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Everything posted by pameladallaire

  1. Good afternoon! I'll be staying home finishing up a project. and my whole family is heading up from Ottawa!! It's quiet for a few hours anyway. Have a great weekend all. Pam
  2. Beautiful Joey! Good craftsmanship (or is it craftwomanship?) is not cheating!! How many people can do it?? Great job. Pam
  3. Beautiful shots as usual! Have you entered any contests with your photos? Pam
  4. Beautiful butterfly shots! I was also going to ask whether you used a tripod. I have trouble getting the shots crisp but I'm still learning my camera too. Pam
  5. A nice way to start the day, by saying good morning. I've been too busy to check in every day. I hope everyone has a great week. Pam
  6. The walleye were already being over fished in the 80's. You have to go farther out for walleye but we used to catch musky, pike, bass very close to home. Pam
  7. Hey Dustin: I think I'll say Congratulations to you and WELL DONE to your wife! I'm sure you'll help with all those midnight and 3 a.m. diaper changes. Beautiful family. Pam
  8. Hey TJ: The flower is a wild lady's slipper, have them in Gogama too, just along the trails. They like, damp shady areas. Lovely pictures, especially the ones of Jaden. Can see a painting for next years DUC entry. I love prospector tents, I lived in them year round and was more comfortable in them than a camper would ever be. I don't even want to think about what you went through pushing that barb through. I hope your tetnas shots are up to date. Every 10 years fisher folks, you should get a new one if you are cutting yourself with fish knives, barbs or digging around the ground. Pam
  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. I told my friend just an hour ago to live her life to the fullest today, because if you plan to have fun later, later never comes. I take care of my mother, by choice, and still live a wonderful life thank goodness. I know I won't be caring for her forever. There are no guarantees in life. I wake up every morning thanking the almighty that I have another day to enjoy. Having friends on the internet helps too. Pam
  10. Thanks everyone, I'll let you know how it turns out. I can't get tomatillos in Timmins but I have dried Chipotle peppers. I love chipotle peppers. I grow my own herbs too so it should taste great! Thanks again. Pam
  11. I have to make homemade salsa for a party Thurs. I LOVE SALSA and have an original Yucatan Peninsula stone carved mortise and pestile to make it in. I DON"T have a great recipe though. Someone help! Pam
  12. I'll hold off on the diagnosis/prognosis. See your doctor if you are having trouble breathing, I know how you feel. They are still coming up with more reasons for my breathing difficulties, they just called today to tell me my blood work is out of whack. Back to the doctors. Pam
  13. Drat, I thought the Tutus were on sale again. Glad you're happy though. Pam
  14. Welcome, I'm sure someone can help you out. Pam
  15. Well, Mallards evolved around water and soft underbrush, not cement pavement. The mother sits under the tree and calls until they all start jumping from the nest, and if over soft ground, they bounce and roll. If, over water, they splash and float. Pam
  16. Thank all of you for your kind comments. I just like sharing what I've been up to. Most of my friends are on-line and I only have my sister here in Timmins to see my artwork. Now, to the next project. Pam
  17. We are new owners of the Power Drive and Maximizer was one of the reasons for buying it. It is stated on the box and in the booklet that it is Maximizer. We plan to get an auto pilot soon so that should solve the foot pedal going on us soon. It just plugs in to the side of the motor. We have ours mounted on the bow. Pam
  18. "I Can Do It" painting just finished. An OFNer's son trying to put the worm on the hook. Pam
  19. Hang on, where's the freezing rain and snow? How close were you to Timmins? Pam
  20. Such sad news. I feel so sorry for you Lew. I know you will miss him. My sister is my best friend and we are always together. I don't know what I would do without her. You and your family will be in my prayers. Pam
  21. Thanks for sharing your pics Dan. We had the same weather. I have a question about photographing wildlife with my new digital camera. Should I be using manual exposure to get the correct lighting or do you use an auto setting. Now remember, I'm a complete beginner when it comes to photography. I just can't seem to get the lighting right. Pam
  22. Below freezing every night this weekend, changing to +27 by Wed. Just our typical long weekend weather. Pam Oh, no flies. They froze.
  23. Great news Mareen, how's your new pup doing? I'll see if I can find it on our cable. Don't know where it will be up here. Then I can brag when my nephews made for TV movie comes on. He plays the lead too. Nice having actors in the family. I love watching their careers emerge. Pam
  24. I missed your birthday. Hope it was a great one. Pam
  25. Happy Birthday Art Pam
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