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Everything posted by pameladallaire

  1. Hmm, you've never had a dog retrieve a skunk? You are lucky with the moose leg!! Pam
  2. It's +6 degrees on my deck and was pouring rain this morning. The only problem is my whole driveway is sheer ice with water on top. Pam
  3. I TRY to be the same on-line as I am in person, but actually, I'm louder in person. LOL Pam
  4. Friday update: Nope it's the flu alright! 3 days and still going strong along with fever. Now my mother is complaining about feeling nauseated. Sigh!
  5. Those are pretty tame pet stories. My grandfather used to show up at the door with wounded crows, snakes, bats and other assorted animals. He never got used to my sister and I boiling down the turkey carcas to make vertebrae necklaces or putting pike eye balls in formaldehyde. Pam
  6. It wasn't a waste. Beautiful pictures! Pam
  7. So far so good, but it has only been one day. Sigh! My fingers are still crossed but the odds are against me. Pam
  8. OOOOOH, nice ones guys. I can't wait to see more. Pam
  9. Thanks everyone, I know about the hand washing. I've been running around the house with a 10 percent bleach mix and using gloves to deal with the cleaning. I'm worried about my mother getting it who health has been iffy since her stroke/heart surgery. Fingers crossed. Pam
  10. Thanks Steve: I've been drooling over the new boat and cursing because I've been taking care of my mom the last 2 years since her stroke/heart surgery. I don't have a choice at the moment but will find a way. Pam
  11. Aaaaarrrrggghhh! After being soooo careful to stay away from sick people this holiday. My hubby woke up with full blown stomach flu. My sister (an ICU nurse) says there are different ones going around so I don't know whether my flu shot will cover this one. YUCK! happy new year Pam
  12. Thanks Steve: My husband has his choice of rods from our living room display case. Also has a new counter reel and his new boat should have good rod holders, I'll check. No problem with the tackle. He likes using fireline. Don't know whether that will be the correct line. Thanks for the info. Pam
  13. We have what I would call slush ice. One day it's slush, the next day it's ice, slush, ice. Yuck!
  14. Thanks guys, we just need 30 ft. and 50 ft. divers. I'll ask Canadian Tire if they can get them in. If not, I've had an offer to go shopping for me at BPS. Pam
  15. If you go to Mattagami, stop and say hi to my husband John at Minakwa Lodge. Just ask where he is, they all know him. Fishing is great. The spawn tires the fish out until the second week of June and then gradually gets better and better until the big ones hit in Sept. Any other info, just ask. Pam
  16. They think it's spring. Up here the spring peepers call on the ice. Maybe I should check outside tonight. Pam
  17. Nice fish! Keep me in mind if you ever want to get rid of some of those old reels. Nice outfit! Pam
  18. How sweet is that! I grew up making quilts with my grandmother and only stopped a few years ago to put in more time painting. Believe me, it takes longer to make a quilt than for me to paint a painting. Nice present!! Pam
  19. Everyone with cameras please point them at any owls you see. I'm going to be doing paintings for The Owl Foundation in Ontario. It is the rescue and release center for Ontario owls. It also breeds the native species of owls and trains them to be self-sufficient, and then flys them to their normal breeding areas around ontaro. I think a great cause. So lots of pictures would be useful for me. Full body shots or close up head shots. Thanks in advance. Pam
  20. It's supposed to rain and be above 0 here till Friday. 20 deg. above normal. Pam
  21. OK guys and gals. Where can I get a Dipsy Diver?? Bass Pro was out of them when my brother-in-law went shopping for them befor xmas. Pam
  22. I love the fly rod! Gonna make me one. But we use the handle ends for ice fishing. I just attached a piece of graphite on the tip of a broken rod when a pencil wasn't long enough in my hubby's workshop. Cottage back scratcher. Cat fishing (feline variety) add catnip toy to end and have fun. House plant stake, for the tall varieties. Add a dust mop and you have a spider web duster for those hard to reach places.
  23. I decided to make resolutions about my work. Painting and so I would have to keep on track I posted them on my website. Now, if I slacken a bit, a few people following my work will give me a swift kick in the bee=hind and I'll get where I want to go. Oh, and I like tan lines. Pam
  24. Have a great new years. Pam
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