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Everything posted by JerseyDog

  1. One needs to remember that any fish will have thousands of eggs. The survival of the fish is dictated generally by the amount of fish that can be sustained by the contraints of the environment that they are in. For the most part with fish harvest, if you take one fish another will take its place. If you take 50, that leaves room for 50 more fry to take thier place. In a healthy waterbody as long as there is spawning females there should be no shortage of fry competing for limited "big fish" opportunties even with moderate to heavy fishing pressure since like a gas (which will expand to fit the container its in), most species will do the same (even humans). Further, heavy fishing pressure tends to reduce the catch not only because of a declining resource, but because the fish are pretty smart about figuring out what NOT to eat over a period of time. So while indiscriminate overfishing can decimate smaller bodies of water (Valens being a recent example), the biggest concerns in many places is loss of habitat, spawning grounds, pollution and similar environmental concerns. Even with Valens, one might suspect a healthy pike population has depressed the bluegill population which is a natural and cyclical - ie. lots of bluegill = lots of pike = less bluegill = less pike = more bluegill, etc. (although again I suspect the white bucket crowd might have helped this process along on Valnes since its a closed environment). By Waterwolf's previous testament, the pike fishing on Valens has never been better and if that is true - they must be eating something. So while poaching is despicable and I am always happy to keep only what I need, I think the wider environmental concerns for most of our waterways are of far greater importance than the odd bad apple who wants to steal a bucket of walleye. As we all know, all animal populations are cyclical and fishing or hunting or harvesting if done prudently probably has a marginal impact as compared to perhaps a new waterfront real estate development that decimates a good spawning ground, or the phosphate run off from a local farm which chokes the oxygen out of the water, or even the changing and apparently warming environment. Where I fish as an example, the water level (and zebras) appears from my anecdotal experience to have had the most negative impact on the fishery. Moreso than the anglers the constantly troll the waters.
  2. Paranoid. There are cougars in the province, we all know that. Its a natural territory for them. But I highly doubt the MNR released any without mentioning it. At minimum, they would announce they were releaesed with a request that no one shoot them. Rumours. That's all I can figure.
  3. As for the real ones, I love the fact they have a Sasquatch. Finally a semi-ackoledgement the creature exists. For those if have seen one (and not a bear standing on two legs) feel free to respond. I know for sure that some of you have.
  4. Don't worry guys, she's a politician and a liberal at that. If it was worth a few votes or a few bucks, she's let y'all shoot every bear and fish out every walleye in the province. Thats the way it goes.
  5. one guy who put a review on the internet for the $99 BPS waders said three pairs leaked before he gave up on them. I chose to ignore that review and bought myself a pair for a trip out to BC. By day 2 i was soaked. The actually kept me pretty warm, butthey did not keep my dry - so I returned them and chose not to try another of the same brand. I guess sometimes you get what you pay for.
  6. I can't figure it. Who's Al?
  7. Barbless hooks is a start. I went barbless mostly because its easier to release the fish, but its sure a lot easier to pick them outta your fingers, your sweater, the dog or as it sometimes happens I guess, an innocent bystander.
  8. Last month I was fishing for salmon in BC. For most of the trip we were pretty spread out but on the last day we headed up to the "Limit Hole" which was the last fishable pool before the sanctuary. Anyway, I've never seen anything crazier. There were fisherman every 5 feet or less casting into this pool. It was like a war zone. You'd see 10 casts fire out at the same time and as they floated down, another 10 would go right over them. For a while, FISH ON would get everyone to bring in their lines but as the light started to wane, people just kept firing their casts over everything. There was lines in the water, casts from both banks, triple headers, huge fish randomly jumping through the whole mess, tangled lines, fish being landed, gutted, cooked, guys going, more guys coming, etc. It was a total zoo. And the best part was, maybe there was 50+ guys there, and not only locals but tourists as well, from all points on the globe and with all the tangled lines, casting over someone else's line, etc. in five hours or more, I did not see one person get the least bit upset. They'd just untangle you, or you would untangle them and keep casting. The salmon (maybe three species of them and HUGE) were stacked 10 deep in this pool and it was smiles all around. As much as its hard to believe, it was about as much fun as I have had fishing in years.
  9. Well let's be honest here. There is nothing VERY CLOSE to Zep. Not now, not ever. Maybe a good copy and some good memories. To this day, no one has got it that right, that perfect - s, d, rock & roll - the way it was supposed to be. Best rock band ever - period.
  10. 50 inches won't do it on G. Bay. Minimum keeper size (why would you??) is 54" Trophy waters. Nice fish though.
  11. Lucky You! I am going to see Led Zepplica at the Hummingbird Centre next week. I heard on the radio thats a pretty good subsitute.
  12. Here's one for the President and Marketing Manager at Legend. As of right now, there has been 1,987 page views. Imagine people on this site are prime boat buyers and sportsmen. The one's that read the post are probably actively interested in fishing boats. Imagine each has 8 sporting friends. That's eight people each reader can directly influence who will then influence their family's, friends, coworkers, etc. Imagine in the next five years, two of them buy a boat. Almost every one of the 1,987 readers of this thread would say - buy a Lund / buy anything else / forget the Legend Thats 3,974 lost sales. At $15k average, that's $59.6 million in lost sales. And thats 3,974 owners of other boats that willl go on to tell everyone how much they like thier new non-Legend purchase - for even more lost sales. All the ads in Ontario Outdoors can't sell $60million in boats as fast as one post on OFC can make those sales go up in smoke. Bad service is stupid on Legend's part and someone should be fired.
  13. $100k in government speak means that they will spend $65k in administration charges to get the cheque cut wiht which they will overpay $45k for a white 6cyl. ford pickup, with rubber floor mats and no AC. Then the truck will gather dust until the tory/tories are elected to actually pay some guy to drive the thing. We'd all be better off if we started a cricket team. That's the way I see it.
  14. While everyone is at it, anyone know a good spot where I can watch walleye on my fishfinder in the Midland/Honey Harbour area? I like nothing more than to cruise around listening to my fish finder ring, but I never seem to have much luck. Thanks.
  15. There is a very good reason why their are Consitutional laws in most civilized countries that protect against search & seizure. You can see the evidence of why these laws are important in less than civilized places where the authorities, or goon squads or whoever happily kick down someone's door and do whatever they want whenever they want. Regardless of why I wouldn't want the "man" from entering my home at a whim, I would never, ever allow my home or private residence to be searched without a warrant and would fight any illegal search in court. Its not that I have anything to hide, I really don't, but as with any institutional authority, if you give them an inch they may very well take a mile and the evidence of that is littered all over the newspages and history books.
  16. Interesting. In BC, if the MNR there feels like a river is under stress, or there is a run on that is OOS and there is too much risk for incidentals catches, they will just close it. MNR in Ontario should have the same power.
  17. While I am happy to obey the 10 Commadments and overall be a good citizen, I don't agree with all laws on the books and choose to ignore some of them. Speed limits are one and I won't comment on the other that comes to mind.
  18. Sounds to me like a very small (1/4"), honest mistake. CO needs to learn some discretion. At most maybe take the fish with a lecture about making sure you measure your fish accurately. Being a CO is about a lot more than handing out a zillion tickets. Its about knowing the difference between the poachers and the guys who might have messed up a little when attempting to follow the regs. CO's like this are bad for the sport, bad for our out of town guests and ultimately only hurt themselves through less overall respect for their authority.
  19. I love the toll road. Get a transponder, its $2.35 per month. Then no account fees and no photo charges which will save you a ton. Don't wanna pay, leave yourself lots of time, enjoy the 401 and I'll see you when and if you get there.
  20. I'd rather give up my best fishing spots than give up my secret Hwy. 400 alternatives. That being said, Hwy. 27 is probably the most straighfoward and least hectic run for those who don't have the stomach to battle the Toronto traffic (although you will miss Bass Pro Shops unless you want to double back). Take 407 to 427 north, exit at Hwy. 7, turn right. Hwy. 27 is your next MAJOR intersection where you will turn left and go North. Hwy. 27 will run you right into Barrie (takes an hour or so from picking up Hwy. 27). Great route when I want to take it easy and avoid the clowns on the 400.
  21. I'd buy an ad in the new MRN regs. Probably cost a couple of grand. Then I would use the internet and maybe some American mags since tourists are a great market for charters - even the harcore will get a guide if they are coming from out of town.
  22. Tipping the proprietor of a business can be seen as an insult. They are afterall businesspeople and work for profit, not tips.
  23. I have insurance on everything I own. If you are not dirt poor, have a family to take care of or anything to lose - you should do the same. I couldn't care less if its mandatory or not - if I get sued, the insurance company picks up the first two million which means at minimum they'll hire you a great lawyer.
  24. Driving is the most regulated activity we probably all do and there is more idiots and morons in cars than on any lake, anywhere. Try the run through the city at rush hour on the 401. Now thats scary and everyone is (supposed to be) licenses, insured, etc. Doesn't make a lick of difference.
  25. Hey, the stick like glue on wet decks, they float, they are super comfy and easy to clean. They are so ugly, they should be guys shoes. I dunno why the women are wearing them.
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