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Everything posted by JerseyDog

  1. Unethical and illegal.
  2. Sounds like "STREET RACING" to me. Off with your head!
  3. I am planning a canoe trip for next week that I managed to get together at the last minute and I'd love some help picking a route. I am looking for a pretty easy 3-4 day trip so that we can spend a lot of time fishing, and I am hoping for some ideas based on trips you may have done in the past. I am not trolling for your secret fishing spots, just a little bit of direction so I can get things planned/booked since I am running out of time. Thanks so much for any ideas you might have.
  4. I think getting raked over the coals with taxes and not getting much from them is all part of the Canadian experience.
  5. I went barbless a couple of years back for precisely this reason. My thinking was at least a fish would have a chance to shake an unbarbed lure if there was a break off.
  6. What I find a little funny is you asked what you should do if this happens again. I think once in a lifetime is strange enough.
  7. I assume they will be eating chocolate.
  8. And their roe is poisonous.
  9. If you hit a deer, don't you get to claim it once the OPP/MNR sign off? That would be enough motivation for me to stop and call in the authorities. Finsih it off, toss 'er in the trunk and off to the butchers - yum!
  10. "Leaving the scene"?? Does that suggest that everyone who wacks a sparrow, raccoon, squirrel or groundhog out on the road needs to stop and call in the OPP before moving on? That's completely absurd. PS. Don't get me wrong, I don't think its very nice to drive off and let an animal suffer, but still.
  11. Yah, while it looks like a cool machine, what happens if you break through the ice and cannot drive it out. You are kinda stuck.
  12. I get maybe 100 days on the water every year and to be honest, sometimes it feels like the only time I see any of Ontario's fish species is when I'm at BPS. It's also my favourite part of the store (and its free).
  13. OK - maybe $375 is a little low for $150k in mortgage but the math still fundamentally works and honestly, running two cars 3-4k per month is definately gonna run you more than $375 anyway. At the same time, for Holdfast, Ithe commute is probably not so bad. I imagine its probably 30-45 minutes everyday and I assume at a nice cruise and no 15 lane 401 style traffic jams to slow one down. Also, if Holdfast can get out of his house in a red hot market and buy into something a little less hot, now is probably the time for that as well. The bubble afterall has already burst in the US and its on its way here.
  14. Seems to me, with so many defunct companies and no central registry, some folks might be inclined to design something professional looking and just print up a nice little "boaters card" of their own.
  15. The below is my general analysis of commuting (albeit from a Toronto perspective) which may be helpful... Commute from Newmarket to Toronto - 60km each way - 120km per day x 5 days/week x 50 weeks/year = 30,000km / Average Car - 10l/100km = 3,000 l of fuel per year x $1 litre avg. fuel price = $3,000 Commute Toronto to Toronto - 15km each way - 30km per day x 5 days/week x 50 weeks/year = 7,500km / Average Car - 10l/100km = 750 l of fuel per year x $1 litre avg. fuel price = $750 NET FUEL SAVINGS: $2,250 per year or $187.50 per month Add a dual income/commuting family and now your savings for living within 15km of work is now $375 per month. This is fuel alone. Don't forget tires / 407 charges / oil changes / etc. and if you commute, you need to replace your cars more often, with newer more reliable cars. $375 per month will make the payment on about $150k in mortgage. So instead of paying $350k to live in Newmarket you can now afford $500k to live in Toronto (or more specifically closer to work). Add up the other expenses, and you can buy an even more expensive house. Move down to a one car family, and now you really have a lotta of extra dough around. Now about the Time: Newmarket to Toronto - 1 hour commute x 2 per day x 5 days/week x 50 weeks in a year = 500 hours Intown Commute - 20 min commute x 2 per day x 5 days/week x 50 weeks in a year = 167 hours NET TIME SAVINGS: 333 hours / Avg. Work Week 37.5 hours = 9 "work weeks" per year commuting. Now imagine you spent those extra NINE weeks working on a side business, putting more hours on the job, studying something or spending time with family. From a simple financial perspective, imagine how much income you could generate with all that extra time. Its NINE WEEKS of extra earning potential EVERY YEAR. If you do the math, the suburbs and outlying towns only make sense from a financial perspective if you do not commute. Once you start getting into one hour plus daily commutes, as far as I can tell it costs the average person MORE money not less, even with TO real estate prices factored in. Obviously there are a zillion factors to consider and everyone has different needs, I am simply pointing out that the financial benefits of suburban living and long commutes may not be as positive as they appear on the surface, in fact a lot of the times, its quite the opposite.
  16. Since you already admit you plan to go back next week, I can't think of a good reason why you wouldn't do the right thing. Its probably hard enough these days for LeBaron to compete without having their money walk out the door and by their good customers even. Now, if they undercharged a little, that would be totally different in my book.
  17. Get the stocking waders and buy wading boots. The waders might need to replaced once in a while, but the boots will last forever. Thats my two cents.
  18. All I can say is get the biggest motor you can hang on it. Also might want to consider the 4 Stroke which is the more conscious choice. I'd like to upgrade all my motors to 4 Strokes.
  19. If I could catch my limit of fish I wanted to eat, I probably would and I wouldn't feel the least bit "unethical". And while certainley there is pressure on our fisheries in Ontario (more in some places than others) and they need to be managed, I don't think that are our fisheries are in some kind of irreversible decline. Fish populations are cyclical like everything else. They are impacted by a myriad of factors, least of which is probably recreational fishing and as per other species, a crash in their #'s, will send anglers elsewhere which allows them to rebound and the cycle goes on again. Overall I think we are blessed to have such a wonderful varied and abundant fishery here in Ontario and I don't ever worry too much about keeping a couple for the table.
  20. I like the Five Filet method the best. And agreed, the 25-30 inchers are a nice size. BTW - pike is my favourite of the Ontario game fish, especially through the ice.
  21. My favourite part of the ridgeline is the spare under the bed liner unlike hanging under the bed like the domestics. Think about it.
  22. You know what - she might have a point. I as well think fishing probably does hurt fish in some kind of way. I have no doubt getting slaughtered hurts the beef cattle and the chickens we all happily gobble down and I am pretty sure getting wacked with a .306 hurts the deer & moose we hunt (for however a brief period of time). And when I die, its probably going to hurt and its definately going to suck. I just don't spend a lot of time pretending I'm any better or worse than my game or quarry. I am just one animal of many doing his best to survive in a cruel world. And when its my time, I will return to the earth from where I came, same as all gods creatures.
  23. First off, most people in Toronto (like me) are spending too much on their mortgage to blow $15k on a reward for their pooch and honestly, if this clown can afford to give it away, I can sure afford to take it. I might not however take $50 from a lady who lost her cat, but this guy - it would be my pleasure.
  24. I caught a Columbian Shark Catfish with frozen shrimp fishing in the surf near Jaco.
  25. Join OFAH. $50 - you get the mag, you get the insurance, and you get a real bitchy group that stays in the face of the province and feds fighting for what should be our rights. I happily pay the fee.
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