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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I have had a few suits so far and the best ones for all weather for me are the Shimano Gortex Suits. One customer I know wears it on his bike when raing and he told me in a down pour going over 100km/hr and he still was dry. I have also remained warm and dry for hours wearing the Shimano Gortex Suit.
  2. I will be at Fishing World's all 5 days Booth so stop by and say hi.
  3. Great ads for sure
  4. Truly awesome Dave. You are doing all of us members and Canadians Proud. I am fortunate to be on some of the same sponsorship teams as Dave and he truly is a great ambassador to our sport and the future of it.
  5. ttt
  6. The Curado 300 was made by Shimano for the avid big toothy critter fisherman. They were tested on Golden Derado in Argentina which make big pike up here look like walleye. These reels stood the tests and then some. With it's bigger spool for extra line capacity, Dartanium Drag, High efficiency gearing, and more it is becoming the reel of choice for some. Hope this helps and if you need anymore info let me know.
  7. Well no one seems interested so I will take these tickets off and give them back to Fishing World. Sorry Mo, I am surprised that no one wanted to help out the auction and also go to the show.
  8. Fishing World has donated 4 pairs of VIP tickets for the upcoming FISHING/BOAT show this week at the International Centre for our members. Since there are alot of us I was thinking the first 4 people to donate to Maureen for the Tyler Charity Tournament of $15 each 2 ticket set will get the tickets. This is going for a great cause and is only $7.50 a ticket which is a savings itself. TICKETS NO LONGER AVAILABLE see my other post.
  9. Congrats on the new future addition to the family.
  10. Congrats on the haul, some great baits there for sure.
  11. No they do not have a bunch buddy sorry, wish they did.
  12. Maybe OFC should contact the owners of the show for some free ticket give aways???
  13. No prob happy to help
  14. We have both baits and the new Flyer spoons at Fishing World if you are looking to purchase. Tip the trebles with maggaot 2 per hook or just the head of a minnow. Sometimes a full minnow on the spoon actually will throw off the proper action where just a head on the trebles increase hook ups.
  15. Most fishing available will be ocean fishing. His best bet is to gear up for some pier fishing, long rods, braided line in the 30 -40lb range. He can check areas down by Murrels Inlet and purchase lures, bait and also there are a few Charters available. Hope this helps a bit anyways.
  16. Great choice.
  17. The new show seems to be doing alot of the right things and has geared this event for the angler's and boater's. There is going to be some great prizes and seminars at this event with special guest Al Linder making an appearance. I know some of the special we will be having at the Fishing World booth are going to be a hit with the patrons. I look forward as always to meet up with some mebers and share a few stories or provide some help. See some of you there.
  18. Welcome to the family
  19. Great report and pics. The smile says it all.
  20. Gla dyou had a good outing and it is great to see the CO's out,
  21. Great report and good fishing for Scugog
  22. Great report and pics buddy. Fishing World just reduced all their gas augers if you are in need.
  23. Congrats you must be very proud. The fishing for Tyler event is a worthy cause for sure!!!!!
  24. Yes I do use them and they have made me some $$$ in a few tourney's. Next time we hook up I will fill you in. Fishing World is stocking some awesome ones this year as some are exclusive to them in Ontario when they arrive I will let you know.
  25. Lindy is a great company for sure. Glad they looked after you.
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