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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. yep to some degree ...i agree....i always think of the word "ignorant" as having the knowledge of something and not acting on it....but if your sitting by the phone waiting for the Government to call you up and let you know whats really going on....well thats called .....But as far as Canada goes....if/when it happens....i think we will fair out well if our Government acts accordinly......SOPA is just an excuse for the USA to control what knowlege their people and the world are allowed to be privy to ( just my .02) To the OP......SORRY for the sidestep to this thread...as far as the states not wanting the pipeline....i think OBama is playing a game of poker with the Canadian Gov and he is holding a pair of deuces....i hope our Gov...acts accordingly...not like Mulgoony ( isnt he an American now?)
  2. American greed at its finest....we already gave you two jokers when we sent Bill Shatner and Jim Carry down there....we have to have at least one Joker up here...
  3. this attempt to pass SOPA isnt going to pass at this point....but it might after a few amendments....under SOPA as it is right now ....you could get 5 years for downloading a Micheal Jackson song ... but if you kill Micheal you only get 4 years?
  4. especially when there isnt a blue dress scenario going on in the oval office...lol...Obama is a rockstar.....for narrowing the gap between the people and the presidency...his mission was accomplished by singing a few lines
  5. sexsay!...very nice...i would be scared to use it ...
  6. your somewhat right ....it cant change in THIS system....hence the reason the rest of the world will eventually deal on a world currency backed by resouces (as it used to be)...not the US dollar that can be printed on a whim because they need money to service their debt ...history has a way of repeating itself...and the world currency market wasnt always based on the US dollar...other countries have lost the right to the federal reserve because of devalued dollars...and there is no doubt ....the American dollar is devalued from what it once was...I honestly beleive our friends to the south are in for a tough time once they lose the reserve rights... BB middle class in the USA is the "new" rich folks actually anyone not on food stamps and still in thier homes are well to do (just my opinion)
  7. when the Americans lose the right to print more unsecured money from the federal reserve ...the price of fuel and EVERYTHING else is going to sky rocket over night in the good ole USA.....thats the only thing keeping their gas prices down....soon to change though as the rest of the world is getting rid of American dollars because of it devalue.... i just hope the Canadian Gov is smart enough to not allow the Americans to continue to pay us for our resources in USD (funny money)
  8. just couldnt resist...
  9. never let go of who she was as a person My deepest condolences
  10. how did that feel?
  11. lol....yep....still haver 19 years to go before its free to me....unless they will honour my mental disabilities and give me one earlier...
  12. im betting there wouldnt be any ice build up at the tip....oh could also eliminate dragging a fish onto the bank....just net it at the tip of your rod... dibs on the patent...lol..
  13. ive had run ins with Upper Thames and Saugeen Conservation Authorities....weather we like it or not ...they do have a say...most of it is bull crap in my mind and nothing but a money grab for yet ANOTHER permit...regardless to the OP....you wont need a permit to side and roof...
  14. Every 3 yeara for me ....one less thing to deal with in life ...if they had a ten year ...i would probably get that
  15. no pelicans since Stelco shut down....birds developed an iron deficency and flew the coupe
  16. a little music for your dinner
  17. saaaaaaaaaaaaweet!! nice shootin
  18. and the bonus is ....fisherman will benefit....the hatchery fish will stand a much better chance upon their release to the wild....mortality rates in house are tolerable ....to see cormorants gobbling up a winters labour isnt tolerable (sickening actually)
  19. crows are open for hunting....i dont think anyone eats them....personally i dont eat the geese....but i love the hunt
  20. i normally store all my tackle on the bottom of the river but every so often ...i do manage to bring one or two lures home and they generally end up in the truck glove box....
  21. problen solved!!!!!! for the people that have a hard time catching fish...catch and train a commorant to do it for you... Cormorant fishing is a traditional fishing method in which fishermen use trained cormorants to fish in rivers. Historically, cormorant fishing has taken place in Japan and China from around 960 AD.[1] and recorded from other places throughout the world. To control the birds, the fishermen tie a snare near the base of the bird's throat. This prevents the birds from swallowing larger fish, which are held in their throat, but the birds can swallow smaller fish. When a cormorant has caught a fish in its throat, the fisherman brings the bird back to the boat and has the bird spit the fish up. Though cormorant fishing once was a successful industry, its primary use today is to serve the tourism industry. The types of cormorants used differ based on the location. In Gifu, Japan, the Japanese Cormorant (P. capillatus) is used; Chinese fishermen often employ Great Cormorants (P. carbo).[2] Darters (Anhinga), which are very close relatives of cormorants, are also used for this fishing technique on occasion.
  22. enlighten us with you expertise then....armchair welder
  23. Cormorant Recipe Having shot your cormorant, hold it well away from you as you carry it home; these birds are exceedingly verminous and the lice are said to be not entirely host-specific. Hang up by the feet with a piece of wire, soak in petrol and set on fire. This treatment both removes most of the feathers and kills the lice. When the smoke has cleared away, take the cormorant down and cut off the beak. Send this to the local Conservancy Board who, if you are in the right area, will give you 3/6d or sometimes 5/- for it. Bury the carcase, preferably in a light sandy soil, and leave it there for a fortnight. This is said to improve the flavour by removing, in part at least, the taste of rotting fish. Dig up and skin and draw the bird. Place in a strong salt and water solution and soak for 48 hours. Remove, dry, stuff with whole, unpeeled onions: the onion skins are supposed to bleach the meat to a small extent, so that it is very dark brown instead of being entirely black. Simmer gently in seawater, to which two tablespoons of chloride of lime have been added, for six hours. This has a further tenderising effect. Take out of the water and allow to dry, meanwhile mixing up a stiff paste of methylated spirit and curry powder. Spread this mixture liberally over the breast of the bird. Finally roast in a very hot oven for three hours. The result is unbelievable. Throw it away. Not even a starving vulture would eat it. Why would you let your dog?
  24. they are supposed to be very good eating ...another Asian cuisine ....unless im actually in Asia...i dont want to eat local snakehead...In my new years day recovery haze i watched river monsters marathon and he did quite the show on them ....it is very possible that they will find there way into our waters... although they look fun to catch creatures that bite and you dont know its comming scares the bejeesus outta me
  25. now thats thinking outside the box
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