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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Yeah but I thought they kill ignition not stater
  2. I think most blowers and lawnmowers are 4 stroke these days
  3. Does the solenoid click/ make a noise when you try to start it I would check to see it there is a fuse in line for the smaller wire on the solenoid you can bypass or jump the solenoid, run booster cables to the start and see if that turns it over
  4. They look great could you do perch pattern too
  5. With the way the draw is, most likely that’s the only way I could get a moose these days
  6. I think they say every 100 hours or minimum once a year
  7. My poor old eyes sure have a hard time reading highlighted text
  8. But the plant is net zero emissions, they planted some trees and pays their share of the carbon taxes, paying a carbon tax is going to save the world oh and the budget will balance itself
  9. I just sold a rude 2003 9.9. because it broke down and there were no new parts or aftermarket parts i found a used part after a lot of looking and sold it right away but I still have a 2001 rude 90 Hp I’m thinking I have to sell if I can find a different make for a good price
  10. You know I was talking about the fish and the meal lol
  11. Yeah, that would put a new twist to it Then quit stocking them seems to be the answer to start with
  12. Make it simple get a 24 or 27 group size regular starting battery there are only a few manufacturers so buy a less expensive one if you can
  13. From what I heard they only have cold drinks and they are handing them out for free this weekend so no double double
  14. And there it is he edited his post and added advertising link so I did read into it what it was
  15. And why would 2 people dig up an old post and be their first post on this site both within minutes of each other ? you would think both are the same person
  16. Yup tornado warn on my phone, gonna be a bumpy road
  17. I use to insure my equipment separately from my boat and home insurance , I had lots of photos to prove what I had and we had an agreed value policy often boat insurance and home insurance has limitations on payout for fishing equipment and fishing electronics
  18. I have not heard that but it directly flows into Gloucester pool so if it did it would have affected the pool too
  19. Nice to see you getting out catching fish on your own creations
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