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Everything posted by JerseyDog

  1. Buy a GM 3800 as recommended above. Think about it - the most expensive item on a beater to fix is the tranny and a GM tranny is about as bulletproof as they get. The Chrysler tranny is infamous for being crap. The other high ticket item is the motor and a 3800 is easily worth 350k++. The rest of the stuff is easy and cheap to fix (unlike the imports). The imports ride on a reliability rep that is 20 years old. In the last 10-15 years, GM has been building cars that are better built, tougher, cheaper, and easier to fix than any import. I've been driving Chevy beaters my whole life and my repair costs are minimal to non-existent. On 20 years of Chevy beaters (over four cars) I have done one tranny rebuild, two head gaskets (same car and I drove her HARD), two water pumps, one clutch (Iraqi Taxi) and one camshaft plus the usual brakes, mufflers and all too infrequent oil changes. This may sound like a lot, but over 20 years on old, high mileage cars, it is really quite minimal. The added bonus is that buying GM supports your community and a GM in any class generally has a healthier amount of torque and HP than others.
  2. To reply to DrPhil - yes we have April Fools in Canada - and you just witnessed a pretty good one.
  3. Nice unit. And if you were Scottish you would mow the lawn a couple of times, return it for a refund and then send your wife in the next day to make an offer on the used mower you know they have sitting in the back.
  4. We have a Crapsman 23hp with an auto tranny. Nice rig about $2300. Been beating the hell outta her for almost five years now and she's held up pretty good. If you are just mowing your lawn, its a good bet - we do so much more than that.
  5. Here are my four cents... One - propane and NG have the same chemical added to create the smell. This smell is not natural but added so if there is a leak the person can smell it. Therefore if the NG creates a bad taste, so does the propane. Two - NG burns cooler, but an NG BBQ burns at the same temps as propane (hence the bigger orifices). Three - keep your old BBQ for lending. And finally, get a new NG BBQ - running off a gas line is awesome. Its cheaper, more convenient and no better excuse to get a new rig.
  6. Went with Daplumma's recipe except I swapped pepper for oxcowboy's idea of Montreal steak spice and no mushrooms (since I had none on hand). Pan fried in a cast iron pan to a perfect medium rare and served with a side of caesar salad. What an awesome treat! My wife is new to venison and she was pretty wary but a couple of bites and she was definately sold. And I have 10 more packets of chops in the freezer so I will be trying every the variation above. Thanks all for the quick reponses!
  7. Thanks guys. Here goes. Will report back.
  8. I just came into a few pounds of venison and I am going to start off with some chops. I have never prepared vension before. Does anyone have a recipe thats quick and easy that they recommend?
  9. First off, check the Consumers Report - some might say Honda's quality is not as strong as it was in the 80's and early '90's when they were bulletproof. The GM product these days is a lot better quality wise although they have been struggling with a bad rep left over from the 70-90's. Also, they now have 5 year, 160k warranties on powertain which can make a real difference. And they are almost always cheaper to repair and almost always have more HP and torque than a comparable foreign car. And finally, to comment on the quote above, the V8 small block Chevy (and 3.8 V6's) will outlast any Honda, ever (although again, the late 80's Civics would give it a run for its money). Here's a motor that will last 300-400k with regular maintenance and I've been in cabs showing 750k or more on the odo. I think the Honda is a fine car and the kids love them, but I find them too slow and mushy off the line for my taste. My '94 Z24 Cavalier will regularily smoke any Honda, Corolla, etc. which means I can make it through Toronto's downtown streets far faster. And yes, I am rushing to get ahead of you at the next red light, so I don't get stuck behind you chatting on your cell phone, or putting on make-up or most amazing of all reading a book. And finally, remember what's good for the General is good for Ontario. I think a lot of folks forget that GM is a huge reason why we have a strong economy here (and yes I know they make Honda's in Alliston).
  10. Check these guys out. I book them every year and they are a smash. They may be hard to book however. http://www.fiddlestep.ca/
  11. Check this site out. DO NOT READ the horror stories but read about the true nature of nicotine's relationship with your brain. Allen Carr's book The Easyway to quit smoking is another great resource. Again, it analyses what a nicotine addiction really is (without the scare tactics). They both tackle the subject a little bit differently but still have the same basic ideas about the lies the nicotine tells you (ie. it calms me down, it tastes good, etc.) and they both go to great lengths to demonstrate that is not actually true - but lies nicotine tells your brain. Read it right away, it will make all the difference. One of the greatest lessons I learned from above was that until you understand that you are not denying yourself something you want, you will never truly be able to quit for good. From the title of your post, the WANT does not seem to have gone away. These books will help to change that. http://www.whyquit.com/
  12. I'd keep my limit - if I could catch it. Truth be told, on my home waters I've only actually caught two of them, that was four years ago and that is also the limit where I generally fish. I should have kept them, of course these is a slot too. No matter how you slice it, when I'm on the water the walleye are in no danger.
  13. Nice fish. Muskie are one of the reasons I went barbless. I fish with lighter tackle for pike, walleye and bass and at least one muskie has snapped off my tackle and I worried endlessly she would never be able to spit the hooks so I figured I'd at least give the next one a fighting change.
  14. Walk away. Scam. You won't get what you think you are getting but you might end up mortgaging your future for two weeks every year in a lovely little resort on the pristine shores of the Tigris.
  15. While I'm all about religious freedom and everything, but we have a lot of Hindu followers in Toronto. What happens if its not just a few but hundreds and more likely thousands of people and their various offerings being legally dumped in the Credit. I think it would turn into a pretty disgusting mess in short order. See below for a blurb about pollution in the most holy of Hindu rivers... re. The Ganges river... However, industry is not the only source of pollution... inadequate cremation procedures contributes to a large number of partially burnt or unburnt corpses floating down the Ganga, in addition to livestock corpses.
  16. I'd rather be pushing a Chevy than driving a Ford. (sorry, couldn't resist)
  17. To funny. I really stink at these birds eye views, but I can navigate this whole area at night with one eye shut, except for that one rock I hit last year (jk) ONLY ONE ROCK? ALL OF LAST YEAR? THAT'S DAMN GOOD.
  18. I say Waubashene with a view into Matchedash Bay. No fish there either.
  19. That's South Bay Honey Habour, up to Baxter Lake. Oh, and the fishing is terrible there. Not worth the bother.
  20. I agree with many of the above - pike out of super cold water/ice is my fave and better than walleye. IMHO. I don't keep summer pike, but I've prepared a few gut hooked bass that were pretty swampy and a good soak in cold water for a while helps to get the grassiness out of them.
  21. I would take a run at the bosses job.
  22. The only upside of illegal downloading is that this large scale theft will drag our media companies into the 21st Century and offer a distribution model that people actually want. It is however theft (for the most part). Downloading is stealing from the artist, their media companies, etc. And record companies don't make massive profits anymore. Some are laying off thousand, closing, etc. They simply don't sell CD's. In 2000 selling a million CD's took at week. Now even some of the biggest artists don't sell a million CD's - in fact 250-400k units in the first week would be considered a SMASH HIT. There is a reason that music today might not seem as good as it used to be. The record companies concentrate on producing records of the audience they know are more likely to buy a CD (imagine the American Idol, soft rock types). Overall its a losing situation for everyone unless you just wanna listen to Zep 4 over and over and over.
  23. I had Rogers cell phones and Rogers Cable. I decided I didn't like them, so I went to Bell. Couple years later, Rogers has better cell phones, Bell's customer service is crap and they added $2 to my cell phone bill, but I can't cancel because I have a contract. Its a neverending story because the reality is, they are all terrible and will make you crazy after a while.
  24. Ugly Stick is great.
  25. You just gave me the greatest idea. Buy an old beater van and rig the back for ice fishing. Might even do a Cam Wooley special and drill some 8" holes in the floor boards. As for your dilemma, the solution is simple - wait for the guys with the big utes and 150's - follow thier tracks. While nothing in life is 100%, being a follower is sometimes the best plan!
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