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Everything posted by muskeybugged

  1. I'd love to discuss with you in PM form, the insight provided by the members is mostly accurate information that'd be useful......
  2. 6 cylinder Chevy Equinox or GMC Terrain.....
  3. Smoking is fun while fishing until you bring your smoke within close range of your line ..... Re tie I quit smoking oct 16 ain't caught nothing since
  4. Awesome job kiddo!!!!! keep it up.... Easier becoming champ, harder staying champ.
  5. Aghhhhhh....beer batter!!!! Oh yeah ..... sweet video too, keep em coming!
  6. Don't give him any ideas. He's been whinning bout the cold and the first sign of ice he'll for surely be out there with his new survival....the bottom half anyway!
  7. Cold???? Suck it up princess! keep a flask close by! Nice cat.... and the suit does wonders for ya!
  8. Thats awesome, I love you perchin video's....But...... If you have a wicked awesome camera like that do you need the finder also? Oh I see now, all in one rig..... That's a Marcum what model?
  9. Drilled 50 + holes..... covered many different depths. Did catch anything, didn't mark anything....Not even a bite. nothing gets me more then a panfish skunk... Where'd they go? How'd you do?
  10. good to hear the ice is good to go..... good to hear the perch are on fire...... Thanks for the report....hope to drill a couple of holes myself this weekend
  11. That's gonna be one purdy truck and boat combo! Congrates!
  12. Amen Brother!.... I haven't ice fished in over 90 years, not so confident on the ice, is good to go up there? I'm sure it is after the last couple of nights. New years countdown or ice fishing countdown?
  13. Sweet deal! Lots of pictures... I'd hate to see a fast and furious day!
  14. That's horribly news this time of year. My thoughts are with your family and hopes for a speedy recover. Sounds like a day of fishing therapy is in order...Take care of yourself and things will take care of themselves, all the best.
  15. My oh my thats some kewl stuff. It'd be cooler if you seen a doc..... Casting season starts in 4 months...
  16. WOW! Nice one too! Them northern ontario ski's have big heads and fins..... maybe it's like the 13 yr old kid with size 14 shoes, and the body catches up later in the upper 40'' range. Great job, Great fish. The new job is good almost great..... and they still haven't blocked OFC yet!
  17. Great report and vid's a usual. I've been MIA from the board for a while did Lew hook you into any late season ski's?
  18. Musky are still closed for the rest of 09'?
  19. HA HA.... Your Bugged up now! Nice fish and welcome aboard!
  20. Strange I had 45-47ºF on Pigeon today.
  21. Nice fish! Nice bug!
  22. Your expression says it all! Nice fish!
  23. Loved the intro to your post.....Congrates to the both of you and my the fishing gods grant you plenty of fishing time. She a beaut!
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