Lol,..its not about buying into anything,...Think!!! The reason this intrigues me is I remember Sept 11, 2001 like yesterday, I happened to be working from home that day and watched the coverage for 24 hrs straight. I do remember the press announcing flight 93 was shot shot down by the military,...but only on that day, was never talked about again. Everyone has seen the alternative explanations and movies about Flight 93. And dont forget about Building 7, noone in there right mind can conclude this was not a planned demolition which had to be rigged weeks before hand,...and why exactly was that?
Call it conspiracy all you want, but with the amount of evidence contradicting the 'Official Story',..which is the real conspiracy theory? Also keep in mind events that lead up to this date in sept 2001 and what has occurred since. Just becasue we are Canadian doesnt mean it doesnt affect us. Just think about the Scandels we see so familiar in our own Govenrment at all levels every day. Does anyone care?