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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. most of the people that come to the geen havent a clue as to what they are doing so alot go home empty handed ...but when it is hot fishing and a novice fisherman does manage to catch a fish...9 times out of ten they are eating that fish just because the caught one ....what really ticks me off is when the semi novice fishermen think they are doing good by releasing the fish after having their fingers up in the gill plates... when i see it i usually sit and shoot the crap with them for a bit ... politely get them at ease and then educate them explaining mortality rates to fish that have been handled in that manner....with the comparison as what it like for a human to run a distance with a hole in their lungs...yes they can run away out of eye shot (which looks like they are swimming away ) ....but they bleed out and die, When i leave them to fish ...not only have i made a new acquaintance to say hello to when i see them again but i also ask them if they could pay the new education forward to someone else. i wont get into all the other issues i see on a daily basis,Every little bit helps when it comes to education of handling with good intentions of releasing...Mike i know you know your stuff as do the guys you fish with ...im just throwing this out there for the people that read the forum because as i said...every little bit helps Cheers
  2. Thanks guys...as it turns out after a little research the red isnt just noise pollution in the shot ...apparently when the sun gets a little lower on the horizon it illuminates the dirt particles as well as the prominent green that bounces off the polar cap.... in the late 80s i remember the Northern Lights being so bright in New Brunswick i had to close the curtains to sleep....yeah i was into photography back then ...but it didnt even cross my mind to try to capture them on film...
  3. Nice report ...good stuff...kinda missing Alberta
  4. Without getting too deep into P3TA they are anything but animal rights activists....essentially a front to killing dogs and cats for profit....its horrific the ongoings in that corrupt lobby with the death vans
  5. whats the distance from the hook to the jig and spinner on a erie deerie or off the back of a spoon or J plug trolled out in the lake ....have you ever trolled with cut bait before?....i dont consider any of these distances from bait to hook as flossing ....
  6. I would think the move to save the industry is a self serving political move to generate and promote gambling to the masses so that eventually it will be another source of income to the party once it eventually does turn a profit ( which it will) people get additions easily in time of financial crisis when there is a false hope being slammed in their face on a daily basis...the people lose...government wins
  7. Sinker ......ill pitch the story to a couple of outdoor columnists i know...see what happens if anything ....but its better to do something than nothing ...good on ya for being involved!
  8. ask that question to the people that are responsible and exploit their incompetence with the timeline of why they have been delaying the project...i agree they shouldnt do anything while the fish are in the river but does it make sense its on hold right now because of concern to killing fish??? FIsh lying dead on the dam apron or caught in the fence are hardly natural deaths..I think the MNR should be charging the owner of the Dam for violations to the habitation/ migration of the salmon...wasted time and effort that so many have worked so hard to achieve a thriving salmon fishery....
  9. fantastic! definitely a week to remember
  10. PC is just as bad on a larger scale..have you read a newspaper in the last year? ...If political threads tick you off...you still have the right not to click on them....for the time being anyways
  11. So this was finished last night and will be in DC on November 5th for the Million Mask March....Canadian sheep could learn alot from the American Eagle
  12. to answer the OPs question...NO....... can/could it be used to floss...YES but it isnt too difficult to tell who is doing it right and who is doing it illegally if you have a little bit of experience on the rivers
  13. you have to be careful when buying Henkle these days ...there are knock offs out there everywhere...Indonesia made even Wal Mart sells them...true Henkles are not cheap... This is a good thread as im looking for a quality fillet knife too that will stand the test of time..
  14. bend the balde on a guillotine with those block heads
  15. Crossed.....May it be a Happy Thanksgiving for you all
  16. There you go boys...find out who the private owner of the dam is ....start protesting ...get involved...make some noise...there are alot of good videos in this thread to shock the everyday average people ....put faces to the problem and put more faces to the people with the solutions...this is total Bull in my opinion...for all the people that volunteer...Good on ya !!!
  17. The board did you one better ....they gave you an entire section for photography....
  18. Liberals are the provincial problem....CPC is the Countries problem...two different ideals from two different organized crime ridden regimes ....that modified the European Criminals methods to the tolerances of the sheep under them (some of us)...baaaaaahck to the tv and computer for them or grab a sign and walk up and down the street ....talk to your friends ..neighbours...join a protest that you understand and believe in ....most importantly....EDUCATE yourself and your children so that you/they can make informed decisions as to what matters....Heres one you didnt know ...since Halloween is comming up...if you get caught wearing a Anonymous mask....10 years in jail for you....isnt it interesting pedophiles only get three?....point is ...make yourself herd by peaceful participaction.....its getting late so i have to go to bed now....I have a Great Lake to Protect in the morning from nuclear waste...Good Night and hope to see you there
  19. The worst part is ....she isnt even our elected Premier....bring on the election so this (why would i say that) can join her male counterpart elsewhere on this planet with our money ...preferably in a prison
  20. I agree 100 %....they should be allowed two terms and out the door...always fresh and always on their toes and dont get to become complacent to the constituants
  21. Its politics...shock with numbers that dont exist to take numbers from your pocket that matter....DOWN with the Fiberals
  22. I would have let it pass and settled for a yearling....much better tasting than an old Bull like that ...this type of story resurfaces every so often all over the country..pretty self serving is my opinion of the hunter..promoting this caused them a world of publicity for the wrong reasons...
  23. So i went to get a coffee around 8 tonight because i read there was supposed to be a meteor shower and noticed the northern lights..whip home really quick and grab the camera. Fearing i was going to miss the show i whipped out onto the beach close by and managed to pull these shots off as the Northern lights collided with the town light pollution...not really what i was after but ...kinda cool i think...
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