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Everything posted by oxcowboy

  1. just getting started on mine, gonna be old barn siding and outdoors all the way. jason
  2. i just joined, looks like we have 4 members so far. come on folks its fun! jason
  3. hey now joe, i was just lucky last year, i spent most of the year in the back of the pack. could this be jr.'s year to shine? I sure hope so! i was just thinking of the fantasy league today while out on my tractor, dang thing wouldnt go fast enough though. i look forward to another fun filled season of smack talk. jason
  4. Im with fishhunter on this one, ive been to a few, and this was by far the least exciting. Bristol is my favorite, and then probably richmond raceway. i had a good time, but it didnt have anything to do with the race, Bristol will spoil a lotta race tracks though. jason
  5. great report, it's always nice to get the young ones involved in the outdoors. jason
  6. ok guys, lets be a little easy on old dad, when i was six years old i was driving a 45 hp john deer tractor up and down the hay field while my family was picking up square bales of hay. was it 100 % safe, probably not, was i capable of driving it when i was of that age YES. Im sure hayden is capable and has more experience than a lot of guys on this board. Im guessing that he is heavily involved in the daily operations of the fishing camp much like i was with the family farm. just remember that some children may have more in the field/lake experience than you will have on certain lakes. jason
  7. jocko, i understand exactly what you mean, but i would rather save it for special occaisons after my children have grown enough to handle it. it kicks pretty good and wouldnt want my boys to tame it till they are older. after a few more years, its gonna be theres to do with what they please, as long as it doesnt leave the famil, that is my fathers only request. jason
  8. hey john, thanks for the info, i have never done the flat fishing deal, i have always went for the deep sea trips, i have went with a couple times with different groups, and have enjoyed both trips, the have their advantages. either way you go you will have fun, the last deal i went on caught more fish, but caught better quallity on the first one. i have also had alot of fun with a cheap reel on the beach with a cheap real and some calamari from wal mart. cant wait to get back. jason
  9. its all mine i havent had a chance to shoot it yet, but its in pretty good shape. i like you guys thought it was too good of a deal to pass on. i have always used my dads old browning sweet sixteen to hunt with and would love to continue using it, but it is way too valuable to be out banging the brush with, not just the value of the gun, but the value of where it came from. Thanks for all the votes of confidence on it, ive never owned a mossberg, but they seem to be a pretty reliable gun from everything i have read. I also picked up a CBC single shot 20 gauge from the same guy for a good price, critters dont stand a chance now. jason
  10. ok guys its a 500a has the full , improved and rifled slug barel. im looking at about 150$ i dont think i can pass it up. dont really need it but for the price? what shoul i do? the goose barel is gonna need re blued. jason
  11. hi guys and gals a buddy of mine has a friend that is needing some $ soon. he has a mossberg 500 for sale for cheap, comes with three (3)barels and is in pretty good shape. What kind of USD $ should i offer too him jason
  12. I sure hope you dont make this permanent ! I have always enjoyed reading your post and viewing all the pics in your fabulous reports. By all means take some time off if you need to but please still drop in from time to time. You will be missed by all, and thank you for adding so much to the greatness of this community. jason
  13. As a livestock producer i will take as many of them off my farm as i possibly can. Maybe it wont affect the populations much, but it also may help in conditioning them to the fact that it isnt a safe area for them to come and grab a quick meal(baby goat, or calf). If they watch there pack numbers dwindle everytime they hear a boom maybe they will look elsewhere. Also how many of you that are against the hunting of coyotes would hunt cormorants? If you would, would you eat everyone of them that you killed? Jason
  14. my vote is for lampoons christmas vacation as well. so i guess X3 jason
  15. lol rick, those might not be worth it, make something up to impress the party guest's. my family raised a buck from about 3 days old, found abandoned in the hay field and his back legs were screwed up, couldnt stand and mother had abandoned him. had him for 2 years untill his oats needed some sewing and he left the garage he never was aggressive towards us but our dogs were in trouble if they got too close, wicked fast with those hooves. we never got a permit,cause he was free to go whenever he wanted, he just chose to sleep in the garage most nights. it was very cool to have this big deer come in of an evening and bed down 3 feet from the garage door. he was a fork horn(4pt) when he finally left. jason
  16. Rick ol boy if it would of been you and he had taken you on, you would have been in the hospital. lol you dont want any part of those hooves, they will cut ya to bits. glad your gf changed directions, a ticked buck could do some real damage. jason
  17. guys check out ebay. looks like there are some deals to be had on these jackets compared to some of the prices you guys are talking about. jason
  18. now what are all those sexy older women doing with jackrabbits?
  19. my guess would be coyotes. they have demolished our rabbit and quail populations here in southern ohio. jason
  20. very sorry to hear this mark. my thoughts go out to you and your family in this tough time. jason
  21. thanks all, im gonna deep fry a bird for lunch with my parents then hang a tree stand or two and head to the inlaws to deep fry another bird for supper. turkey overdose. jason
  22. we both were bro! lol i hope he can seal the deal in the morning. jason
  23. well we struck out this morning. Ethan missed a nice 120-130 class 8 pt. the buck came in around 40 yards and to the back of the stand. i got him turned around and by the time i did that and got the deer stopped he was at a bad angle. we are going to try it again in the morning. jason
  24. any annoying dogs or cats in the neiborhood? just kidding of course, its alot different from here. i would look towards barrie like others have suggested. who knows it might lead to hunting land in the future if you impress the farmer enough. if you want to go for a road trip you can always come down to blue creek here in southern ohio and shoot till your barrel melts down. lol jason
  25. sure thing sinker. good or bad i will post the details. although i know its going to be good just because he will be out in the field with me. he has gone with me before and has helped hold legs while i field dress but this will be his first time to let the lead fly. jason
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