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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Caught a 1" long flounder while fishing for steelhead in Alaska once. It looked like a tiny arrowhead.
  2. Today was a better day and the only issues were the 2 big pike I managed to break off. We got a bunch of fish in the 3-8 pound range and this one was the biggest landed.
  3. It was brand new and only it's second trip.
  4. Man the gods were conspiring against us today. If it could go wrong it did. We started off the day heading off down the ice road on a 60 mile trip. We got maybe 8 or 10 miles down the road before the going got tough due to the wind of the last few days had blown in the road. We ended up getting the ole Honda Pilot and loaded snowmobile trailer stuck but good. So unload the sled, disconect trailer, dig out truck and work like mad to try and turn the truck around. Got stuck several more times trying to get around the trailer to get the heck out of dodge. We got some help from a couple of fellows in a bombadier and after a total of 2 hours hard work we were back on the way into town. A quick stop at Mickey D's and off to try another spot. About 20 miles up another ice road (this one was in great shape) We get to our jumping off spot and unload the sled and gear then off we go. About 15 minutes later we're at our destination and the shovelling and drilling begins. All setup, finally at 12:30 (we've been going at it for 3 1/2 hours with only sore muscles to show for it. My buddy gets a hit right away, that turns out to be about a 5# pike (not good since we're after lakers). There are tons of fish on the sonar, but they're a bunch of lookers and it was a very tough bite. After lots of lure changing I finally hit on a combo that worked........sort of. :laugh: Got a few hits but they were very light and tentative. After about 4 1/2 hours of work we ended up with a pair of pike and 4 lakers from 3-5 pounds. Back to the truck and start to load up the sled and I brake my middle ramp, so we have to man handle my 700# sled ont the trailer. Then we blow a trailer tire just before we get to the end of the ice road. So now I'm down a tire so we won't be heading to another lake I wanted to try until I get it replaced. But fear not as tomorrow we will hop on the sled here at the house and go gator huntin' tomorrow. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Hopefully we won't break too many things tomorrow.
  5. Boats running twins are much more maneuverable in tight spaces (like the marina) than single engine boats. You can sit there, put one in forward, one in reverse and the boat will practically spin on a dime. You can also walk the boat sideways using just the controls. This is especially important while trying to dock a larger boat, but is usefull on smaller boats (20+ footers).
  6. No they're not!!! They're Super Ghey!!!!!
  7. It's after 1 Craig, so spill the beans!!!!
  8. Counting down the last 30 minutes til I get outta here for the weekend. Heading out for jumbo lakers in the morning.
  9. Me, I took the day off to chill in front of the tube and watch the Gatorade Duels.
  10. My guess is Mercury seeing how they already have their Zeus system for large boats.
  11. You can always call Lowrance in Mississauga they should be able to tell you where you can get one locally or who has one in stock.
  12. A friend of mine is a flats guide out of Tampa. Give him a call, I'm sure he will get you hooked up. http://www.tampafishguide.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO7zOfwIoBQ&feature=player_embedded&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
  13. They're panicing because of the high speeds. You get a full load of cars on the track all doing over 200 mph and one guy sneezes all hell will break loose.
  14. For what it costs to go to some of these island destinations for a week I can go to Alaska for 5 weeks and stay in my camper and chase trout and salmon every day!!! There are beautiful beaches to hang out on. And beautiful turqoise waters just like the islands too. HMMMMMMMM, a week on some beach in a third world country or........................
  15. After the shootout Nascar made some rule changes. Come the 500 the teams are required to block off or remove 2 of the air vents in the front of thier cars. Nascar is doing this so that they will need to switch off more often while paired up. It was pretty boring watching them just run around in pairs. It was more fun when they ran better in bigger groups.
  16. he drain is usually low on the back of the engine. Most I have seen are a silver tube about 4 or 5 inches long with a cap screwed onto the end. Remove the cap to drain the oil. Look part way down the page HERE to see what it looks like. PS. Google is your friend when you need to find stuff out.
  17. You got that right!!!! I wish it was still running. I blame Red for me living where I do. If it wasn't for Red doing all those awesome shows about Great Bear Lake and all of his other great locations I might not even be into fishing. Darn you Red!!!! You cost me a freaking fortune!!!!!!
  18. I vacationed in Barbados a couple of times. About a 15 minute walk from my hotel was a brackish swamp full of tilapia and tarpon!!! When I wasn't there I was casting off the beach and when I got thirsty I would amble up to the bar for a rum cooler. Did you manage a trip on the Jolly Roger while you were there? Best $45 I ever spent!!!!!! a four or five hour cruise with swimming, dancing and a steak dinner with all the drinks you could handle to wash 'er all down with. Been on that thing about 1/2 dozen times!!!!
  19. You're doing it wrong if you don't like vacations. I base my vacations around fishing. whether it be up North, back East, in Alaska or somewhere tropical it's all about the fishing. I may take a day or two to chill and drink rum coolers on the beach when fishing tropical though.
  20. 99% of todays fishing shows suck!!! The hosts are just schills for their sponsers and it shows. With that said there are a few I can watch and enjoy. Shows like Sportfishing BC, Fishing WA, Alaska Outdoors (kinda biased on this one ), I also like to watch Adventures North. I can still watch Bob and the Linders, but what gets turned off immediately are any shows that have anything to do with bass!!! Don't have 'em up here and don't care if I ever fish 'em again. That putz Italo gets totally ignored and I won't even look to see what is on his show.
  21. Nope. The Attawapiskat camp is sold out for the year as far as I know. The deal is only for the new out post camp.
  22. Surprise, surprise JR just stuffed it in the wall. He had some help though.
  23. 190 votes ahaead and slowly pulling away!!! Keep up the good work guys!!!
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