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Everything posted by ctdd2006

  1. Good Luck! Guess you won't have time to make it up to Elliot for some big specks this winter??? Cheers!
  2. Wow! Left field in my opinion! I'm not endorsing them with any bias as I sell all products! Samsung appliances have been really really good and my customers have been really really happy???? A lot of Kenmore products today are made by Samsung for a reason...
  3. ...as an owner of a Sears store and someone who also sees this daily...my repair tech says the complete opposite! His exact words are "Whirlpool screwed up Maytag" and by today's standards LG and Samsung...especially Samsung are the way to go in his opinion...and from what I've dealt with the last five years I agree! To each their own I guess??? We've had A LOT of success with all Samsung products and of all the stuff we sell, my kitchen will prove it. Good Luck! Also, parts haven't been an issue on fridges...higher end steam washers and dryers are a different story though. I agree on the compressors...but that's why fridges today are so cheap too!
  4. those pics are awesome! What camera you using?
  5. still loving my Packers! Can't wait till Sunday!
  6. Samsung! Kenmore built samsungs are on sale....I know!
  7. Awesome! Congrats.
  8. reasonable insurance company.......clean hooker.....???? NOT LIKELY. Good luck. We're with RBC...recently switched...saved money and are happy for it.
  9. great trip and recap! CHEERS!
  10. Nice stuff! Warm day??? No jackets??? :dunno:
  11. What a year for you!!!! A career for most! Congrats!
  12. It's a two stroke...guaranteed.
  13. Nice going! Hate the BEARS toque...hate the bears...go PACKERS!
  14. I too am curious? His reports were awesome! He got beat up a bit over some "greyish" ethical/legal boundaries he was arguing but......????
  15. Awesome stuff! My boy is nearing 5y/o and this is his third ice fishing season. He and I both can't wait for Jan 1st around here! Enjoy it Limey!
  16. I wouldn't take that bet. I agree the colts are dangerous and experienced. Don't count my Packers out if they get in they'll make some noise! Go Pack!
  17. your smallest but best catch of the season! Congrats! Cheers.
  18. good deal! They're sold out on the unit coast to coast! It's a Husquvarna painted red!
  19. What did you buy? Why?
  20. you just jinxed me! pOOP!
  21. thanks for the feedback guys! Cheers.
  22. Seems like a good deal seeing as it comes with everything?? Looking for input. Thanks. http://www.sears.ca/product/pelican-snow-trek-75-utility-glider-sled/606-000255000-LDT75PC01
  23. That was a great fight. GSP was dominant and continues to add to his legacy! Not even close...but you gotta hand it to KOS because he hung in there tough and that nasty right of his could have come down right up to the final bell....but it didn't! An all around ass kicking!
  24. good tv for sure....but not quite in the 8series samsung class of last year...but you got the SD slot...that's worth a LOT in my eyes! don't get me wrong.. the VT is awesome and Pioneer...probly best but not relevant now. All great TV's though.
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