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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. Way Kewl..... Good find .. One discrepancy though ...lol...i think Tim Hortons is owned by Americans...and we probably should apologize for Bill Shatner too
  2. In the words of the late CHICO " LOOOOOOOOOKIN GOOOOOOOOD MANG" ...i didnt notice downriggers in the video ...did i miss something ? Congrates and enjoy!!
  3. you can get a decent 6 or 7 wt fly rod and reel from walmart that will actually be acceptable for a few years...( streamside ? ) ...there are deals all over the place if ya look hard enough ...Me having kids that carry my gene ...there was no way i was ever going to let them snap expensive rods or take apart expensive reels to "see how they work"
  4. i just read this ...thought it might an an interesting addition to this thread .... copy and pasted Teen Threatens to Hijack Plane in WoW, FBI Arrests Him People can't be serious World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG in the world, scoring almost 11,5 million paying subscribers every month. Out of all these people, you can definitely imagine that some of them aren't really the brightest tools in the box. Such is the case with an 18-year-old boy from Johnson County, Indiana, who decided to see just how serious Blizzard was about the discussions in World of Warcraft, and decided to repeat a threat that he “was going to board a plane at 7:30 to Chicago and that he was going to try and kill as many Americans as possible.” Needless to say, the teen was reported by a facilitator from an online gaming center and the authorities were called in. When confronted with the fact that the FBI seized his computer and were looking seriously into the case, the teen said that his account had been hacked and that he hadn't said any of those things. The truth surfaced though, and he finally admitted that he was kidding around and wanted to see just how everyone around him would react to such threats. Quite badly it seems, as charges might be filed with the US Attorney's office, but they haven't been made just yet. It definitely seems that the teen has learned his lesson and if he plays WoW in the future he won't make any other wild threats to the homeland security of his own country. Sadly there are certainly a lot of other people who won't learn anything from this story and will continue to believe that online games, be it World of Warcraft or not, are like a Wild West-like place where everyone can say and threaten whoever they want. Until the next guy or gal reaches the news, be careful about your bragging online.
  5. Not that it matters to anyone what my thoughts are ...but .... Its good to see that this is a somewhat constructive debate of forum etiquette of sorts... Everyone has a red flag sensor embedded into their heads ....if you dont believe a certain statement ...take it with a grain of salt...chuckle and move on ... Honestly ...who is to say the character at the center of this debate is even 16 years old and not some ole dude in a wheelchair with a large knowledge base of the area he was discussing in HIS thread ... From what i read ...he was merely trying to help out ...im surprised no one jumped on him for being too forth comming with his information..granted he started off a little harsh in other threads but ...chalk that up to his age of sixteen ( as stated) and inexperience in social forums or chalk it up to his old age and his anger at the world for putting him a wheel chair and not allowing him to be on the water anymore... Purely speculative of course ....but who really knows .... With the powers that be of today ...just ask him what derby/tournaments he won...the internet is a wonderful thing for research
  6. u hoh ...here we go again ... must be a full moon or all the beer fridges in ontario are broken simultaneously
  7. purchase/manufacture a trolling plate that attaches to the lower end... http://www.cabelas.com/p-0029929017198a.shtml
  8. Thanks croixman ...i was wondering about silver lake as well... since the water is right to the road on silver ...maybe ill just pull over sometime in the near future and chuck some bait from the road...
  9. Thanks for the spelling lesson .. ...im good at chemistry though ....i highly recommend against using procure when there are more traditional safer agents to deal with .. what about the I before E thing ??? i need a first language ...lol
  10. oh man .......test my memory ive only fished it once but heres what i know ...EXCESSIVE boats and jet skiis....but ...on the north shore ( where the lake narrows ) almost feels like your moving into a different lake) the water rises to only a couple of feet and drops off rapidly ...along that shoal ...my son caught a 27 inch pike ...and a few bass ...it took us almost all day to find the fish ...i think the boat traffic had alot to do with it ...( pushed the fish to the bottom ...the lake isnt that big so you'll find them ...im not sure if they still stock bows in there but they did back then ( hence the reason we went there)...beautiful area ...but too many ski boats for my liking on such a small lake ... Canadian wigglers and brown bombers ( its amazing the stuff i remeber) Good luck ...
  11. For tying on your hook to your set up i use "improved clinch knot" ( barrel knot)..for putting eggs on the hook ...i tie bags with spider thread ( several wraps and snap it off both directions) making the egg loop not necessary...now if you catch a fish still in sceine ( "i" before "e" except after "c" ?) then the egg loop is a perfect knot to hold on to un-bagged eggs... if you elect to keep the fish and use fresh bait i like the KISS method...Keepin It Simple Sucka
  12. Test your reflexes Try out this game. Shoot the sheep with a tranquilizer dart as soon as they run. The game records your reaction time, and gives you an average time out of 5 tries. The best average I could get was .168 http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/sheep/
  13. a friend sent this to me....don't get all bent outta shape here.... A Powerful Message from Stevie Wonder On Michael Jackson's Death. ....... .. . . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .... ...... ... ... ... .... ..... .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. ... . .... ... .... .... ... ...... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... .. . . .... .... . .. . . . .. . .. . ... ....... ... ... ... .. ... ....... ... .. .... ... ... .... .... . .. .. . .. .... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .... .. ... ... ....... ...... ..... Kinda gets you right there, Don't it ? I nearly cried when he said " . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .... ...."
  14. It looks like she is expecting it to bite her finger off...lol..
  15. I got to thinking about this ... If in the construction of the unit ...you were to add thicker steel on ONE side ( mark it left or right) so the fish pulls away from the boat for shallow trolling depths)...then sandblast to virgin steel/ two coats of PPG DP 40 ( has rust inhibitor ) ...then topcoat with automotive paint ...( air brush salmon lookalike ) either in arcylic urathane or base clear This may have potential... just my .02
  16. Im NOT suggesting this ...... Soak peanuts in household bleech ....and set up an all you can eat buffet... It will save ya from losing your hunting privileges ...
  17. Ever wonder what happens to your luggage at the airport...heres one explanation of what might have happened if your luggage didnt get to your destination... I have lost luggage before in the states and never received it or compansation for its loss... Sting nabs sticky-fingered JFK airport workers going through luggage BY Wil Cruz Wednesday, July 15th 2009, A sting captured by security cameras nabbed two sticky-fingered airport workers who swiped electronics planted by authorities, officials said. Brian Burton, 27, and Antwon Simmons, 26, stole a laptop and cell phone from the decoy luggage as it moved through Kennedy Airport, Port Authority officials said. When air travelers check their luggage with an airline, there is an implicit trust that their bags and their contents will meet them at their destination," said Queens District Attorney Richard Brown. "The defendants are accused of betraying that trust." Burton, an officer with the Transportation Security Administration, was videotaped July 7 pilfering through the Miami-bound suitcase in an airport screening room while Simmons, a baggage handler, looked on. The thieves also switched the luggage tags, hoping to conceal their handiwork, officials said. The suitcase was a trap set by the Transportation Security Administration and Delta Air Lines. They stuffed the luggage with a lap top, an iPod and two cell phones, prosecutors said. The pilfering pair - who had been on cops' radar, a source said - took the bait, failing the so-called integrity test. Burton, of Queens, and Simmons, of Brooklyn, were awaiting arraignment last night on charges of grand larceny, possession of stolen property and falsifying business records. They face up to four years in prison if convicted.
  18. Heres a good read for you ...lean on him hard to get what you want ... http://www.jandhproducts.com/_e/dept/01-00...Fishfinders.htm
  19. no way thats 12.9 pounds...i seen one half that size two nights ago in the dark it it weighed 2 pounds...lol... nice job...i could use some " custom " balls let me know how they track ( might be a side thing for you if the price point is cool) custom balls sounds funny eh ..?
  20. just thought of it ...ive got a sound 350 with tranny in the garage ...$ 400.00 you pick it up
  21. As stated the north side is the launch...decent fishing ..you wil enjoy it ...i might suggest over by the island for the larger fish though ...its the deepest part from the airation work they did years ago ... Another spot in the immediate area is silver lake ...i personally havent fished it ...but it looks very promising ...( closer to sauble ) on silver lake road.. The Saugeen has turned a few pickerel recently at the 21 bridge Good Luck
  22. ouch !!! Hard knocks ......definitely no competition for that parking spot... this isnt the first time i seen this type of situation though ...happens ALOT in Ipperwash from guys trying to launch off the beach ...
  23. uh oh ...photography bug has bitten another ...macro can be fun ...looks like the water was ready to roll off in the first pic...( that would have been really cool to capture ) ....glad your liking the new camera..
  24. I have to agree with this ...cant lose the access to the free money so we can say we are Green compliant in our attempts to clean
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