There are 2 sides to every story
and there are good cops and bad cops
if you have ever had a cop lie to make you look guilty
if you have not done something wrong but a cop strong arms you
if you have had a cop treat you like a criminal, because you are in a police station, and harass you, then the cop you where talking to comes back and tells the other cop that you are reporting a crime and not a suspect and rather then apologize, he says he has his eye on you...just maybe you lose all respect for them and when one walks/drives up to you you are afraid that your civil rights are about to be stomped on....
why do people not respect cops
because cops are humans and as such they are just as prone to human emotions, thoughts and mistakes as the rest of us....we are at their mercy to their ever whim...they care weapons and if we felt threatened by them we can not do anything about it as we would be killed or anything else they want and we would be guilty until proven innocent..your word against them..good luck
having said that I would not want their job I could not hold my emotions in check as well as most of them do
they do have a tough job