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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. I always swap glasses with my buddies during different conditions and times of day to see the differences,...and I guess the long and short is dark during sun and amber during overcast. I just ordered a new pair,...cant remember the brand, $65, which is more than i normally pay as I break or lose or scratch them, lol.
  2. was there any bones left in it?
  3. bahahahahaha
  4. dont forget the leader to match the hook
  5. Awesome Fish!!!
  6. Sickola,..Nice Pics!!! Keep it up !!!
  7. YUP,..havent bent one yet
  8. Just talked to the Guy,..sounds Legit,..you should really remove the phone number from your post.
  9. lol,..However if it is 11pm after finalizing the plan during touch and go weather and you are getting up at 5am,...time is definately a factor, for me atleast,..I usually try to have well over a hundred in many sizes and colours at the ready,...but in sept/october its usually a different ballgame. not sure about your comment on the stumps,...that logic would suggest yarn soaked in Roe juice,..hmmmmmmmm, interesting,...might have to try that
  10. Now your talkin,....but seriously,..Im not Jammin the device as Im sure it has its use for some poeple,....Is that how you learned to tie so you just stuck with it? Im having difficulty with the benefits? Im curious, no Jabs for once,..lol, Wait that wasnt your wife in the video was it? lol...Just kidding.
  11. Yes I have timed myself,...just to work out the Math,..Sorry Im a scientist, cant help it,..lol, but apparently you have also. Now after seeing that machine in the video,..So hilarious that it was Grandma using it,...I can indeed see who it was invented for Blind, feeble and sausage fingers,..lol,...mine are half way there, but I have dexterity. Bill why do you sit in front of the couch instead of on it? I like to watch TV or talk on the phone with earpeice in while I do it. Does sitting on the floor help? lol
  12. Thanks for posting that,...I see what it is now,...For me personally it has no use, not that it has thing to do with the machine, but did you see the size of those stumps Granny was leaving on the tied bags,..lol....bigger than the bags themselves,...also with spider wire there is no need to tie a knot,...Im betting I can tie better bags faster with my fingers than I could with that machine any old day of the week. thanks for confirming it is for the half blind and feeble,..lol
  13. lose the 12lb,...8lb is plenty, lose the berkley, see other threads about leader material. 3-4 ' of leader is excessive, with no shot on it, think of what will happen,...shot will sink faster than your bait....these are all the trials and tribulations,....TALK to the guys on the river, the guys landing fish and the guys holding CP's will usually know whats up.
  14. I respectfully request that you change your name from 'Fishinguypat' to 'ItsPat'
  15. Doesn't that equate to about 60/hour? where is the benefit? are they better quality? I highly doubt it!!! must be some drawbacks? I usually do 2 sets of 30,....ok start the clock...lay out newspaper,..lay out paper towel,...lay out 30 squares of colours I want,...take my plastic spoon and drop any where from 1 to 6 eggs, depending on my plan,...then tie em up one by one, snip me all at the end. Its kindof like a production line. tell us how your Contraption works please.... I need to hear more about this device, if it doesnt produce better bags faster, then is it made for the half blind or feeble? lol,..or whats the story? I have a buddy that doesnt see the greatest so he uses some sort of hook tying device,..I've never looked to closely at it, but all I know is I retie about 10x faster and probably better with one eye closed, lol.
  16. what the heck is that contraption? if its for Egg tying, how many does it do per hour? reminds me of those kids in school who couldnt roll joints, so they had a cigarette rolling machine,..lol.
  17. Gettin better all the time, although, I wouldnt reccomend that Raven Leader,...they make quality rods,..but I have lost way too many fish on their leader,...I have always been a fan of Drennan (owned by Raven) and although the diameter is huge for the line rating, it rarely lets me down. Recently I became a fan of Froghair also. Try Drennan 3lb or Froghair 6.6 lb (same diameter, hence the diameter of the leader is usually more important than the lb test quoted) for the slower clear conditions. You can go lower and land small fish, but when you get the big one on,..you will wish you hadn't. Also, that location we have pm'd about can stand Drennan 4lb ,5lb, and even 6lb leader almost anytime due to how dirty it usually is. cheers, good luck. Forgot to mention, Hook type/brand is important also, some are alot stronger than others, and go to #14 in the clearer conditions. When the brute gets on, even if your leader is well suited, if your hook sucks, it may bend and still cause you to lose fish,...this has happened to me MANY times. That being said, I prefer to lose a fish this way than with a broken leader and hook stuck in the fish's yap.
  18. What was the guy beside you using? thats the beast way to learn, observe
  19. Definately learn to tie your own. The store tied ones SUCK for the most part and they are freakin expensive, I know a store that charges $7 for a dozen salmon bags, you could go through a dozen on smolts in 20 minutes, those roe robbin little buggers, lol. Tying your own means you can manipulate size, shape and color for different locations and conditions. Even if you dont have any of your own roe, you are far better off to buy it in bulk, buy 3 colours of mesh and the spider thread and all of that will cost you about $40 from which you can tie about 300-400 average size bags. So even if you only got 300 for $40, thats only $0.13 per bag, where as if if you paid only $4 for a dozen, thats $0.33 per bag (or at the store I reffered to $0.58 per bag). From Bulk container and packaged mesh to tied bags in a container in the firdge I tie about 60 per hour, which is probably average. So the math dictates you should save ATLEAST $0.20 per bag and if you tie 60 per hour, which is only $12 savings for an hours work from the cheap store or $27 from the expensive store, so dont do it for the math. Although the Math does get a little better when you harvest a chinook and have enough for a whole season, lol. Do it for the quality and versatility, its really not hard, once you tie one or 2 you wont look back. Also try to think about who was tying them at the store....they could have been smoking all day or picking their ass while tying your roe bags,..Them troots wont like it. There is the possibility of minor satisfaction when you tie your own as well and land a nice fish, similiar, but to a much less degree to the flytier guys who tie their own vs. buying them for $2. P.S., once you really get into this sport, if you do,..you will find alot or other ways to spend your money than on pre-tied roebags.
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