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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I have the same issues when I power wash my wheels after running down dirt roads in the wet. The dirt builds up on the back sied of the wheel and if you don't wash real well there are sections left behind that really throw off the balance of the wheel. Sometimes so bad your vision blurs.
  2. BPS uses FedEx if I remember correctly. And as Solo said there are no hidden charges.
  3. Grab a heat gun and you should be able to work them out Terry.
  4. The overall contest is on until December but there are monthy winners each month.
  5. The good thing is it starts all over on Tuesday. All the counts are reset to zero, so as long as another cheater doesn't come along there is hope.
  6. 3221, Me thinks you and I are the only ones still voting. Everyone else has given up.
  7. It's for the Zodiac but it will get tried out on the toon. Look out Miss Budwiser cause here I come!!!!!!
  8. I want to thank Albert & Mike for going out of their way to pick me up a perfect little 4HP Merc from a seller in Whitby. Thanks guys couldn't have done it without you!!! I won't get to see it in person until my Attawapiskat trip in May but I can't use it until late May any way as things don't thaw up here until then. Hopefully I can get Mike to send me a few pictures of it. Thanks again guys!!!!!
  9. Right!!! That does it!!! I'm coming right over and kick you in the ice hole!!!!!
  10. We have no choice unless we cheat also. But there's always February.
  11. That's awesome!!!! The best part of the story is Max is expected to make a full recovery. Way to go Max!!!!
  12. Saw this video entered in the WFN contest and thought it worth posting here. Not mine but me thinks it's from up here. Ice Fishing Video
  13. HMMMMMM, so you're advocating drinking and snowmobiling eh? Drinks are usually slushies by the time I get to where I'm going to fish. Only way to get them down before that is to drink them before leaving the house or while riding to my destination. Drinking and snowmobiling is against the law, but you wouldn't know it.
  14. A buddy of mine had a bottle of Jack freeze on him when he lived in Fairbanks.
  15. No rules about it up here in the far north that I know of, but good luck keeping it from freezing while sledding to your fishing spot. I keep drinks in a cooler with hand warmers and still have them freeze up.
  16. They work fine they just don't have mapping. But as I said you don't need mapping for what you said you want it for.
  17. How do you figure? They both mark a waypoint and can take you to that waypoint. The mapping one just shows you a topo map of the area as opposed to a plain field with a waypoint on it. I have been using a non mapping GPS in my boat since 1995 and have no problem getting back on the spot. Don't get me wrong I like my mapping handheld and want to replace my boat's GPS, but all the OP want's it for is to get back to his vehicle in white out conditions and a plain old basic GPS will do that and won't cost him $300. He does say he wants a mapping GPS, but for what he wants to do with it, it's not needed.
  18. If all you want it for is finding your way back you don't need a mapping GPS. You can pick up just about any GPS used for lots less $$$. Check ebay. I have 2 oldert non mapping GPS units that do the trick for general navigation. Oh, and I have one of those Garmin GPS Map 76 dealies too. The B&W version though.
  19. This is pretty funny and really cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJRDpTUIrJI&feature=player_embedded
  20. Here's some ideas for you. Suitcase Shelter Sleds
  21. WE WON!!!!!!! Thanks to your support Yellowknife is getting an animal shelter!!!! Our idea won the top prize in the Aviva Community Fund contest for 2010 and will receive $300,000 to build our shelter. Thanks to all of you!!! http://www.avivacomm...org/search/grid
  22. I don't know about that. This one in tonights game looked like it may have left a lasting impression. OUCH!!!!!!
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