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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I haven't had any experiance with them but have looked them over here in town. They carry them at the Home Hardware store here. They are pretty pricey but they seem really well built and have a ton of insulation in them. The insulation is something like 2 or 3 inches so keep that in mind when looking at the dimentions if you end up looking to buy one.
  2. I load my 8' inflatable on the roof rack of my Honda Pilot with no issues. As has been said about the motor, 4 stokes can be laid down only one way while 2 stokes it doesn't matter.
  3. 406 votes!!! Awesome job guys!!! Keep 'em coming!!!!
  4. I got mine at Home Hardware You can have them order it in if they don't have any in stock. Cost was about $45.
  5. There's nothing spookier than running into a 1000# brownie face to face at close quarters. It's pretty exhilarating when the fear wears off though. Don't ask me how I know this.
  6. Lining is an accepted practice when fishing for sockeye salmon in Alaska (probably other places too) as they are plankton eaters and do not readily take bait,lure or fly like the other 4 species of pacific salmon do. Personally I don't like it but it is accepted.
  7. The Pioneer Kuro isthe standard all other plasmas are rated by. Unfortunately Pioneer no longer makes Plasmas and have sold all the Kuro technology to Panasonic. I expect Panasonic to impliment more Kuro tech into their models over the next couple of years. The Kuro tech is expensive and is a big reason for Pioneer bowing out of the market. Some of the Kuro tech is being employed in Panasonics VT a Z series plasmas now and is expected in the G series in 2011.
  8. Up to 151 now!!!!!! Awesome job guys!!! Keep 'em coming!!
  9. I have had both XM and Sirius and Sirius is way better for me. XM starts to lose signal in Northern Alberta and Sirius has much better signal up in the far North. I also like NASCAR and it was unavailable on XM. As for listening to music, when you got like 3 stations and they all SUCK!!! Any sat radio is good.
  10. I have a Panasonic P50G20 plasma and absolutely love it. When I was checking TV's out in the store I looked at all of the different brands, types and models and found even the best 240hz LED LCD's still had too much motion blur for my liking. I also don't like the black levels on LCD units.
  11. I have one of the Sub Zero's from CT and have had no issues with it.
  12. All right ladies and gents, I have uploaded my Ice Road Fishers video to the WFN video contest and could use your votes. I didn't want to step on STR8's toes last month so kept quiet. Well it's a new month so as they say "all is fair in love and fishing!!!" I ended up 4th for December and know with your help I will make the top 3 in January. I'm currently in second. Ice Road Fishers the Movie!!! Thanks for your consideration.
  13. If it were me, I would say screw it and fish without it until the card arrives. In 30 years of living and fishing in Ontario I was checked less than a dozen times for my license and 1/2 of them were by the Peel Marine Unit while fishing salmon and trout off port credit.
  14. As others have said don't skimp on quality. I got a trailer this year and needed an inexpensive genny as I couldn't afford a 2000 watt Honda or Yamaha this year so I bought a cheapo 1300 watt job for a super cheap price. It sounds like you're standing beside a 747 taking off when it's running!!!! But for the $140 brand new it cost me it was fine for now. My buddy in Alaska is going to hook me up with a new 2000 watt Yamaha next year which will be really nice. He can get me one for about $800 with his contractor discount. The dealer here in Yellowknife wants $2000 for the same one. My 1300 watt unit will trip the breaker when running my onboard charger and my espresso machine. The current draw on the espresso machine is rated at 900 watts so my charger will draw somewhere north of 400 watts when it is doing it's thing.
  15. I'm looking forward to this one as well. The daughters look smokin'!!!!
  16. No problem bud, I already have one!!!!
  17. Nothing, Nada, Zip, Bupkiss..................... So I got myself some goodies. In October I bought a Panasonic P50G20 50" plasma and walnut stand. I added a Panasonic BLU Ray player and have a pair of Pinacle 10" 125 watt powered subs and a Yamaha HTR6295 Networked/3D 7.2 channel surround sound receiver on order. They were sold out of the center channel speaker I was after and the rears will have to wait for the bank account to refill some. The subs were 75% off and the receiver was 50% off. Yamaha HTR6295 Receiver
  18. Here's some of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN2NNwZ1op8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyEztz6nY9Q
  19. Like this one of mine Ryan? It holds my fat and my pups too!!!! What ever toon you end up with make sure it has a good seat, good quality multi piece oars 7' long with brass oar locks and has an anchor system available for it. Other nice to haves are multi chambered pontoons and motor mount.
  20. Man, That's........................... The choir mob in the mall is waaaaaay cooler.
  21. Won't be huntin' biguns until the spring. The days are too short to get a good day in until March.
  22. I got out yesterday for a little 80km sled ride and I made it out for a few hours again today for some fishin'. Temps were pretty decent at -16 with light winds. I ended up trying a couple of new spots today (there were interlopers fishing last weeks spot) All was not lost though as there is plenty of room for all. I set up about 200-300 yards away on another point and managed one 3 to 4 pound pike there. Then the action slowed so I moved to another point further up the lake and managed a couple of 3 to 3 1/2 pound whities there. I lost a couple and missed a few as well. All in all not a bad day. Tomorrow will be gear cleaning and thawing day so all is ready for Friday's outing. I'll probably still get out fer a little sleddin' though.
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