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Everything posted by mattyk

  1. I have caught some mooneye before.
  2. thanks for sharing!
  3. Thank you to all the brave men and women who serve their country.
  4. nice fish.
  5. Some people just have no respect for anything these days especially mother nature. It makes me so MAD! When will people learn that we can't treat the environment like a garbage can.
  6. i dont leave home without power pro.
  7. those are really nice pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  8. nice report!
  9. nice fish, especially the muskie!
  10. I also use seaguar fluro but im not happy with it. ITs a little stiff. I think i my try the pline floro coated mono. I have heard good things about it.
  11. shad are pretty good down here in kentucky.
  12. nice steelie!
  13. nice report, thanks for sharing!
  14. nice. Must feel good to get out and catch a few.
  15. nice report thanks for sharing!
  16. nice fish Phil. I hoping to get out soon and try my luck.
  17. looks like you have been very productive.
  18. some sweet picutres! nice fish and thanks for sharing.
  19. like marko said worms and sinker should get you in business.
  20. i think it was a tiger muskie. That was really cool. I once caught a pike that had a big mouse in its stomach. Gross.
  21. nice fish.Glad to hear the CO's were out.
  22. some nice fish, thanks for sharing.
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