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Everything posted by Sharkbait22

  1. Not a 100% on this. Most sleds >500cc will not have too many problems in slush. I say this because these sleds can move fast enough to stay on top of the slop. Now if you need to slow down, you will sink and start ploughing. A light sled with a large surface area contacting the snow (hence the numbers I posted earlier) likely means lower speeds while staying on top. Imagine water skiing. Powder is one thing, slush is another. Often they come hand in hand, particularly early in the year when the weight of the snow pushes down on the ice. At the end of the season, travel earlier in the am when the slush is more frozen and hope for the best on return home – or wait until it freezes at night again. A big lug track will eat the slush but rougher ride on bare ice.
  2. In the end you need to ask yourself if you will be 1) riding on lakes 2) riding on trails 3) riding long distances 4) breaking trail The first three mean a comfortable heavier higher hp sled would do. Remote lakes where few go mean a lighter sled because you'll be on your own to dig out when you get stuck. A light sled helps you not get stuck but also get unstuck easier. Know how to get unstuck. There is also riding technique to avoid getting stuck. http://www2.snowmobilecourse.com/wisconsin/study?chapter=5&page=15 Just for my own interest here are the mass to surface area stats for different sleds. Total area is not what actually sit on the ground but it's all relative hopefully. Width Length Area Mass lb/sq 24 154 3696 666 0.180 Skandic SWT 16 163 2608 472 0.181 Summit X 800 16 154 2464 455 0.185 Summit Sport 800 16 146 2336 432 0.185 Summit Sport 600 20 154 3080 600 0.195 Skandic SUV 16 154 2464 483 0.196 Tundra LT 16 154 2464 489 0.198 Freeride 15 136 2040 406 0.199 Bravo 20 154 3080 613 0.199 Expedition LE 16 154 2464 515 0.209 Expedition Sport 20 154 3080 657 0.213 Expedition SE 600 16 137 2192 495 0.226 GT Sport 550F 15 136 2040 471 0.231 380 Skandic 1997 20 154 3080 720 0.234 Viking Pro 15 144 2160 593 0.275 Venture Lite 15 137 2055 567 0.276 GT LE 15 137 2055 600 0.292 GT SE
  3. I have a 380 Skandic 2-up and it is a bit tippy on some surfaces. It just takes a litle more active riding - moving around on the sled to balance it. I rarely go much over 40-60km on lakes and less on trails while towing an otter sled. More stable with two people. The narrow ski width (43") helps me a lot while moving through the bush. I really wouldn't worry about it. My next sled will be another Skandic or Expedition. BTW my pull cord riped out last year while 30km or so from anywhere. Luckly I had some rope!
  4. You might want to watch this video on the importance of large woody debris for healthy streams. It’s about 30 mins long with pictures of ‘healthy’ debris jams and placements vs. degraded stream channels. http://www.oregonwild.org/about/blog/in-praise-of-large-woody-debris
  5. Along the same lines check out "An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World". Great book. Could not put it down. When you think of all the past introductions, intentional and accidental, and how long some of these species have lived in Ontario it does make you think about what native really means. Non-natives are treated a little like second class citizens despite many have net positive effects.
  6. The odds might be better than you think. I've had the exact same thing happen to me in 1994 with a 5lb from a large lake deep in Algonquin Park. The fish had a scar shaped like a v just below the dorsal. Couldn't believe it. Fish was caught within 500m of previous location but over deeper water. Makes me wonder just how many fish are in these lakes and how eager they are to bite. Good example of C&R. This sort of thing happens a lot with bass, bull trout, cutthroat, muskie more so in moving waters. Did you let him go for another day, give him a name, show him the dinner table?
  7. Hi Waterrunner do you mean 10.5 ft Avid? I can't find a 11.5 in their current catalog. Older model? Is that a Core 50 or 100? AVC106MLF2 10'6" ML Fast 2 6 - 10 1⁄ 8 - 5⁄8 6.2 5 $ 260 AVC106MF2 10'6" M Fast 2 8 - 12 1 ⁄ 4 - 3 ⁄ 4 6.9 5 $ 260 I was thinking the 6-10lb range for my purposes - I fish the lower productivity waters of the north mostly. Thanks again..
  8. Awesome. Thanks for the advice. I have some friends just getting into the sport that might be interested in this too bc they have decent bait casters but no float rod. There are a lot of times and places when fish (steelhead salmon etc) hit a spinner or spoon much better than a bead. The ability to do both with one outfit is appealing (cuts down on the rods too). So is a Calcutta 200 the way to go? There's a new version in a 300, too big?
  9. In the 1800s many of the Great Lakes tribs had large runs of lake trout, particularly in Superior. Problem is that they were fished out. All the big spawners would show up in the fall and get netted. They would start in the north and follow the runs south. Only one river still has a run which was rescued from over fishing and sea lamprey by stocking them in nearby lakes and then reintroducing them into the river years later. These same fish were stocked for a few years in Lake Ontario. As mentioned above they like running up rivers e.g., the Ganny. The Niagara has strong runs of lakers. Many other rivers see the odd laker in the fall. Whether they are spawning or feeding on eggs is debatable. In the far north they can be found in rivers in the middle of summer.
  10. Weatherspark is my latest preference but still using other sites and seeing how the weather actually turns out. Weatherspark is also limited in some Canadian locations. The Weather Network is reasonable. Government data used by commercial businesses offers a lot. Someone out there must have compared different providers to see who does it best.
  11. Thanks for all the response guys. Much appreciated. I have some things to think about. Questions forthcoming.
  12. Wow Snidley. Thanks for that response. I need to digest all this. Looks like great advice. I'm thinking of a Avid AVC106MF2 10'6" M Fast 8 - 12 1 ⁄ 4 - 3 ⁄ 4 6.9 5 $260. Cheers
  13. It would be interesting to see what no kill CR rivers and lakes look like in terms of catch rates before and after regs are set. Just as an experiment. Out west I believe they have lakes that limit access to public (limit effort not kill). There are a few sanctuary lakes in the province where you can see how amazingly good fishing can be but I've never seen this on rivers excluding Portage Creek. Most sanctuaries are up north and remote.
  14. Anyone float fish with a baitcaster? Pros and cons. E.g., drag free drifts? Line twist? Ice issues, fun, whatever. I did search previous messages but got 500+ related messages. Thanks
  15. One decent micro swivel above the hook and below the shot. Mod-Wallis cast 99% of the time. Only three knots required. Lot of flexibility in float adjustment. Years ago I was taught the side cast but it was terrible for line twist. Within a year I switched to a Wallis style cast and I'd never go back.
  16. Anyone know where I can find these micro tackle boxes. Image http://www.icefish.com/catalog/include/image_resize.php?h=252&w=300&img=/product_images/TBM-6.jpg Each door opens individually. The shipping from USA is a killer. Looking for somewhere in Canada. I have contacted HT. I'm interested in buying a few of the small ones (TBM-6 1" x 1" compartments). I once found them at Gangon's but no more. Centerpin doesn't have them. Thanks
  17. Stocking fish is not the answer. Lake Nipissing was doing fine in the past and likely still has the ability to come back IF harvest is restricted. There are so many bad things about stocking. It only takes a little research on the net to learn about how it has screwed-up so many fisheries. If you want a great book to read which has a lot of references check out "An Entirely Synthetic Fish: How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World" Although it is mainly about rainbows much of the info applies beyond just them. http://www.amazon.com/An-Entirely-Synthetic-Fish-Beguiled/dp/0300140878
  18. Anders, Why sell it? Sounds like the perfect steelhead nymphing rod. Also, some of the St.Corix rods can be traded for more upscale models.
  19. Best idea I've heard. Thank you.
  20. What are folks using to hold their floats? Last spring my floats took-on some damage. I was thinking of using some kind of hard sided container BUT I don't want something bulky if possible. I like to go light on tackle. Thanks
  21. I have the Ruby Galaxy - and it has already been tested - and survived. No extra cases needed.
  22. Camera men have more sense? Can't film in the dark. I think that vid might have been part of a larger film.
  23. Short video. These guys are afflicted. Reminds me of some folks.
  24. I once had a 2004 Opti 90. Great motor. Sounds quiet and different then older 2s. Sipped gas and oil, really unbelievable. Sometimes it would smole a little - barely seeing it but smelling it. Mostly when trolling around a while. Part of the reason for selling was that I wanted a lighter tiller and I don't think 2s like to be trolled for hours at a time.
  25. Pain in the butt on smaller boats and tillers. Can't drive fast with it up, especially on a windy day. Nice thing is most can been completely removed in 2 minutes. Casting can be done at the bow and stern.
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