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Everything posted by Terry

  1. good to hear, I have a couple of reels that need fixing
  2. nice to see people out and getting them, even with no ice
  3. Well it looked like a calm day so I thought I would run up to willow beach to go fishing for whitefish in my little folding boat.... I couldn't find a place to park at willow beach... no parking...yeah everywhere had that and no stopping signs ..looks damn unfriendly..so I go to Jacksons point first I forgot the anchor .. so I had the electric trolling motor in the back of the truck , so I through it in the boat and off I went from Jacksons point...I saw all the boats a few miles out, but the waves were more then I thought they would be so I stopped and fished a hump part way out to the group of boats I was marking fish but couldn't get any to bite...using the trolling motor running backwards to try to stay strait over the lure a big wave came right over the back and got me wet....I was only wearing running shoes and it wasn't long before they were wet and cold and the adventure was over..except the half hour ride back in... didn't catch a thing but it was lots of fun getting out fishing......... back at the dock I saw the water seemed black it wa minnows.. millions of them as far as the eye could see I snapped some pictures but it's hard to see them well that's it of the weekend back to work tomorrow Terry
  4. wow I have no idea how the heck you find them
  5. they make me wear a .....prosthetic.. chin to hide the hair........lol
  6. well as long as we are clearing up rumors.. .it is not true that I have been Ron Jeremy stunt and close up double for the last 15 years
  7. you had better find some more projects you have too much time on your hands
  8. saw it very interesting but truth be told. he showed charts that he had made and told a story..nothing more he had nothing/no one to back up what he was saying to be fact.... I think he gave us a lot to think about, but that's it.. remember..he is the guy that tried to take credit for inventing the internet
  9. hope all is well got my first cataract at the age of 35....out in the sun too much had both eyes done..one is good the other didn't go too good...and now I have big trouble driving at night...all lights look like a blinking christmas tree they can't put you out to do the op..as soon as you are out, or a sleep you start rapid eye movement, and that would make it hard for them to slice and dice your eye.....so you are awake for it....
  10. this might be what you are thinking of trolling motor
  11. LOL...Tracker I did mean for it to be funny I wasn't making a statement about the guy.......just thought it was funny
  12. it will take about a 4 hp the new square back ones handle bigger hp better then mine
  13. I wait till 6 post to decide.......lol
  14. strangely enough these boats are very stable, I can stand and pick up a big muskie over the side of the boat without worries of tipping...if only I could catch a big muskie... and I was on the rideau and 3ft waves came up..I was safe and comfortable on the trip home..but this time of year I am more careful
  15. there is no reason in the world to not just use a battery
  16. if we get a day with no wind I will be taking my 12ft folding boat out there for some whitefish/laketrout..but this time of year, it needs to be real calm
  17. fta is legal if you use it for free to air signals if you program it with the bins that let you decrypt bell or dishnetwork or any encrypted signal you are breaking the law a few places in toronto just got busted for programming FTA receivers with the hack to get bell or dishnet......
  18. cool, nice to see you got down there one more time....
  19. no pike is spring and fall but never any numbers..bass is everywhere the whole river has undercut banks with bullrushes and bass can be there...the less weeds around them the better
  20. in the spring just as the ice goes out..the crappie move in, some years in big numbers , other years few pike, perch sunfish bullheads but in the summer bass, big bass flipping the banks of the river has been known to win bass tourneys did I say snapping turtles..oh yeah big ones........
  21. well, I was all set to take my folding boat out from big bay point for some whitefish and trout and to try out my new fishfinder and underwater camera well way too much wind for that, so I took it down to the holland river to play there were about 100 of these birds hiding under the bridge and they were not happy to see me didn't catch a thing... but I had a great time on the water..in a boat..on Jan 1..... the x67c worked well but didn't show any fish the camera, well I really didn't think it would work with how dirty the water is but it worked nicely......and even saw a couple of crappie swimming around but the wind was pushing me around so much I couldn't hold the camera still well back to work tomorrow
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