gasket kits...one for each carb right? i think i found em here... #2 in the parts list... i think its all the gaskets within the carbs... is that all i need? 3 of those kits? and maybe 6 of part number 22? just in case...? http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Honda/Outboard%20Engine/2000/BF40AY%20LHTA%20VIN%23%20BAYS-3200001%20TO%20BAYS-3209999/CARBURETOR/parts.html
  17. thats a good idea... maybe even video everything... then if it goes well...i can put her on the net to show others...
  18. got my issues sorted... talked to a very very helpful guy with the ny dec... somehow a second file was created in my name and that was the file with my current license... like walmart last fall made a new file somehow... anyways... he gave me an ID number to take back to walmart and i can get a replacement for $5 im glad this guy figured it out or this could happen again... he merged the 2 files into 1 to solve the problem... there is hope...lol...in NY state anyways...lol
  19. so for me to do the carbs i will will need 3 gasket kits...one for each carb right? i think i found em here... #2 in the parts list... i think its all the gaskets within the carbs... is that all i need? 3 of those kits? http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Honda/Outboard%20Engine/2000/BF40AY%20LHTA%20VIN%23%20BAYS-3200001%20TO%20BAYS-3209999/CARBURETOR/parts.html ...
  20. Go sens go.... My buddy Jesse Winchester should be playing real soon... He's been out with a concussion since christmas.... But if they don't go far I get to take him fishing sooner...lol
  21. I figured that was the case... Thanks
  22. Me to... My friend plays for the sens and he's been out since dec with a concussion... He should be back playing any day now.... And he's bananas for fishing... I send him pics of the fish I catch and he gets jealous that I'm fishing and he's playing NHL hockey...lol
  23. I'm pretty confident in myself that I could clean em... Problem is getting to em... There lots of other stuff if have to take apart to get to em... I think I'll try to find a garage I can set up in for a day... Then I can set up a table to keep all the parts is order... Can you just clean em up or do you need to replace gaskets and everything?
  24. Does ny license color change every year...? If so whats the current color? The one I was issued last fall was brown...
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