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DRIFTER_016 last won the day on September 13 2023

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About DRIFTER_016

  • Birthday 07/02/1962

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  • Location
    Yellowknife, NWT

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Imperial Angler

Imperial Angler (10/10)



  1. This just came out a couple of weeks ago and I love it. Sick groove and sweet keys. The beat and Peggy's lyrics are awesome too.
  2. Gotta say I don't miss the highways in Ontario!!!!! But there are morons everywhere!!!! Last week while legally crossing in a crosswalk I got knocked down buy a guy driving a pickup that figured red lights were just a suggestion. 🙄
  3. see if this helps. https://www.marineengine.com/mfr/mercury_models.html
  4. Been using it for years to track ice out on our lakes up here Dan. This is just one more use for it.
  5. For float fishing I've been using Sunline Super Sniper for many years. For my heavier set ups I use Seaguar Blue Label
  6. I was keeping an eye on it all summer long on the Zoom Earth site with heat signature layer enabled. It was very stressful. https://zoom.earth/maps/satellite/#view=62.0476,-114.3938,7z/overlays=heat
  7. Talked to my cabin neighbour today. They got back on Wednesday the first day we were allowed back. They went to the cabin on Friday and all is good. Lots of black flies being a pain though. The lake level has dropped even more while we were away. They hit bottom when pulling out their boat at the ramp. They do have a 20' Kingfisher with cabin so they do draw more water than most boats on the lake.
  8. Evac order was lifted on Wednesday at 1 pm. I got home about 7 pm last night. Home and stuff in town is OK and as far as I know my cabin is OK.
  9. I've never had them charge me anything when getting a refund.
  10. Can't remember if it was .ca or .com. Working with PayPal on reimbursement.
  11. Well AOLithium went and cancelled the order on me because their shipper doesn't ship here. They haven't refunded my $$$ either. Been more than a month and still haven't got my $$$ back. So I would say stay away from this company. I am not impressed. 🤬
  12. NAH, my dad left me some $$$ when he passed.
  13. It's an F150 hybrid. Camper is at the max payload and has a cassette toilet which I'll probably never use and inside/outside showers. Probably never use the inside one. Am going to change the washroom into a clothes closet.
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