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Everything posted by express168

  1. I caught on red devil spoons and perch coloured rapalas
  2. Well me and my son are going to Klondike Lodge on Lake Mesomikenda near Gogama at the end of June for 3 days. Anybody ever fished this lake? Any info would be great, would love to keep the little guy busy catching numbers not so much size. Could be anything walleye, bass, pike. Thanks .
  3. This one was from Hamilton Bayfront Park about 5 years ago, undo the bow safety chain from your speed boat before taking it off your trailer at full throttle.
  4. Went a couple years back on the may long weekend, the weather was terrible(snowed on the Sunday). The camp is rustic but the cabins are reasonable for the price. It is a big Lake with lots of water to fish, we managed some average sized pike in some of the back bays. I believe some say that you can get into some walleye near the dams. Never really got a chance to fish it because of the weather. I wish I could help more but that was my minimal experience at the camp but it looks very promising had the weather co-operated. I had a lake map but may have given it to my brother when I sold him my boat, I will see if I can find it for you.
  5. Went to one at the Rogers center in January, I bought the ear muffs at Princess Auto for 4 dollars. 25 dollars at the show so get something in advance.
  6. I never owned a Lund but that sounds like a good price to me, the motor alone is worth a good chunk of change as Irishfield said.
  7. Sounds like you found a good boat at a good price, congatulations and enjoy.
  8. Simple , if the fish are transported without water than you have no "INTENT" to keep them alive for release as you have removed their source of survival the water whether they are all dead in the bucket or cooler or not. Transporting in the water shows a direct "INTENT" to keep the fish alive which could be for release elsewhere. No water difficult for a CO to argue that you were intentially keeping the fish alive for release into another body of water.
  9. Thanks for the info and the PM's guys, I was able to arange a cabin for Sat June 27 to Tue June 30 at Klondike Lodge on Lake Mesomikenda (Beaver Lake)I believe it is called. My son will be so excited, I haven't told him that I booked it yet it is the Saturday immediately following the Friday that they get out of school. I have been waiting for the oppurtunity to do this first father/son bonding trip, notice I didn't say fishing trip. Fishing will be a big part of it, but it is more about solidifying our relashionship as father and son. Once again thanks for your input and if anyone is familiar with this lodge and lake I would love to hear from you.
  10. Lew, Others have beat me to it, I had a hand held on my boat and was fine for the weather updates and the coast gaurd but for actual communication with any other boats it was terrible. I probably had a better chance of getting help with my cell phone. As the others have said the fixed units are money better spent.
  11. Yah, in the Musky and Bass!
  12. Bought a Legend brand new in 2003, I wasn't using it as much as I liked so I sold it to my brother. Welded hull manufactured by Monarch, solid boat never a problem for me or my brother in the last 6 years. I looked at alot of boats when I was shopping and personally I do not have a bad thing to say about any of the manufacturers that I looked at. Find the boat that suits your needs and at the price that suits your budget, pretty much all the boat brands available will fulfill the duties that the average joe fisherman will require them to perform( unless you are planning on doing some Alaskan Crab fishing?).
  13. Beware of any full 6 packs of Canadian with a small mono line tied to it!
  14. Thunderstorm rolling in on Rice Lake about 14 years ago when my friend said that his fishing line was buzzing and that he was getting static shocks offf of it. I thought he was nuts but sure enough I could hear his line buzzing after we shut up. I took his word on the static shocks, we could see the lightning strikes a few kilometers away and then realized that we were the only idiots left on the lake. 3 200 pound guys in a rented tinny with a 4.5 horsepower motor on it trying to get back to camp as quick as we could. Took shelter in my truck until the lightning past, we didn't trust being in the tent. I get off the lakes fast now if I see bad weather and I always shell out for a better boat now.
  15. Now that is FUNNY!
  16. He is very outdoors oriented, loves hiking trails with me and up until I sold my boat last year would sit in the boat with me for hours (like any boy his age he is just happy to be with dad). It was a pretty comfortable boat though. I was thinking of a pontoon boat on Rice Lake as well because of the room and comfort. I am just concerned about whether there was plenty of smaller walleye/bass/pike that would keep him busy on the lakes in the Gogama area. We would just fish the main lake at one of the lodges, I don't know about doing a back lake he may enjoy the trip in but if he got bored early on the lake it may be hell heading back. Thanks for the input guys and either way I am going to have a good few days with my boy.
  17. Now I posted a few days ago about tenting with my 7 year old son, now my wife last night suggested that I take him up with me to the Gogama/Gowganda/Shining Tree area with me as she knows I have always wanted to fish that area and that she would not be very interested in going there but he would likely love the wilderness and remoteness of the area(he loves wildlife and animals). My question is to those who have fished the areas before is , would there be enough action for a kid drifting a worm harness or minnow to keep them interested or excited or would I be wasting my time. I know I would have enough to keep me interested but this trip is about HIM and ME together not just me. Experience and opinions are welcomed and thank you for any info. P.S. I would be getting a cabin in this area rather than tenting.
  18. Navigatable water ways are public and not owned by the property owners in most cases, there are a few rare exceptions but I mean rare. In the case you mentioned you are within your rights to continue fishing and that you could welcome him to contact the police if he likes about you trespassing on the river.
  19. Bigugli, thanks for reminding me about Chippewa, I have not been out that way for a while and I need to keep it in mind for some day fishing trips to.
  20. Go ahead and enjoy the harbour it is a nice day of boating, you can pass under the lift bridge anytime,just remember if it is up for the big ships that it is their right of way and to give them plenty of room. You will find that you can still be on the water in the harbour when the main lake is too rough. There is a speed limit but I have never seen it enforced, it exists because you have to remember that the main purpose of the harbour is commercial shipping not to mention there are alot of sailboats out there on many days from the Yacht club. Use common sense and follow safe boating practices and you are fine, I found it safer than some of the northern lakes with alot of shallow hidden structure. Have all your safety equipment on board as I have been spot checked twice by the marine units, they are in the harbour often.
  21. We did the backyard trial run in the tent last summer, we have been to some cottages in the past but he has expressed an interest in camping out and fishing with dad for a couple nights. I of course am ready to honour his request and I think that I am more excited about it than he is.
  22. Since selling my boat and getting my business going I haven't done too much fishing. I am looking for some suggestions in regards to a good lake or campground that you guys would recommend for me to take my 7 year old son for a couple nights of tenting and bonding time. Anywhere with in 3 hours of Hamilton and would like great fishing for pan fish to keep him excited. I have Rice Lake in mind but I was wondering if any of you have been anywhere specific that you would really recommend for a father and son type of trip like this. Thanks.
  23. Hey ch312, I agree with you, the sad part is that those sub-division homes are going to be the older resale homes of the future. I wonder what condition they will be in then?
  24. Mike is a little over the top sometimes but I still have fun watching him. I like some of what he does and shake my head at other things. I am a Home Inspector(not a municipal code inspector) and I inspect Residential and Commercial properties and even use a Thermal Imaging Camera like Mr. Mike says every inspector should. I have to say that my biggest increase in work is from clients wanting me to inspect there home for their 1 year Tarion warranty report. They are experiencing so many problems with their new homes, some the builders fault and some their own. I did one this week, the exterior outlets would not work the GFCI outlets would not reset and all breakers were on but stiill no power, the attic was missing areas of insulation that were very noticable on the Thermal Camera , The soaker tub and seperate shower in the master ensuite had the hot and cold water reversed, hot faucet turned on cold water cold faucet turned on hot. Then I had another couple that called me out to inspect their basement because of water problems on a 3 year old house, after digging down a little around their foundation I could notice that they did not have a waterproofing wrap done, dampproofing spray is all that is required by code. I asked why they did not get the wrap for the foundation? They said because it was going to be a $1,500 dollar upgrade and they did not think it was really that important. At this time I am looking around their main floor to see the granite counter tops with upgraded cabinets with crown moulding, marble tile foyer, and gleaming hardwood throughout. Buyers are looking at the "lipstick and mascara" as Mike puts it and not the structure that it is going on. Mike takes his shots at Home Inspectors to and it does not bother me because he is right about some of them, they are not worth the paper their report is written on. But when some one is spending $500,000 on a home and I quote them $450-$500 for the inspection and they say forget it we found a guy that says he will do it for $200 cash , be my guest and enjoy what you get in return. Quality contractors no matter what they do cost money and homeowners unfortunately aren't willing to pay for the best people to work on their largest investment. I love it when Mike punches a hole in a wall or pulls down a ceiling and says " I can't believe the inspector didn't find this!" If I could do that to a sellers property during a home inspection I would find everything to Mike!
  25. I am a professional Residential and Commercial property inspector serving areas from Niagara out through the GTA. I also perform Thermal Imaging Scans, Mould Assesments, and Moisture Intrusion Assesements. You can call me at 905-730-3049 or e-mail [email protected]. Visit my website www.hometestinspections.com for detailed information. Jerry Bettencourt * NO LONGER IN OPERATION *
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