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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. Neat pic, I haven't been on that ferry as often as some of you guys but I have enjoyed the ride. Mike
  2. Depending on how far you are willing to travel while in Toronto, the closest river would probably be the Humber, towards the west end. Haven't heard anything about it on the new board, there were some salmon reports on the old board I think. There've been some reports on the Credit River, in Mississauga. Lots of other tribs too -- Bowmanville, Oshawa, etc. but check the regs on where you can still fish. Haven't been out myself so I can't give you any more advice than that. Mike
  3. Great report and some really nice chrome, but more important, you had a fun day with your grandpa and got him into his firs 'bow! wtg! Mike
  4. Nice pics! Alright, what's the story with the coffee maker??? Mike
  5. Muskie, grayling, lake trout, peacock bass... mike
  6. I can't get my mind off turducken, esp. if you add bacon... Mike
  7. Happy T-day! I'm still hoping to try turducken one of these days: that's a deboned turkey that's been stuffed with a deboned duck, that's been stuffed in turn with a deboned chicken. Mmmmmmmm.... Turducken on Wikipedia Mike
  8. I tried ice fishing once last year and didn't think much of it. Rented a hut on Simcoe, had one bite and lost it on the retrieve b/c I didn't get a good hookset. But I'm thinking of trying it again this year. Mike
  9. LOL! I don't mind not having cable anymore except in the winter, when I could at least watch fishing shows while waiting for the next season to start... Mike
  10. Nice report, definitely sounded like a great weekend. That last pic is scary, looks like the one guy is in the fire! Mike
  11. Looking forward to it, it's going to be great weather for what will be my last kick at the softwater can. Hope to post pics of Esox, but there'll be some shots of trees & rocks no matter what. Never fished Moon R. before so any general advice -- structure to look for, lures that work well -- would be much appreciated! Mike
  12. I've got a pair of sealskin wool gloves that fit well and have grips built in for colder weather fishing. I've also got an oversize pair of wool mitts that I can pull on over them if it gets colder. I try to take my gloves off when fighting and then handling a fish, like the others say the biggest thing is to keep your hands & gloves dry or it won't matter what kind of gloves you have. Mike
  13. Congrats on the nice trout, it was a beautiful if crisp morning around here. Drifting roe? Mike
  14. Ditto for many of the guides & lodge owners who post here. I think you call tell something about what somebody is like from their posts here, so the guys who are coo, professional and friendly probably help attract interest in their businesses. And there's the other side too, there are a couple of guides/lodge owners that have posted here that I would never give my business to, based on how they handled themselves. Mike I don't watch fishing shows anymore, actually, we dropped cable when we moved into our new house and I haven't missed it so far. Mike
  15. Anybody notice that OFC moved from #4 on the Landbigfish top sites to #2 with the switch in format? Coincidence?? Maybe not! Mike
  16. Sorry to hear about some of the confusion. I'm glad that people generally had a good time. I know from experience with other kinds of events that it's hard to get a group of people organized who are coming from different places and different times, unless somebody takes the intiative of coordinating it. For example, creating a spreadsheet showing who was confirmed, where they were staying, when they were arriving and when they were leaving, and whether they had a boat or had a seat in a boat arranged. That person would know that Carp had a seat or two free in his boat and needed a couch or floor to sleep. It takes work, some people like doing it and others don't. Mike
  17. As long as you and your buddy are okay with each other, it doesn't matter what you decided to do or what the "right" thing to do was. Never comes up with me b/c I never leave my rod unattended. If I'm taking a break to eat lunch or something, my line's out unless we're trolling. Mike
  18. Bob Izumi's show was okay, and I liked the old Fish'n Canada and Urban Outdoor Adventures (Shaun Rickard's show), but my favourite, which I don't think is carried on OLN anymore, was the In-Fisherman series. Interesting segments, knowledgeable hosts, and none of that loud rock music, yelling & cheering kind of stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's not my thing. Mike
  19. How much do you think you'll be doing this? I don't fish rivers very often, so I opted for a 10' salmon/steelhead rod, worked well on salmon running the Credit last Fall, and it's great for casting spoons off piers. The much longer rods are less versatile, they're more for the guys who plan to drift regularly. Mike
  20. Sounds like a fun weekend, and funny about the lures that were working b/c I read another report where they couldn't get a bite with Reef Runners, all the 'eyes came on Rapalas. Go figure. Thanks for the report... Mike
  21. I think this stuff might matter, but I don't get a lot of opportunities to fish so I go when I can, even if it's bluebird skies, no wind, etc. But if I do have a choice, I like cloudy days when the pressure is dropping, i.e., rain or a storm is coming in. Little bit of wind for the chop, but not so much that it's a hassle to move around or limits where you can go. Mike
  22. Good luck with it. I think there's an option to preview your avatar when you set it up under My Controls. Once you've got it right, you'll start seeing it in posts. Mike
  23. Sorry you didn't make out better, Joey, but it sure does look like fun, whether you catch fish or not... Mike
  24. This is interesting info, but is this stuff that you've written? If it's from another website, the people who actually created it might not appreciate seeing it copied here without at least a link back to them. Just my nickel, I do find the info interesting and I'm sure other members appreciate it too. Mike
  25. !!! Do you know what the length was on that tanker? Mike
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