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Everything posted by Terry

  1. nice report good to see everyone is getting out fishing
  2. nice looking fish I was out in the zoo too
  3. it is legal much like a downrigger sets the hook for you
  4. well I was just using plastic if I had live bait, I think I would have/could have caught lots,,I was too busy playing with the camera
  5. well got up and saw freezing rain there were reports of bad roads so I waited till 745 before I headed out most roads were pretty good, found a parking spot on the road, could see there were cars and trucks parked on the lake..and off I went there was a plowed road out to the first hut, so someone had a truck out there...I stop near some huts set up dropped the camera and started looking for perch..didn't see any but did see 2 bass....a little early for them so I packed up and moved across the lake to gilford...oh first thing I did even before I got anything off the ATV..broke my good icefishing rod....figures I would think 1000s of people out there..and blue clam portable fish huts.tons of them, I should have bought stock in the company hope it's big enough to see all the people I set up and saw perch on the camera right away they were not very big..but lots of them here are some movie clips of them swimming around and some hook ups movie movie 2 movie 3 movie4 real busy playing with the aquavu..didn't even try my new fishfinder..... well had a good time everything seems to be working ok can't wait to get out again
  6. in the past we would look for the blood spots on the ice to know we were in the same spot we were on the day before , for whitefish, if it snowed it was a guessing game and with a gps now there is no guess work
  7. yeah everyone knows he should have waited till saturday to drive a truck on the ice.....lol
  8. I will be all over cooks bay saturday
  9. wow I can't believe it's only 4"...I would have thought there would be much more......if it was a normal winter I would have fished it by now.....always next year, I guess
  10. yeah, it has been known for some time now and some years it will give an extra week of bass fishing
  11. so now that they are losing billions the workers should be making minimum wage or less by what you are saying....
  12. I think Headhunter has hit the nail on the head.......... add the benefit package they have and there are nurses, cops, teachers, lawyers and more that envy the money auto workers get
  13. I checked the sat photos and they all seem frozen but there is some fast flowing waters around that area so some never freeze too well, so if you don't know the area, check with locals
  14. well...... this is what clam corp. has to say Problem: The Pole Glide Technology is not moving smoothly. Possible cause: Although the poles are pre-lubricated at the factory, the lubrication can dry/evaporate prior to use. Solution: To maximize our Pole Glide Technology, we recommend spraying a small amount of WD-40® (or similar lubricant) into the openings (ends) of the Hoop Poles before assembling the shelter. Next, turn the Hoop Pole over to let the excess lubricant drain off (stuffing paper towels into the ends of the tube before turning it over will help prevent the lubricant from dripping out onto the floor). Finally, you may also want to lubricate the Seat Rail Tubes for easier back and forth seat movement.
  15. I have the same problem and have be thinking about what can be used you don't want something that will stay wet like oil, or dirty like graphite or wd40 that could gum it up over time..I have been thinking that a wax product might be the way to go..but I will be interested to see what people think
  16. you can redirecting the duct with flexible hose no problem if you had the tap dripping a little most times it will not freeze I would get a blow torch or hair dryer on it and get it working as soon as possible or it will freeze more ... it is best to start heating the pipe close to to the tap and work your way to the frozen area with the tap open because heating it does cause pressure and can crack the pipe and pop elbows you can buy the heater wire and wrap the pipe then insulate it and plug it in when needed
  17. the hill that my heart went into arrhythmia walking up...lol have they put in a chair lift to make it up the hill
  18. that or a spud was the only way to cut a hole when I was growing up you get damn wet using a chain saw and as the ice gets thicker it's not as easy as one would think to get the big piece of ice out of the hole or to push it down and over..auger is the way to go
  19. thes boots aren't made for walkin so that's not what I'll do that's why people have an ATV/skidoo
  20. if you are leaving it there, I hope you have insurance on it I know a guy that bought a boat left it at the dealer..it was stolen and had a heck of a time getting them to pay he didn't have any insurance on it
  21. ha ha .....let us know when you get it and we can all show up with chainsaws and cut you a nice opening in the ice so you can float your boat
  22. that would do it where the snowmoblie tracks end , start casting
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