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Everything posted by mattyk

  1. nice work!
  2. i pay attention to the wind, but usually any chance i get to go fishin, I will.
  3. keep us updated on your progress. I have a similar boat and i would like to do a similar project.
  4. i will vote for that being the report of the month! Good work and thanks for sharing!
  5. this is a serious topic. The potential implications could be serious. Very sad to here indeed.
  6. Its a great idea. But i think what you guys have said is correct about the plain good old fashion common sense. Some people have have it and some don't and i dont think there is much you can do to change it. It has to do with behaviour and cultural norms, and changing peoples behaviours and attitude is very tough. I see people down here in Kentucky for example who catch muskie, club them on head and throw the fish on the shore and leave them to die. I asked them why they did that and the response was that "they eat the bass" and " i have always done this". I was so shocked by that answer. Two years ago i was fishing the french river and i saw some body who caught a muskie, and kept it even though it was too small. I asked them the size and they told me it was 45 inches. Then i told them the muskie size limit was 48 inches. Then there reply was "oh i made a mistake measuring it was actaully 48 inches and it was probably a pike". My reply was that I had taken their boat registration number and i was going to contact the OMNR. They told me to "take a hike". Well, i contacted the crime stoppers numeber on the muskie poster that says recognize the difference, and they said that there was nothing they could do about that. They gave me the MNR phone number and it was on a weekend and they were closed. I tell you some people these days just have no respect. What can you do.
  7. thats one big mama of a perch.
  8. pretty bad, hope they dont make it into canadian waters. We have them here in kentucky. I saw several last year in the ohio river but not like the numbers in the video.
  9. good work, some nice fish you got there.
  10. holy cow! thats a beast.
  11. does it really matter. More importantly they catch fish! Dont leave home without one.
  12. i have caught trout, carp and catfish on gummi worms,watermelon, and bread.
  13. I love the rapala. One of my favorites. I have caught so many bass and other species on em. I just tried senkos one time last year and i didnt have much luck. I plan on using the more this year.
  14. nice report.
  15. my dog hates the water. She is a little havense and she dont like to swim. I have tried to teach her but nothing.
  16. nice fish, thanks for sharing.
  17. I think ontario is the best place in the world to catch a fish. I may be a little bias though.
  18. thanks for all the info. We have some talented guys here.
  19. I have a 14.5 Legend Vhull standard aluminum boat. I'm thinking of adding a casting deck to the front of the boat so that I can add a bow mount trolling motor to it. Has any body added a casting deck to a boat like this before? Any advice? Is this a lot of work? Thanks in advance.
  20. looks like a great trip. Thanks for sharing.
  21. nice shots phil. Thanks for sharing.
  22. They have some huge perch. Maybe they practice more C&R. Their pike are the size of our muskies.
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