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Everything posted by outllaw

  1. love the story. as we gotten older over the gunnel gets a little farther. you young guys will learn in a few decades lmao.
  2. that's awesome lew. now im more jealous.. do ya dodge the horse buns driving on the roads there lol
  3. agh the country life. I just saw a rare city bus go by. also some rare specimens in my back yard,called starlings I think. gawd I love the smell of diesel in the mornings.. enjoy the county life boys. wishin I was thar.
  4. bear with me on this. is it not true bears after there young adults pushed from there peers to find there own aarea to live. guess what no spring bear hunt. no bear management program,this is just the beginning ... management was a word used years back to moniter animals that were considered big game in Ontario.... I guess the goverments shifted there programs. were being managed.
  5. open week. trolling a 6 inch georgie bait or fishing deep a 10 in chewie. if were runnin shallow will be heaving handlebarz bucktail in that new orange tiger pattern.
  6. very Purdy. most folks look but never see whats out there. thanks lew
  7. reality check. he ate it. not my choice but it was not wasted..years back we also ate musky. .not exactly a fish I would line up at a dinner for lol.
  8. im trying to find a course in the internut university to become an internut lawyer.. .
  9. where has anyone been charged and found guilty in Ontario. all this internut legal philosophy really can turn a guys dinner sour. . maybe all the fish cops on the internet should go to law school.
  10. aagh its the moustache .I finally fingered it out. lew your secrets safe with me.
  11. lets see I catch a specie outa season bye accisent. I net it unhook it and let it go ,a pictures taken and I am an outlaw. c,mon. maybe we can blurr every persons face so were all not sued...fined..called poacher.. unsportsmanlike. guys folks gotta get a life.. maybe the mnr can put photo radar of oos fish.
  12. that my friends is what life should be about. congrats for volunteering.
  13. we used to run the little dollar dipseys on down dive. put them out on planer boards with small flutter spoons. great on erie walleyes/rainbows.
  14. yep seen a few boats. aluminum trailers are ok for occasional usage. but man ive seen some doozies that were junked in no time. guys buy the florida specials . there actually unfit for anyloads.. aluminum has its excellent qualtys just not for trailers imho.
  15. galvanized,,,, aluminum will never hold up to vibration in welds. cant remember how many trailers ive seen crack..
  16. well lets see. as my dad took us boys out I caught a 36 incher on the steel rod pflueger reell blak Dacron line. I reelled it in. he gaffed it then thumped it with a hammer .we ate it . nailed the head to the shed wall. I was 5 years old. weve come a long way from the 1950,s eh.
  17. after 40 years still my wife. she patterned me years back. I swallowed the hook
  18. thanks guys I prefer steel rims but aluminym rims came with my 4by4. ready to pull my hair out. yes its a cold weather issue. . im ready to try goop or whatever they call it.
  19. anyone have the leaky aluminum rim issue. what is your cures .
  20. xuron split ring pliers... for large rings I built my own 25 years still workin.
  21. well if you missed the odesseye you missed the show. hats off to mci and everyone involved.. as a vendor and a musky nut we saw all the awesome goodies. handlebarz gang awesome deal/people no doubts. spiel was great to meet you.keep your custom work coming .. now im going to soak my swollen tootsies. great job mci. well done
  22. man its a bad mess. even though my region has,changed from manufacturing embraced technology diversified we still ha 11 per-cent unemployment. jobs in service industry pay lower wages. folks just cant make it.southern ont is really feeling the crunch. educated youth cant find work other then min.wage at fast food or part time. the billion dollars fiasco sure coulda went to helping ontarions.
  23. I know a fellow fisherman. his doctor put him on the lyme didease medicine from a tick. he lost near 6 weeks of fishing from naseau vertigo and such from meds..
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