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Everything posted by TDunn

  1. As i mentioned before I might post the pic of the 3rd steelhead from sat.....Well my cousin sent me over the pics today... Here she is.... Woke up to a frigid -1 this morning and got out with my uncle for a few passes in the river for whatever would hit...... Pine St boat launch was closed so we had to launch in Garden River at Bens Baits and ran the river up from there. The fishing wasnt hot but we managed a few bites.... My first Atlantic of the year......Small guy..... Few pics of the river..... And then ended the morning with this tiny coho that was super chrome.... All fished released.... TDunn
  2. Ya man it was, good eye!!!!! We actually removed some from the fish....Not all from her but enough for a few bags for future use.....She was released in perfect condition..... TDunn
  3. Nice....they are all great producers...the second one is not on highway 17 tho....... TDunn
  4. Right on man....The first or second spot? TDunn
  5. This report actually will start from last thursday evening. I took a ride up highway 17 along the Lake Superiour shoreline to check out the river levels and brought my rod along to make a few casts. Water looked great and I hiked up a trail to a set of falls just off the side of the highway. Second cast and I hooked into a beauty female. I was flying solo so I took a few pics while releasing the fish. As I was taking the photos these two meatheads showed up and immediatley started casting my pool after seeing me with the fish. They hooked two while I was releasing the hen but did not land them and completely spooked the hole which is really only big enough for one or maybe two guys...So I left feeling a bit annoyed and returned early the next morning with a bud for an hour and to my surprise never hit any fish at the falls. But.....I did land a small male in a tight run below the falls on a pink worm. Kept this fish because the hook was very deep...... Saturday I hit up my honey hole with my two cousins. It was a fantastic day and we actually found another new spot to fish......Basically untouched....We landed 3 fish, 2 of which were females and were not spawned out yet. Releaed all fish..... Oh, I hope you like the underwater footage. We hope to get more soon for you guys....This was the first time we got to use the camera. Underwater Video of Release And the pictures of the 3rd fish of the day is on my cousins camera so I do not have a pic of it....yet.. Also have video of its release....I may post it if he sends it to me soon.... Enjoy! TDunn
  6. Thanks for the kind words guys....it is a true gem... I hope to get another report for you guys soon.... TDunn
  7. never did take the temp of the water but when i was handling the fish in the water my hands were ice cold....Ya i would think it would be rising but geeeez its still cold......PM me and we should get out this spring/summer for atlantics at some point.... TDunn
  8. Freezing cold water........super hot sun.....actually got a bit of a sunburn......lol thats how we roll up here dude......lol
  9. This past weekend I packed up and moved back to Sault Ste. Marie from London. I have been waiting to go steelheading for weeks and finally got out yesterday afternoon with my cousin. We went 5 for 8 with the biggest being 28 inches. The first 4 fish were all females and were definitley all spawned out. The 5th fish was the smallest at 16 inches and was the only male. No pic of that one it was caught in a small river on the way home and the camera was in the car. Still snow patches in the bush and the water level was pretty good. Its feels great to be home......I love the north..... Hopefully get out again this week....But i have to get some writing done so instead I may hit up some Atlantics in the boat....Its only 10 mins away.....Oh, all fish were released..... TDunn
  10. You werent kidding about those bluegills Ryan... Averie looks like she had a blast....I hope everyone is happy and healthy... Good job man, TDunn
  11. I was going to go to the Alibi at oxford and wharncliffe right after the show..... Post if this works for you... TDunn
  12. 1) Depends where....typical walleye/pike fishing lodges $100-$150 per day....Great Lakes and private guides I would say $200-$350 depending on a few factors....boat size, equipmet used, species, # of ppl in your party...really depends how hard the guide has to work also.... 2) Tipping well its really your option...When i worked at a lodge i would say 99% of customers tipped....I would say yes always tip and tip accordingly to the service received. Lodge guides work their a$# off for tips....Award them..... 3) No not every guide does a shore lunch..Most walleye/ pike lodges do offer shore lunches...Im not sure if many great lakes guides offer this but i am going to lean towards no.... 4) Yes i would recommend hirring a guide for say rice lake if you are not familar with that body of water. Besure to inform your guide on your intensions before returing to the area later in the week. Some will not like this as they might us the spot daily for other groups. 5) Same as the last questions pretty much. Just ask the guide right away before booking. If you are at a walleye lodge I am sure they would definitly agree to this but the private guys/charters I doubt will be as willing. 6) Heck no...If you are traveling x amount of km's speeding all that money just to get to the lodge, pay for your stay , food, all that....whats another $150 to makesure you have a trip of a lifetime and catch fish. Im sure everyone could find the fish but time is of the essence at a fishing lodge. You want to get on the fish asap and stay on them for your entire stay....eliminate your searching time by using a guide. 7) Yes i have and I would again TDunn
  13. Alibi sounds great to me.... Tyler
  14. Im in Ryan..... let me know the details when you can...thanks TDunn
  15. TDunn


    http://www.lssu.edu/arl/vsturgeon.php thats the url to videos of the university tagging sturgeon in the st marys TDunn
  16. TDunn


    Im glad to see someone noticed the cam at the LLSU website....good job kemper....Its a great fishing tool and has become very interesting for many.... The only problem ive noticed wiht the camera is the local Soo michigan residents love to come out and snag atlantics all day as soon as the fish show up on cam....Ive seen a ton of snaggers hook up but not many landed....Its sometimes hard to watch and not say anything especially when they start yelling at everyone in the boats for trolling to close to the "snagging area"..... An awesome piece of equipment tho....I watch it all year too! TDunn
  17. Your right... I cant even imagine how good it would be if the mnr helped!!!!!It is all the americans spending money on the atlantic stocking program.......I would imagine its actually the university and not even the dnr? I some of the canadian fisherman help the university out with scale samples, time and dates of catches all that stuff but definitly not in the cash department... How long have they been stocking Lake Ontario??Do they stock lakers too??? TDunn
  18. my point exactly....on the invasive part TDunn
  19. steelhead and pacific salmon are native to lake O?
  20. Im not saying I agree with the stocking program that is in effect for Lake O with atlantics...Honeslty I dont know much about it and never said i did. Im not a biologist nor do i work for the mnr...I just know in my home waters we have a spring run of steelhead, summer run of atlantics and fall run of pinks, chinooks cohos and steelhead again...It is quiet the diverse fishery and i do enjoy it. |didnt mean to piss anyway off by making them think atlantics are the way to go..... I just posted the url to lake state to give you guys a little reading info on a program that has become very successful and it states the difference in browns/alantics... Sorry Craig didnt mean to hit a nerve with you...... TDunn
  21. http://www.lssu.edu/arl/salmonresearch.php Lake State University on the atlantic salmon program they operate which includes the difference in tics/browns.... To the guys that dont want the atlantics......you dont know what you are missing especially if your a steelhead guy...... everyone has their own opinion on it I guess... All the fish posted are awesome catches..... TDunn
  22. My cousin and 2 friends were camping on jeff lake this weekend and fished gargantua. They spent 2 nights out there in the snow!!They did say it was warm but never mentioned the rain.. They also mentioned they talked to a group of guys heading to fife...must have been you guys???...they did good, lots of fish but the size wasnt there...I think thye hit a few nice lakers on the way out. Im sure you know what lake that is as you had to snowshoe across it.... TDunn
  23. Im from the Soo but i am currently in London for another couple weeks. I have talked to a few friends in the soo and as far as i know the rivers are starting to open up but there is still ice on the lake. Get out there in the mouths on the ice thats what they are doing right now...harmony and haviland are busy areas try those out. The chip, batchawana and sand river im sure are holding fish. Try those out if you want to hit the rivers but i am sure they are super high and fast....I think you might have to wait at least another week if not two for the rivers but get out there and check them out man...thats probably the best thing you can do....Try on the ice at any river mouth you can find.... The rapids downtown is definitly the place to be right now.... TDunn
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