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Everything posted by muskeybugged

  1. Back for some more advice. Thanks in advance for sharing. I wish I had more to share with the community. You guys are great! Low water, morning skim of ice..... Best launch to use this time of year on Pigeon Lake would be? DMs appreciated if applicable Cheers
  2. Alright! Thanks guys, that's some good info, and yes the “drag creep” I have noticed with my 10-year-old convectors. Definitely not ideal. With every slight turn or speed increase, current strength. Before you know it the drag is clamped down. I think I might just go one Tekota and one coldwater. And report back here some results. Then when my 10-year-old convectors needs replacing I'll know which way to go. Again thanks everyone, appreciate this community as always. Even though I've been absent of late. Cheers
  3. Contact your lawyer for verification!
  4. I'd add Wiarton for a windy day. Colpoy’s bay, pretty narrow and protected by most wind directions.
  5. Hey folks, Looking to add a couple of reels to the “what do you need that for?” list. Found myself now with a bit of a salmon bug. I only dipsy and down rigger. No wire or copper....yet. Which line counter reel in your opinion would be best for switching gears between both musky and salmon trolling? Thanks in advance!
  6. Up did myself to some lithium’s. No longer needed. Minn Kota 2 Bank @ 10 amps each. This was its 3rd season in good shape. I dunno say $275?
  7. Never thought about reversing the bow mount. Feeling much better about the troll control option. I owe ya one!
  8. Yes on the I pilot here too. Do you remember the difference the troll control made? Or Your minimum speed without troll control enabled? Thanks again for your input!
  9. Hello All, First post in a long time. I have a new Lund 1675 Impact full windshield, with a 90hp 4 stroke Mercury. Idle’s as low as 2 mph and as fast as 2.8 mph. Will adding the troll control feature get me down to the low 1.somethings? Will the 150 RPM drop make that much of a difference? Trying to avoid a kicker motor situation for a few personal reasons, and the trolling plate idea seems a bit amateur for a brand new boat. Any help or shared experience would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  10. Is this still available? Any idea if it has the ability to charge a battery? Could be interested Thanks, Pete
  11. Looks sweet, changes the whole complex of the room, great job! Hate too see the new gas bill though. none-the-less
  12. Removing shingles is a piece of mind sort of thing. If you can inspect underside of roof from attic for water damage, do it. If there is no to little damage strap'er to the shingles. Comparing it to a moldy bathroom/shower, once it dries out and is not used mold ceases to multiply. Metal Roofing will ensure this does not get wet - further ensuring no mold growth. We are talking a camp, not a home nor a cottage? Structure is enhanced with a metal roof. Visiting the Caribbean this metal roofing is used quite often and seems to be holding structure together. Pricing, the Mennonite's seem to control the pricing. Forcing local business to compete in Mennonite regions. can't remember exact $ figures though but way cheaper then Toronto prices. Price in the snow guards! That single peak is going to make for a slow install. Make sure you have your spider legs when walking on a metal roof.
  13. Wishing people would think, before typing so fast

  14. How does this become "their" fish stocks? Hit the seal on the head Wayne!
  15. Wab is the kind of inspiration the next generation needs to succeed. It would be nice to see that happen without people telling them how much of a disgrace to society they are, In their inherited opinions from hundreds of years ago, defending themselves with guns like the ol' Western's. Not sure what it is they fear in all this is?
  16. The breed makes it that much more enjoyable! Thanks for sharing!
  17. An Icon for all Native kids - People often ask "what the movement wants to accomplish"? A generation full of Wab Kinew's.
  18. Some of the common misconceptions I seen from a previous post we know which one...... Never got my chance to speak...... short and sweet clip below <iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GlkuRCXdu5A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Thanks again for putting in the effort you always do to plan these trips, figure out those fish, and best of all share with us - these reports must take hours to put together! Much appreciated!!!!
  20. My first pot stir on the board... Sorry to the mods in advance... http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/fishing/2012/10/pending-michigan-state-record-muskie?photo=0#node-1001478815 Look at the second page of the story, there is a video of the fish. 2 hours after the fight and who knows how long after that - the fish still struggling for a breath. They took a legal fish, Great! They killed it, they're entitled too.... But kill it humanly.
  21. Sweet camera work! Great post, thanks for sharing
  22. Bilge pumps working?
  23. Very nice!!!
  24. With a group of about 10 of us, we weren't the first of our group to meet Mr. MNR, we heard they were in the area. Sure enough not long into our afternoon troll they came over to us. We reel in, cause they usually want to see what your using and other members from our group said they came aboard and did an intense search. I place my rod over the side of the boat while they talked to us - very friendly btw - "We're doing a survey, how many have you caught......." whammo my rod folds over, worm harness 5 feet behind the boat got slammed by a 22.5" wally eye. Suspended fish was the lesson and a good laugh from the game warden. The thing that got me was that he very strongly suggested that I keep the fish, legal yes, but bigger then I would like to keep. None the less it's good to see my fishing fees "at work"! Side note: No figure 8 was used, but I hope to this weekend!
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