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Everything posted by StoneFly

  1. If you know where to go, its not neccesarily a bad thing
  2. LMAO, so why dont we all just buy the $99 ones?
  3. Lol,..and lumping us all together is about the most naive ignorant thing a guy could do
  4. Not too mention TIME,..lol, ...I was just sayin to my buddy 2 weeks ago ' what we do for these fish'...but then again every good outing is sooooo worth all of it...
  5. Tibbs, one thing I was wondering about....that water you were fishing seems like flat glass with very little current,...not the typical Steelhead water I would be used to....so Im wondering is there faster water near by? an extremely deep hole ? or was it sortof a fluke with cruising steelhead going to their next pool to rest? Im not saying anything deragotory in the least, just curious...cheers
  6. Nice Work bud!!! Cant wait to get out again!!!
  7. LOL...hence your 'Dr' designation ?
  8. 93 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-59kouBgO_s&feature=fvw
  9. Pentagon video
  10. Try this one....9 parts also.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hp8UUdNwRw...feature=related
  11. Lol,..its not about buying into anything,...Think!!! The reason this intrigues me is I remember Sept 11, 2001 like yesterday, I happened to be working from home that day and watched the coverage for 24 hrs straight. I do remember the press announcing flight 93 was shot shot down by the military,...but only on that day,...it was never talked about again. Everyone has seen the alternative explanations and movies about Flight 93. And dont forget about Building 7, noone in there right mind can conclude this was not a planned demolition which had to be rigged weeks before hand,...and why exactly was that? Call it conspiracy all you want, but with the amount of evidence contradicting the 'Official Story',..which is the real conspiracy theory? Also keep in mind events that lead up to this date in sept 2001 and what has occurred since. Just becasue we are Canadian doesnt mean it doesnt affect us. Just think about the Scandels we see so familiar in our own Govenrment at all levels every day. Does anyone care?
  12. noone may have seen this before,...6 weeks, $14,000,000 invested, $8,000,000,000 returned, not bad!!!
  13. Even better...
  14. lol,..try this one,..it starts of kinda hoaky in part one,...but gets very REAL in subsequent parts... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hNxBa6KENE...feature=related
  15. If you will never forget (nor will I) how is it bringing anything back? You kinda need to watch all 10 parts, its quite obviously corruption that caused all that pain. So we should just bury our heads in the sand? Do you realize how much North America and the world has changed as a result of supposed Terrorist attacks on 911? Ive watched other Doc's on this subject,..but this is BY FAR the best and most reputable!!!
  16. Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9t_yR2wtK4 The other 9 parts are on youtube.
  17. No I dont think so, I was 17 at the time and my memory is a little Foggy, lol. It was near Everett if thst helps.
  18. LMAO, so lb for lb you are saying those eeewy geewy catfish are stronger than salmon or Steelhead?
  19. I say you are only 4'6" tall and that fish is 5lbs....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  20. Curious, is it Illegal to lift a loose Chiney and collect the eggs in a baggie then let her go? no more handling then lifting it to take a pic or 2? If you guys kill them,...and I know this may sound odd,..but why not bring the truck load of Fresh Dead Fish down to Erindale and just put up a sign "Free Fish' maybe there will be less snagging? I mean there are coutless people that eat them anyways....Barf as it is...just a thought
  21. But Doesnt most of the water they live in have next to no current? How do they compare lb for lb to salmon or Steelhead?
  22. Lol,..this is gonna get funny,...Its becasue they are dying!!! It is red/pink in the lake but as soon as they hit the tribs they start to decay. Simliar to Chrome Skin in the lake and Copper to black in the river. DONT EAT IT!!!
  23. Do those Cats have much fight in them? I havent ever caught any big ones, but anytime I was too lazy to get out and do some real fishing I would go to the closest swampy water body (holland Marsh for example) and do some armchair fishing, caught many smaller cats, but their fight sucks,....the sting on the other hand,..ouch. lol...oops, just realized that a Coho/Steelhead report has turned into a Catfish story,..LOL Sorry Doc. Nice Fish
  24. Im no expert on this, however, I believe they shock the waters so the fish get temporarily stunned, they find some loose females with nice looking genes and simply milk the eggs, then collect Milt from the males. Im pretty Sure all fish go back unharmed. Clofchik can probably chime in on this....
  25. Is that a chanell Cat? where is all the snow for Jan 12? lol J/K
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