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Everything posted by pameladallaire

  1. Have a great time. Pam
  2. Hi Maureen: She's a keeper for sure. As for patience. Don't push too fast. NEVER get impatient and you will be rewarded. It has taken 7 months to finally have my feral kitten really feel relaxed in the house. She doesn't even want outside. It may take a while, but she will likely want to follow the other guys in. Pam
  3. Deet keeps the bugs from biting by attacking their nervous system. It doesn't keep them from crawling on you. YUCK Buy the bug suit and use it if needed. DON"T use citronella. They have proven that it works like CATNIP on BEARS!! I'd put the citronella on the clean guy. Pam
  4. Bring summer shorts, longjohns, 3 layers of gortex shirts and a windbreaker, a touque and ball cap, deet, a bug hat if you hate bugs, sun screen, sun glasses, beer and your fishing permit. Other than that, jig heads and worms. Saw 2 blackflies and 4 mosquitos today. Tomorrow, who knows?? Pam
  5. I've been using inflatables since the late 80's. Only one problem, don't go to a party and forget to take it off. Somebody always pull the string to see what will happen. Pam
  6. I hope all goes well. I'll be rooting for him. Pam
  7. She looks like she needs you Maureen! Pam
  8. FINALLY, someone on here with chickens! I LOVE CHICKENS! I need to paint an agricultural scene this fall and I would love you to send me some chicken pictures. I'll save Elvis if you don't mind. I can just see the title, "Elvis, KING of the Roost." Chickens scratching, roosting, anything. No rush, but if you can take some I would appreciate it. Thanks Joe. Pam
  9. At noon, it actually timed out when I was trying to answer a pm. It gave up. I got through just now though. Pam
  10. Thanks everyone, and yes, misfish, it's your doing me getting into painting people. I guess I should THANK YOU. I have always loved portraits and I can put them in a landscape at the same time! Pam
  11. Here is another finished painting. "It's Too Cold", photo reference courtesy of Slowpoke. Thanks again. Pam
  12. I think all our ice will be gone by next weekend. Pam
  13. I have one from the Timmins Cemetary. I plan to use it in a painting someday. Pam
  14. My brother is an astrophotographer and he told me I would need an FZ5 for what I want and they are discountinued so I am going for the FZ7 can't wait. Pam
  15. Let me know if you are interested in letting me use any in a painting. I still have 2 months of paintings left to finish. Pam
  16. Thank you guys. I'll see if I can do it. Your comments help a lot. Pam
  17. We are trying to connect the new trolling motor. The sticker on the motor says - some boats do not have adequate wiring for trolling motors, this powerful. The wiring from the batteries to the motor should be 6 gauge or larger, and must be must be fused with a 50 amp maual reset circuit breaker. Since I am wiring illiterate, can someone explain that in "Wiring For Dummies" language please.?? Pam
  18. Someone check the agreement. It's snowing like mad up here. Pam
  19. I'm late for another birthday! Hope it was swell. Pam
  20. Thanks guys, I'll tell him. Pam
  21. We had to snow blow yesterday when our labrador retriever had trouble walking through the deep snow. I had to shovel to get out this morning and we are still under a storm watch. Pam
  22. Hi All: My hubby bought a new MinKota trolling motor and battery and wants to know about hooking it up to a Solar Panel charger. His friend told him that he would need a box?? to go between the solar panel and battery? Help, I'm confused! Pam
  23. Thank you so much Troy, that's a big help. Pam
  24. Thanks Lew. But that is the wooden boat factory, I have a fiberglass boat. Pam
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