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Everything posted by Dano

  1. Well, thats the thing isnt it? Personally I could not care any less what other people would think or believe,and find this a poor excuse to keep a fish. You want it on your wall or want to eat it for some strange reason, that is your business. Imho, these are more acceptable reasons to keep it than to say "but no-one would believe me....sniff". Besides, not much amuses me more than seeing all the rabid infighting and accusations that usually accompany these type of monster fish announcements....
  2. Whoopty doooooo!!!! Get any covers for those electrical panels yet? Did the staff walk away again this year? Is this post spam?
  3. OK, so from what I gather, my question was answered before this ask a question thread was started.
  4. Hey Roy, did our pics get saved? If so, where?
  5. just chillin yo

  6. Man am I ever glad I'm not the ceo of Lowrance Canada right now. I wonder if he owns a convertable?
  7. Boy, isnt that the truth. I always take the baitcasters out in the yard before I hit the water.
  8. Ha ha ! Good stuff guys! I know Im a little late here but I was busy working on my project. That is all.
  9. Thanks for that link. Pyzer is the man, I have always admired him. Does anyone know who did the song?
  10. Here's what I've been working on. I must admit, every minute has been a pleasure....
  11. It will be fine Lew, a bit of latex paint isnt going to hurt it.
  12. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Good work on the wife beater.
  13. Oh yea, thats right, sorry, forgot about you....thanks for the reminder, ummmm yea, cant wait! 3 inches Joe? Dont do it, you're tall enough already. Yea, its time.....
  14. What can I say. Thats fantatic, thanks for sharing it with us. A trip like this has always been one of my dreams, what it must be like to follow in the footsteps of John Rae and the other great explorers of our vast northern wilderness. I am going to bookmark this post, awesome stuff.
  15. Your obsession with me is getting a little creepy there guy.......
  16. xeon, such a shame your vast intelligence and keen insight is being wasted on us here. Why dont you hit the road and look for an audience that would be more your intellectual equal. I kindly suggest you start recruiting here. Take your vitriol elswhere.
  17. Dano

    CTC flyer

    Gosh those floater suits are ugly, who in their right mind would be caught wear.........nevermind
  18. I had to laugh, my mom called tonight "Did you get the e-mail with the picture in it yet?" she happily asked. I had only been home a short while at this point and was busy getting some work stuff finished and I hadnt checked my email. I did however know that something was up by how excited she seemed. I soon logged on and checked my e-mail and I just had to chuckle. I picked up the phone and called her back and she had a blast telling me how she and a friend had gone shopping and Walter was in one of the stores, my moms friend was quite impressed, after all, this was the Great Ones father! She talked about how reluctantly she was to have the picture done but her friend and Walter talked her into it, even though its a poor quality pic, I'm glad she did it. Walter said to her "You know, I'm seventy one years old!" To which she replied "Oh yea? Well I'm seventy five!" Priceless I tell you.
  19. Lord have mercy, the sky is falling again.....
  20. Probably did the bear a favour, it must be ancient! Life expectancy for a black bear can be thirty years (I know its brown colour, but there are no grizzly in Ontario and black bear colouring has quite a range), but I remember seeing this one around when I was a kid!
  21. I have caught plenty of walleye on spoons.....so I didnt say it.
  22. I agree, it would add so much more to the game.
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