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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Saturday brah?!
  2. Grant's just having a s*h*i*t*e year.. I'm afraid he's fallen into the booze. Careful G, all them dimes and nickles could become a distraction! MUAHAH HD
  3. To be a leafs fan is to have a sence of humour. Bring on the funnies! LOL HD
  4. Ahh the mighty Manistee.. One day!! Our local waters are such trickles. Frog water really.. But I love them all the same. The challenges small creeks present keep me keen and sharp. Ya outta come try one of my tribs for a change.. In fact, I challenge you. HD
  5. WOOHOOH. BIG MAN. Nice feesh. HD
  6. Well done mang! That wee snapper is a cool find. Super good pics. cheers HD
  7. Still fishing the grand huh? Must be geographical proximity.. Adapt and overcome... Guess it ain't that shabby! HD
  8. Don't forgit your calibers!! You must know how to read them off the cartridges.. Good luck! HD
  9. Holly crow that's a purty spot.. And a resounding ouch budday.. Glad you persevered!! Did ya git your tetanus shot?! HD
  10. Those Carlings are a rare sight this time of year... Well done mang! Thanks for the chuckle.. HD
  11. Happy birthday big guy! HD
  12. Great googly-moogly!!
  13. That's an awesome O face Joonmoon! I'd spread my yapper wide for a fish like that also.. Right on. cheers HD
  14. Remember, there's no fishing within 30m downstream of the wiers.. Some great pools up from Old Mill on the Humber though.. You might just get lucky! Good luck HD
  15. Duude you're a cesspool of rock knowledge.. Betcha know all the words to Jewish Princess.. I want a naughty little jewish princess.. lalala. LOL. HD
  16. Great report. Doncha just love the idea of being in with the fishes? The un-intrusiveness of a canoe? My favourite weapon for calm waters. Right on man. Thanks HD
  17. destroyer of roe bags... Redhorse!! HD
  18. The deadly yellow snow... from right there where the huskies go?! Good ol Frank Zappa.. BAAHAH HD
  19. I conquer duuude. Sent in a pair of guide model gortex 2 years back. I purchased them back in 1999, when they first came out. They were $600+ back then, but they were worth every penny. Anywho, sent them in for repair and was sent a brand new pair!! Apparently, the inner gortex layer had seperated from the outter shell, and there was a lifetime guarantee on them! I think they're around $300 now.. Customer service, guality, looks(i look soo phrunky in them). There's no question. It's simms for my buck. aayyoooooo HD
  20. Seams should carry a lifetime guarantee.. Send them in!!
  21. I picked one up last night at Filthy McNastys... report to follow. HD
  22. Very noice bud. Whatcha mean most were "IN" in the slot?! cheers HD
  23. NICE! By any means necessary, get rid of that tag, they're zeroing in your location right now. teehheee.. what BU said. I hope she wasn't wormy. cheers HD
  24. Interesting, Historically, they were found in the Bay area.. San Fransisco Bay that is.. Steelhead and rainbow trout are essentially the same.. do you mean rainbows? Give us a proper intro with some pics!! cheers HD
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