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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Thread of the day. Thanks Rich, some sweet cats right there!
  2. When i first started reading this thread, i thought it felt like reading the Enquirer. Now that Alex Jones is being posted up, its full out Twilight Zone.
  3. I stopped watching that video as soon as he called the area below 12' the thermocline. I think in spring, I'm sure someone may differ, the lake just slowly stratifies. That is, the cooler, more dense water settles to the bottom. Water is at 4degC in its most dense state. Water in the lake at ice out is fairly uniform in temperature and can be a crapshoot trying to find fish as they'll be in various places in the watercolumn at any given time. As the surface water warms and pushes the cold water deeper, a rich layer of oxygen will set up in the lake. This is the thermocline. The deeper the lake, the deeper the thermocline. For example, the thermocline on a typical Kawartha lake would probably set up in the 20-30ft range whereas in Haliburton it may set-up at 30-40ft. That being said, fish will congregate in fairly predictable spots to find their preferred temperature range. Wood scattered on the shoreline can warm the water in the immediate area faster than rock will, and theres always a steady diet of baitfish near inflows and creeks. Hope this helps!
  4. Thanks sd, this is something i can get exited about!
  5. Not everything is a conspiracy. My condolences go out to the victims of the bombings of April 15 in Boston and Iraq. Youll have to go through about 20 pages of Google until you find it. But its there with more (x10)casualties and roughly same number of injured. Doesnt quite stir your passion? Sorry to hear that. There are over 7000000000 people in the world. People come and people go. Want to see just how often and how trivial it is? Visit here to know that you and I, in the end, amount to this. http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ Not to our friends and families, hopefully. But to the rest of the world, these events will fade. Be good to people when you have the chance and just be thankful you have what you have because things can change in a hurry. Sorry for the rant. Bright side is, itll be forgotten
  6. Not like their arms are sore from shooting the puck last night...
  7. If Mtl and Bos keep playing the way they have, the 2nd seed is a definate possibility! Washington is going to be a tough game tonight.
  8. Anyone have a map of said pipeline and any idea of age/ quality? Obviously, a new pipeline with updated safeguards would be ideal. Cant say i agree with the lack of assessment and input. But thats par for Harpers course.
  9. Other teams not taking the Leafs seriously= more wins for the Leafs. I have no problem with that. You not taking the Leafs seriously? Pot, meet kettle...
  10. Leafs have an 80% shooting percentage.
  11. As much as i dislike The Sens, id like to see all the Canadian teams in the playoffs. Obviously, Calgary is exempt...
  12. A good stock of brown swimtrunks is a must if you fish from a kayak IMO.
  13. That logo is awesome man! Congrats on taking your hobby to these heights! Cant wait to see some long sleeve tees and hoodies:) Well done.
  14. Totally agree with this statement.
  15. Havent really been a bball fan for a few years but have been getting kindof pumped! Go Jays Go!!
  16. Kiprusoff is an All-World goalie. Hes won playoff rounds all by himself and IMO should be wearing a SC ring. His stats this year dont reflect the kind of netminder he is. Btw, hes 36 and has one more year on his contract. Word is it would take a 3rd. All this is moot if, like many said, he doesnt report to the team hes traded to.
  17. Lots of talk between the Leafs and the Flames about Kiprusoff. All over twitter
  18. What do they sound like? Just so i know if theres one around.
  19. Hasnt been his best game defensively. But his feed to Lupul was awesome.
  20. Used to think black was the only colour i needed. Then i ran out of black ones and had to put on a grey jighead. Yup, it caught fish too! Now i think only black and grey are worthwhile buys... Until i run out and have to use those white ones that have been taking up space all these years...
  21. Pretty sound reasoning right there.
  22. You're right. He only plays teams top lines, scored 88pts the past 2 seasons and has only 6 less pts this season than Markov has in TOTAL over the past 2 seasons. Sorry, 15pts if you include this season for Markov. Hes made of glass, after all. Where is he so much of an ugrade again?
  23. Feel bad for the guy. His best seasons were playing with Markov who plays pretty well the same game as Phaneuf. In his prime i think he wouldve slid in beside Dion just fine. He was never the same after Lucic took him to the cleaners...
  24. Theres more of you?
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