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Everything posted by Freshtrax

  1. Watermelon green worm rigged wacky for bass and willams spoons for anything bigger.
  2. Was out on kempenfelt Sunday and lost power. Just tore the motor down and have a scorched piston, and nobody makes them anymore.

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    2. Freshtrax


      Yea I'm gonna check around for some N.o.s stuff. I think it had a stuck ring from sitting for years. I haven't given up yet. It's a 55 hp Easton's viking. 1969. (Chrysler). Ran like a champ for 20 min or so. I haven't given up yet.

    3. Freshtrax


      I did put a new impeller in it and only lower cyl. Is toast

    4. misfish





  3. thats what i figured, pretty cool. that trout would be a fish of a lifetime for me.
  4. Get it man, a nice easy smoke is pork ribs, find a butcher , and not a oh-la-la fancy one. One with cows and pigs hanging around in the back. Make friends with your new butcher I even.buy mine a Christmas gift. Hell of a lot cheaper than a grocery store...I know someone on here has been to dipietros in Cambridge, Anyways back to the ribs you can fit 3 racks on that smoker no problem find a recipie and light her up..they will take about six hours at 300. Be patient while learning your new craft it's part science part vodo magic . Always leave the chimney all the way open, And last but not least make shure you burn in your new smoker before you cook an food in it. I'm doing some brisket this weekend I will post up some pics for ya.
  5. Looks tasty now where is the pic of the fish with the skin on?
  6. I just did a goggle map of Whitby the harbour has fish cruising around and go closer to the lake on Lynde creek an I would be surprised if there were no fish
  7. I have the Same smoker as pictured above, best hundred bucks I ever spent. I am upgrading to an ugly drum smoker this summer.somi can set it and forget it. But that one will cook some mean ribs . brisket takes about 15 hours so I start it on the smoker then in the oven overnight. Notihing like waking up to the smell of smoked brisket in the mornin
  8. I use goo be gone on greasy clothes it will make the greasiest jeans come clean. Don't know what it would do to the foam?
  9. Gobble, gobble, not mine a good friend got this bird down south in NC last week man I miss that place sometimes.
  10. Even though trout opener is right here, I can't take my mind off of simcoe spring whitefish. Problem is I have never been out for them.. I have a few questions and while there is tons of info online about spring laker tactics there's not much for whitefish. Where should I start my hunt? Shallow reefs with Steep drops to deep water? Rocky points of 55 ft that drops to 100 ft on either side? ( one comes to mind). What are the crazy buggers doing this time of year? Feeding? On the biology websites it says ther in the rivers? Is this one of those cases where simcoe fish have different patterns? Are they still schooled up like in the winter? And do they remain like that all year round? Are they more or less aggressive in the spring? Thanks for reading, feel free to om if ya wish
  11. I about spit my coffee out when I read that .. Quite fitting welcome aboard.
  12. Just saw two kinds riding bikes with wagons attached full of perch headed to the weighin up in orillia . Made my day

    1. Freshtrax
    2. Christopheraaron


      Good to hear I have some like minded peers lol

    3. fishnsled


      That's awesome! Reminds me of my younger days and going fishing.


  13. Aluminum is a pain in the ass to paint from bare metal do what sinker says
  14. Lol I am curious also, I'm gonna order a few and try em out. I'll get back to you in the fall
  15. Rouge river , put in at rouge park . Nice paddle. And you never know what you will catch,
  16. I'm going to be hitting simcoe for lakers and lake o on real calmmdays close to shore this year for the first time ( just bought my first real boat). I'm interested in the fish seekers I looked at them online seem legit. I figure I could troll a fish seeker with a big flashy spoon at around 80 ft down and drag a 3 way along the bottom with a floating crankbait for the bottom lurkers does this sound like it might get me some fish or should I just pony up and get riggers?
  17. Makes me sick....no need to make it a public execution ....just throw them in general population. They won't live 30 days.
  18. There's probably a real nice 14-16 ft naden kicking around here somewhere cough cough
  19. And sandy cove wanted 150 to grind er up. They said they have been grinding the stuff up but they have no body to sell it too. Said it was approved for use in concrete but nobody's buying.
  20. Dump takes fiberglass boats. 50 bucks later boat gone... Friday iim going to pick up my new to me Starcraft.
  21. I picked up a small fiberglass runabout with a merc. 65 hp blue band motor and a Viking 55 hp for 200 bucks on the weekend. The hull is toast needs new transom stringers and floors. And I'm not up for the work. Anyone know if simcoe transfer station will take it as is or do I need to cut it up? On the same note if anyone has an old aluminum hull sitting around the need gone give me a holler, have trailer will Tavel.
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