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Everything posted by muskeybugged

  1. Like all good porn (fish porn or otherwise) we don't watch it for the story line! Great fish! Little Curious George on the boat blur though? Cheating on your usual fishing buddy, my guess...
  2. Now them's are largemouths.... Good job!
  3. Your going to need a bigger boat so the camera man can get the whole fish in the shot! Awesome job again!
  4. Cobra in West end Mississauga had one for my Sentra when everyone else failed. I needed it done quick and they asked me to pick up the hitch from their supplier ( can't remember the name for the life of me ) Dundas / Winston Churchill area.
  5. I've caught one mirror in my day and he seemed to be a great little fighter, even did a bit of a tail walk. Would you say that they do fight better or did I just catch a carp with some extra energy? always wondered.
  6. Awesome deal...Great report. Under bluebird sky's too. Thanks for sharing....
  7. Good job Beans..... Try forgetting the net next time! Monkey's off the back! It must have been the good luck Wagon
  8. I can't believe no one suggested spinnerbaits!!!! Burn em fast...... Most of the time. Good luck, fun little lake they got there.
  9. Work of art! Sure you'll find other uses for that too!
  10. I hear it was tough last weekend. We were at it for a few hours with notta, my boat got bored..... so we then went bait-fishing , did well with the Eye's and Crappie's.
  11. Well it seems OFC is working for you what else do you need? I'm no computer guru so I'm not much of a help sorry.
  12. Fill a garbage can full of water...... If it's a "no deal" PM me the lead!
  13. Hey all! I have a trip in the works to head a way up north. LOTW.... and to visit Ol' Granny in Fort Frances. We still are not sure if we are going to be doing day trips to area lakes or get all comfy/cozzie at a lodge for a few days. I've narrowed down my search to Lake of the Woods Lodge based on price mainly, and well this late into the year availability (which scares me, why is it still avail?). It's on an Island which sounds interesting and maybe why they still have some vacancies. If you have been, would you recommend it to someone crazy enough to drive that far for a fishing trip (from the GTA)? I keep using a visit with Granny to justify the KM's of this trip. I'll find my own fishing spots but are there any spots close to the lodge so that my 8 m.p.h. boat could get too? Musky is the main focus of the trip with the odd Walter to join us for shore lunch. Plan B: Day trips from Fort Frances..... Get up before the rooster head to a lake of our choice for the day with some food and bevies to keep us going. LOTW is going to be a lake on our list, possibly Eagle for a day and who knows where the wind will take us for "Seat of our pants" Plan B. Are public boat launches easy to find? Are they marked by road signs? Sioux Narrows or Nestor Falls where would you go for musky? Thanks in advance, any info on the area would be helpful..... MB
  14. I hear the lake is about as hot as the Red Wings in game 3 & 4!!!! Had to after reading the "other" post. Best of luck with the fishing.....not so much with the Series...
  15. Happy Birthday!!!!!
  16. $40 Quality leader. Double Cow Girl Bucktail. Top water of some sort with a prop ( topraider ). ("I am still inexperienced in catching musky")......Both are easy to use, semi straight retrieve lures. That's pushing $50 though. Good luck!
  17. "Question for you carpers...Is chumming for carp with corn legal?? I've seen them do it on some of the fishing shows but wasn't sure....Some people i meet say its illegal some say its legal...whats the word?" Something about cooking it and then split the kernel's....has to do with expandature in their stomachs. Many serious carp addicts use maize (field corn) as groundbait. It is extremely important to boil (for about 20 minutes) any dry grain or seed baits (maize, nuts...) and allow them to soak overnight. This allows them to swell and soften, and ensures that they won't germinate. Furthermore, never use any dry grain or seed baits as groundbait as they will swell inside the fish and cause internal damage. It is important to use groundbaits ethically, making sure not to use large grain baits (such as corn/maize) in areas heavily populated by trout and bass. Both species have trouble digesting corn and may die if they eat too much. Better yet check out the chumming tactic of this guy, it's post #10 from this topic a couple of days ago. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32370 I'm still chuckling about it! Nice fish botbot......it's bigger then you!
  18. What kind of bait did you use? Did he chase it down or did you drop it in front of his nose?
  19. And less deep/foul hooking. Nice Crappie though!
  20. You'd better get a Patent on that!
  21. On the long weekend I seen a group of people camping out on an small Island on Little Bald - legally or not I'm not sure.
  22. Great report, pics and vid's! One question.... How'd you rig the camera up like that?
  23. If I were a doctor I'd say you'd need a 10 day trip up north. I'm sure Gramp's and your buddy will put you one the big ones. My condolences. Take er' easy.
  24. Wow Beautiful That should attract plenty o' fish! What's the HP on the big motor?
  25. The "Abuse" bar is set far to low now-a-days, one squeal to the teacher and CAS will be a knocking.
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