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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I agree. I used an original Drifter as my main reel for 15 years and it is still in my collection. They're solid reels that are bullet proof. Mine has been stomped in the mud and dropped/thrown and bounced off rocks and it still runs like a top!!!
  2. It seems these days if you put a windshield in front of a person they instantly turn into an One of the main reasons I left Ontario was because of all the idiot drivers there. I'm a lot happier now, although people here drive a 25 kmh all over town. It took me a long time to leave my city driving habits behind. Down there in "civilization" (used loosely) there is an "it's all about me, I'm first" mentality. Up in the North the mentality is the complet opposite, people look out for others and have more respect for other people.
  3. Then you need one of these!!!! Big Mothering Leaf Blower!!!!
  4. Sell it and buy a 16 footer!!!! Or do what I did sell the 12 footer and buy an 18 footer!!!! 6 footitis at it's best!!!
  5. When we moved to Grand Valley in the mid 90's we needed a snowblower being on the edge of the snow belt. We ended up buying a 10 HP 28" Canadian Tire snowblower. It worked great for us except in times of heavy winds (we were in the open) when the snow would pack as hard as concrete. We would just call the neighbour when that happened and he would pull into the driveway with is John Deere 4 wheel drive 8 wheeled tractor with 8 foot wide double auger blower, took care of the problem in no time. During the 10 years we were living there it got worked hard all winter long. We went through a few sheer bolts on the auger (gravel driveway), a couple of drive belts and a rubber clutch disk. All inexpensive and easy fixes. After break in I used nothing but synthetic oil in the engine and after 10 years of hard use it still starts first pull. A very good deal for the $$$ IMHO.
  6. Correction: Another new reel? You are such a gear WHOORE!!!!
  7. You have one of those every Thursday!!!!
  8. Not mine but these are to good not to post.
  9. What SUV's are you looking at? Most have racks available. My Honda Pilot has one and I have seen them on Subaru's, Chevy's, Ford's, Dodge's, etc. Some SUV's onlt have the rails which is useless if they don't have cross bars. The Mitsubishi Outlander is one that you can't get factory cross bars for. I have seen quite a few SUV's with home made cross bars held on with U bolts. When I use my car top carrier I have a set of cross bars from my old roof rack permanently mounted to the carrier and I U bolt it to my vehicles factory cross bars.
  10. Mitch Hedberg was indeed a very funny man. Too bad that he is no longer with us.
  11. Taking the stairs doesn't help. I take the stairs many times each day and it hasn't helped me at all. Maybe if they stopped putting growth hormoes in everything we eat, then that might help.
  12. I have the 2 person model of the Sub Zero hut and use a sunflower on a 5# tank as it's much more compact. I don't even bust out the heater, or hut for that matter until it is below -20.
  13. True, as long as it's not elbow to elbow. If there is enough room between anglers there is no problem. I'm another proponent of bottom bouncing in fast water.
  14. He's makes his living taking pictures so he's got tons of expensive toys. He's had lots of photos printed in magazines such as Saltwater Sportsman and others. Yep, it's a bead.
  15. 2008 Yamaha RS Ventrue GT. Up in the far North we ride everywhere.
  16. Remember you can vote once per day per IP. Just finished placing my 6th vote, 4 from homeand 3 from work.
  17. If you are looking at Pigeon, don't forget the 2 lakes off the North end Big & Little Bald. You get a nice quiet home area with instant access to Pigeon and the North end locks. Dalrymple while nice and it does have good fishing is confined to Upper and Lower (if I remember correctly ) while Pigeon, Buckhorn, Stoney etc. are interconnected giving you access to more fishable water. Just my .02
  18. You can see my buddy Sam's underwater housing for his Nikon DSLR in the back ground of this shot. It's probably worth more than all my camera equipment combined!!!! It takes pictures like this. He's got a ton of good shots from his recent trip to Alaska here: Sam's Alaska Pics
  19. Another epic novella Bunkmeister!!!! I also have some good memories of that area.
  20. I haven't fished it yet, but will at some point. I have friends that keep inviting me. You can do it fairly cheaply when you compare it to BC. Fly to Anchorage can be done for under $1000, Anchorage to Yakutat flight $200-$300, Rental vehicle in Yakutat (you would have to call around on that one). For accomodations you can A/ camp (you need steady nerves with all the bears around) B/ stay at a B&B or Inn ($100 and up a night)
  21. Baitcaster do have their place but they do not work nearly as well in rivers with lower flow rates. i.e. your estuary water or lower river areas where flows are much reduced or low gradient streams. The baitcaster technique is more suited to higher gradient, high flow water.
  22. Yep. I have never ordered it 'cause every time I look to see what's on it's BASS fishing!!!!! There ain't a bloody bass within a 1000 km of me!!!!!! I try to watch it when they have their free preview but can't handle watching bass fishing. Sorry if I offended any of you bass fishers. P.S. I have a crap load of bass fishing stuff from my days in Ontario if any one is looking to buy some.
  23. I started out in the 70's watching the Red Fisher Show. It ruined me for life!!!!!!! As no one in my family fishes but me, good old Red was my Saturday morning mentor in all things fishing when I was a younun'. I remeber vividly Red and Bobby Hull fishing at Plummers Lodge on Great Bear Lake. I said to myself that I was going to fish there someday, I think I was 12 or 13 at the time. Well, in 1991 I fished there. In 1995 I went and worked as a guide at one of Plummers other lodges on the lake and have been going there almost yearly ever since!!!! Thanks Red, I owe you one!!!! I would still rather watch his shows more than a lot of the shows produced now.
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