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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. if you dont want to tie your eggs in bags then youll have to hard boil them and dye them to your desired colour...( i use Kool Aid for dye)....use this method if the water is crystal clear and you want to run singles...or you can buy some jens eggs .... tieing isnt hard at all ...buy the kerchief and spider thread and your good to go (various colours)...dirtier the water the larger the bags....if hamilton harbour is your location i would shoot for 5 or 6 eggs per bag to the person wanting to run a leader line for chucking body baits.....i say no ...unless you have an extremely deep pocket to replace your loses...straight 8 in any clarity of water will turn fish for you ...( if you present the lure correctly) switch up speeds....they are predators ) Good Luck
  2. was there water back then? ...lol...
  3. 57 mph is fast enough for me ....i want something that can hold a predetermined speed of 2.2 through 3.7 in any water condition at the push of a button and run for 16 days on one tank fuel/gas/vegetable oil or plutonium nyborge i dont ask for much
  4. thats appropriate !! youll find them all the way up the Lake Huron coast...many years ago i used to work with the owner of them all ...."why didnt i think of that !!!!!!!"
  5. lately up here it just as bad on the weekdays as it is on the weekends...literally ...i have to go elsewhere ... tuesday wednesday and thurday the words that came out of my mouth ..."doesnt anybody work anymore???"
  6. i know a Voisen in this area ....not that far from Mildmay ....Ill have to ask him if the girls are close relatives....cool
  7. it is ....and it is an excellent compliment to apple smoke
  8. Most people have never heard of it ....but i brush on hoisen sauce about 4-5 hours in on a cold smoker and about 1/2 hour in on the BBQ
  9. after i smoke i vacuum wrap portions and freeze it right away .....ive actually found some at the bottom of the freezer not knowing its age and tried it ...tasted and texture was the same as the day it went in ...( im guessing it was about 9 or ten months old) cuz it was a salmon and it was leftover from the May Derby and it was the following march and bows werent open yet....
  10. reminds me of Oscar the Grouch from Seasame Street....
  11. Blue ribbon is second place????? maybe he would want red ribbon as replacements? worth a "shot"
  12. dont ya mean under bite? whats with the electric fence? keep the veggie eating critters out?...its alot easier to just shoot them and save the hydro
  13. cry me a river ... too hot...pleah!!!!! veggies taste like poop ....oh wait they are grown in it ...enjoy!
  14. might as well turn off the outside taps too if you dont have frost taps
  15. if your entertaining people with alcohol involved on such occasions as easter ,thanksgiving, grey cup, christmas,new years superbowl ,world series, stanley cup, birthdays , (oh i almost forgot my favourite occasion of all) THE WEEKEND !!! then smoked fish is a prerequisite for finger food... CHEERS
  16. i just leave the 15 footer hanging out the back of the truck...( but i dont have to go far)...when i did have to go far.....i used the pvc pipe with abs glued cap on the front ( faces into the wind) and a cut out of the pipe up to the reel seat ( keeps the reel on while transporting ) and a non glued abs cap on the other end....
  17. hurry up and go already!!!! ...sheesh ....get the hell outta my river!!!!!! safe hunt boys...may the venison gods shine on your sites
  18. regardless of the bantering that may go... GOOD FOR YOU MIKE ! It is a labour of love and your attidude is perfect for helping ....its an experience through out the whole process and you are richer for it for volunteering...your payoff comes when one of the complainers about the stocking( or any angler) actually catches one and becomes a fan of the atlantics that YOU had a hand in making it possible...since the atlantics ARE suckers for shinny things ( as stated) maybe consideration should be made to shut down the release river from lures permanently to fly rods only ...just like the Miramichi in New Brunswick... New handle : Mike the Salmon Releaser
  19. i would say that fish has been in for awhile...lol...but nice catch
  20. even backwards it depressing ...imagine having to get rid of all that over again ...
  21. name all country songs with one word--------- DEPRESSING !!
  22. you beat me to it ... also cork
  23. Imagine if you will.....pedal to the floor in reverse on a dirt road in an astro van....why ???? because a mild mannered moose wanted to ask for directions to the water hole??? i dont think so ... luckily the dust storm from going so fast in reverse stopped him from charging on GCD i had bow for supper last night ...and Caribou tonight ...if there was wild boar around these parts i would have that tomorrow night ...but i think ill settle for an American delicacy of a milked out Holstein from our local Mc Donalds
  24. thats a good story... and a good topic...now i just need the energy to smash out a story...( but not right now cuz im actually finding it hard to read let alone write) Short comedy story: I was born with a rod in my hand .... but it only ever caught me crabs..
  25. Very talented ladies in your family indeed ! .....
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