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pike slayer

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Everything posted by pike slayer

  1. HAHAHA!!! and thats packing very light and taking your life in your hands but i try and make it worth while! you know you had a good time after!
  2. ohh right on, ya rough is not a problem for my truck, its a dakota and it likes to go down alot of 4wheeler trails haha! lots of dents in it and still covered in mud from the weekend haha! just as long as there isnt to many bottomless mud holes. i may give it a go one of these days, got it on the "to fish list"
  3. thanks for the replies guys, i dont like showing off fish to often but man i love the colours on that speck. get out there arch and catch your own, i know you can do it!! and i see ward on the map Dara, how rough of a road is it to get into? can i get a truck in there? ya lots of lakes up in there and good quality ones to.
  4. hey guys, i haven't posted a report in a bit but i have been out fishing alot. the bass opener i only got a pile of rock bass and only 6 smallies and the walleyes were on fire, we got a pile of walleyes on xraps. heres a pick of a catch of rock bass, 2 at once haha nom nom nom! This past weekend i headed up friday night with 2 buddies to the goulais shoots up past searchmont and camped out there. Saturday we fished the shoots and never even got a bite or a follow up, so we jumped in the truck and we headed up 50km past searchmont up the whitman dam road to a speck lake that my buddy has fished before. we fished from 2:30-5:00pm and we got 3 specks. a 1lber, 1.5lber, and the amazing looking speck that i got a pic of! i never got its weight or measurements, i'm gonna say 2-2.5lbs? this is the wildest looking speck i ever got with its hook jaw and bright red belly a true beauty. I'd like to know why the belly turns red or is it always red? that definitly made my day catching it. Then yesterday my buddy and I headed out to rock lake behind bruce mines for some walleyes. we fished from 3-7pm and we landed 12 walleye, the largest being 2.5lbs, it was tough fishing cause of the wind having like 2-3foot whitecaps, we really shouldnt have been out there with a little 12footer but ooo well we wore life jackets(i always do as you can see by the pics) and we played it cool and tooker easy. also the pic was from a couple weeks ago when i went with archie to rock. i hope you enjoy the little report and the pics!
  5. nice smallies! where was this? up buy wabus?
  6. catch a small bass and just leave it on the line and wait LOL
  7. ya i would definitly bring some rope to hang things in trees so animals wont get in them or have less of a chance haha. as for that dry ice, it works awesome, a little to good, make sure you got cardboard between the dry ice and the food cause it will freeze everything solid that it touches. a solar radio is a good idea to! and dont forget to bring the T.P
  8. ya i cant stand the feel of the ugly sticks, i say if you want a decent all around rod get the shimano sojourn at crappy for $39.99. the tip is sensitive but it still has back bone to take on a big fish. thats what i use for an all around rod.
  9. ya i'm really not sure where you could rent a boat, all those small lakes are loaded with fish and good sized ones to. i say they are alot more fun and you will catch more in the inland lakes. good luck with whatever you do.
  10. but thats the only lake archie can catch walleyes in! haha just bugging buddy!
  11. i'm unsure of the big water but in a book i got it says "Birch, Brownlee, Cranberry and Little Basswood lakes- are a quartet of lakes found directly southwest of Basswood lake. All four lakes offer hectic northern pike fishing at times for small to average sized fish. Little basswood lake also supports smallmouth bass." also if you head about 20min up highway 129 theres a decent sized lake called tunnel lake, theres pike, walleye, and smallies in there, it could also be another option for you. i really suggest bringing your boat. and rapala x-raps are money for pike. You will be pretty much in the heart of awesome ontario fishing you just have to head a little north, even north east. tons of inland lakes filled with fish. I suggest stop at Canadian tire or walmart and pick up a backroad map book, it shows all the backroads and lakes and gives details about lakes. hope this helps!
  12. beat me to it GBW! and for the matzuo lures i stay away from them. i remember last year around this time they were on sale for the same price maybe even cheaper and my buddy bought 10 of them thinking he was getting a smoking deal compared to rapalas. We headed out fishing for bass,pike, walleye. Only 3 of the 10 would work right out of the box and i was cleaning up with rapalas and my buddy wasnt even getting a hit, long story short i know where theres a lake with atleast 10 matzuo lures sitting on the bottom of it. When i go into crappy tire i dont even look at them and go straight to the rapalas.
  13. oh ya showing off again eh arch! nice walleyes though, we gotta head out again soon and catch bigger ones then spins 5lber. and i've been told there was a mine shaft or something going under rock and it collasped and theres a really deep spot in the lake. i hear whatever rock they were mining reflects the sun alot and heats up causing the lake to raise to higher temperatures, maybe as a result you get more bacteria in the water do to higher temperature levels. i could be out in left field but thats just what i heard through the grape vine.
  14. dootalk is a sweet skidoo snowmobile site, lots off good guys over there. definitly a screwed up bass!
  15. Smallie fishing was tough yesterday!!! i couldnt hooked into one if my life depended on it. we worked x-raps most of the day and we couldn't keep the walleye off our lines, they were really on the feed. Ended up getting 5-6smallies and countless walleye. brought home one 2lb smallie and a good feed of walleye so i say it was a pretty good day even though i didnt get into the smallies much.
  16. if they sent him to a childrens hospital im sure his heart would have started to beat again
  17. michael is made of mostly plastics so they plan on melting him down and turning him into legos so little kids can play with him for a change
  18. Farah Fawcett died and went to heaven. When God greated her at the gates, he granted her 1 final wish. Her wish was for all the children of the world to be safe......so he killed Michael Jackson!!!!
  19. sweet pike porn!! weedline i see the orange crawdad husky jerk in the one pic, probably not the ones i sold you but i see the success with the same lure! right on!
  20. i have the one with the black rubber handle and i have the natural wood handle rapala fillet knives from crappy. i'm not a fan of the rubber handle one, the metal end of the handle where the blade begins is annoying and rubs on the table and is tough to skin fish. i really like the wooden handled one and i suggest that one.
  21. hey guys, things have been hot here in the sault and it doesnt look like alot of rain in the forecast. now with that being said things are gonna get dry and that means fires. does anyone have any links with up to date news on fire bans in ontario? thanks
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