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Everything posted by pameladallaire

  1. They don't have to be snowy's Justin. Any will do, I'm sure I'll use that flying shot and blur the wings to create movement. I have lots and lots to choose from, I'm a happy camper. (now I just have to get my energy back after surviving the flu. ) Pam
  2. Wed. morning in Timmins, minus 34!
  3. Thanks to everyone! Remember, anytime someone has good shots they can e-mail me directly, or just post them here. I'll see them. Pam
  4. Thanks so much DSN!! Go ahead and add the rest, I'm curious. I see you took them at the zoo, thanks again. I love owls and have an excuse to paint a lot of them, all varieties. Pam
  5. I was looking for on-line art courses for our art club. This site actually has art shows and Fishing shows. This is the trial page. Fishing TV (I fixed the link) Pam
  6. That's great! I think he'll need a smaller rod.
  7. Great report, thanks.
  8. Anyone coming up to the Gogama area better have the newest technology cell phones. I can't remember the name. We got a Rogers cell phone and that had to go to me when we found it didn't reach the camper. We got a good Telus model and it reaches on the water or hills but not in the dips between the hills. SIGH
  9. Thanks Gerritt: I still have it! My husband had it a full 10 days still throwing up on the 9th day. Thanks goodness I didn't get it as bad. I went to the dr. yesterday and he says the whole town is infected. The infection control officer at the hospital says it is a Norwalk strain and having it once doesn't make you immune. You can catch it over and over. So we have hand sterilizer on the table for everyone to use. The only thing the dr. recommended is NO DAIRY and Immodium. That immediately helped my hubby and he is down in the basement today working. So 10 days and then recovery. Pam
  10. Did you ask Dan The Man?? He loves ice fishing.
  11. Windchill in Timmins, -27 below. Yeah. Pam
  12. You would never guess that "Stompin Tom Connors" is my favourite singer. That should help some people out, but my hubby won't let me play the music in the house.
  13. We have high efficiancy gas heating and heats perfectly in the original section of the house. The add-on sections don't heat as well but with double glazed windows newly installed, there is less of a difference and no more frost buildup on the north windows.
  14. Thank you Justin. Just what I needed for snowy owls. Ron was so nice to go out and now you have gone out. You are both wonderful! I love the flying owl shot and the post shots. Thanks so much. I'll keep you posted with all the paintings. Pam
  15. The Angler's Abode Sleepy Angler's Inn The Dover Angler B&B The Fishing Hole B&B The Dover House The Fish and Tell Inn The Fish Tale Inn The Fish Net Inn The Reel Inn The Angler's Retreat
  16. Cool Ron.
  17. I'll start painting as soon as I stop feeling shaky. WHEN I get my new camera, I hope to catch a shot of our Great Grey, and Great Horned owls. But with me it's, if you see it, the camera isn't within reach. Ron must have his camera glued to his hand. Pam
  18. What a great end to a sick day for me. Thanx Ron. You cheered me up. I just realized that this was the Timmins day for xmas bird count and I forgot because I was sick. Oh well, I'm amazed you found so many owls in one day. You know your birds Ron. Pam
  19. What a great bunch of hard workers.
  20. That's great news. My sister-in-law is an astronomer. She had one eye done and the changes affected her vision in the telescope. She refuses to get the second eye done because she uses that one to focus on the stars. I'm glad everything went well. Pam
  21. Thanks for the summary. We are still waiting for the book version. Seriously, consider a book of fishing in the north. You'd make a great writer. I'd buy a copy. Pam
  22. Thank everyone. We are all sick this morning. But on the upside, I don't have to sterilize every single doorknob and facet every ten minutes. I have the head and chest cold version of the bug. I can live with that.
  23. Up here the Ravens fight cats over garbage. Neither win.
  24. Awh, your sweet Ron. You know you will get a few free prints. Thanks for all your work. You are a great photographer. Any any of the paintings for the Owl Foundation will be up for sale after they are finished. Pam
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