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Everything posted by kenzy31

  1. Sweet gator! That kind of strike will get your heart rate up in a hurry Gotta love it!
  2. Just get an AWD van. Covers all the bases. We brought in 2 field dressed bucks to the butcher in my dad's Caravan with a tarp down. I didn't want blood in the back of my F150! lol j/k Our next vehicle will be a van to replace my '96 Civic hatchback. Not too practical with 2 kids and 2 dogs lol
  3. Great report! That eagle vid was just awesome!! Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of your summer in that little paradise
  4. Great report Mike! My wife loved it as much as I did And you know what that means.... we're petitioning my parents for 4 or 5 nights of babysitting!! lol We never had a honeymoon when we got married a couple years ago so this type of trip with only a 6-7 hr drive would fit the bill perfectly! Although she does demand the lake have many large pike that "fight like hell!" haha Thanks for the fantastic read, I'll be in touch soon
  5. To the OP --- If you want to run Netflix, get unlimited usage internet. We cut the cable cord about a year ago in favour of online-only TV. We have Bell FIBE internet with unlimited bandwidth for $82 taxes in per month, Netflix for $8, and run it all from our laptop thru HDMI cable to our 50" plasma Anything you can't find to watch on Netflix can be found on projectfreetv.com, as long as you have good anti virus and some patience to find a working link lol. Overall we're very pleased with our setup and just wish we had done it sooner! It has certainly cut down on tube-time, and leaves more $$$ for fishing gear and gas!!
  6. Exit 400 at Port Severn Rd. North and follow it straight until you pass the LCBO. At that intersection it turns to Kelly Rd and there's a public launch on a big rock. Parking is across the road. This launch brings you into Little Lake and it's a short 2-3 min boat ride to the narrows into the Pool. Good luck!
  7. 3 1/2 years for me And coming up to 3 years off the booze in July! Thankful for every day of it too
  8. Where's the fun in that?
  9. I bought my Ion from CTC in Barrie. Went in for a tube for my snowblower tire and saw it on the shelf for $300! It was a same-day return with an unsealed box. Reg is $550 It's worked great over the 4 full days on Simcoe
  10. That looks like a dream getaway to me!
  11. Thanks for all the replies guys! I'll run the sled as is for now, keeping a close eye on oil consumption and compression. If I get below 100lbs I'll prob crack into it, but until then it'll get some use I'll try and get a couple pics today and post them up
  12. I just picked up the above sled for ice fishing this season. Great little machine, good shape, and got a good deal on the price. I have a few questions for those that know. 1) Should I remove the oil jug right away and go with mixed gas? I did this on my mid 80's Johnson 60hp outboard a few years back for fear of blowing it up! 2) I'm getting a little low on my compression reading -- 100lbs in left cylinder and 105lbs in right. They're within the 10% of each other but should I be concerned about the actual readings? Bear in mind I just bought a $30 one from Part Source. 3) Does anyone have an Enticer they've modified for ice fishing? Help give me some advice! I'm looking for backrest and cargo basket ideas Thanks for any help, cheers! Jesse
  13. kijiji My last two sets have come from there, and my dad's last three. Best bet for truck tires too if you want factory size. A lot of guys upsize right off the lot
  14. Kick azz report Steve and Kelli!! Nice quality fish there
  15. Try this http://m.westmarine.com/?p=aHR0cDovL3d3dy53ZXN0bWFyaW5lLmNvbS93ZWJhcHAvd2NzL3N0b3Jlcy9zZXJ2bGV0L1NpdGVTZWFyY2hWaWV3P05lPTIwNTAzNTQmTnM9TW9zdCUyMFBvcHVsYXIlN0MwJmJlZ2luSW5kZXg9MCZsYW5nSWQ9LTEmc3RvcmVJZD0xMTE1MSZwYWdlPUNhdGVnb3J5RGlzcGxheUxldmVsMSZOPTM3Nys3MTArMjA1MDM1NCZjYXRhbG9nSWQ9MTAwMDEmcGFnZVNpemU9MTAmc1R5cGU9U2ltcGxlU2VhcmNoJnZpZXdUYXNrTmFtZT1TaXRlU2VhcmNoVmlldw%3D%3D
  16. There are 3 & 4 step telescopic ones you can buy that just hang there as needed. You store them inside the boat while under power. You can also make one out of PVC pipe for half the cost but it won't be as portable as the telescopic. The last place I remember seeing them was at West Marine. Hope this helps
  17. That's a great report of a truly memorable day! Congrats all around
  18. We were there Monday last week for shiners and worms and if I remember correctly the sign said 6am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Good luck
  19. By far the best pike thread I've seen since I joined! I can't wait to chase some of those next week
  20. Killer report Steve! I always look forward to your spring pike report and this year's did not disappoint Nice shootin' bud
  21. Now that is carp-tastic action! You guys got into some real hogs Pete, nice going
  22. great results bud! nice pics
  23. Well, no fish to report for us last evening.... But a great time with my wife, a beauty Georgian Bay sunset, and some much needed relaxation! After working 75+ hours at two jobs the last two weeks, it was heaven! We'll be going back for an early morning session hopefully this weekend, as the guys we talked to said they had good action right at dawn.
  24. Dude, you have to mark that on the calendar, tie a string on your finger, whatever it takes!! lol Hopefully I'll have something to report tomorrow. Don't forget mother's day next weekend for your wife and little guy
  25. My wife and are headed to Penetang after work for some shore pike and then Waubashine for 'eyes at dusk. How are the water levels at these locations? Was anyone out there today? How'd you do?
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