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Everything posted by oxcowboy

  1. dang strait mike, wouldnt trade it for nothing. jason
  2. heres another favorite of mine, that also reminds me of myself, if my wife and i make it out somewhere, i usually end up talking to the strange guy off by himself, keeps me out of trouble, she doesnt like it if i talk to the young blondes. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqrogegV1lw maybe i will get rich someday for it. jason
  3. one of the best songs of the year, kinda reminds me of me when i go to cancun. Adios' jason
  4. once you eat that deep fried turkey, you will never want one in the oven, dang its good. but yeah check the amount of oil you will need, i havent ever had a fire hazzard, but it does make for a nasty deck. your camp is starting to look like a resort. good for you, hope the wife enjoys it. jason
  5. we started this past weekend, however due too my wifes pending divorce resolution, i decided it would be better(cheaper) to go to the mother in laws birthday party instead of going hunting, i havent had a chance since then, been trying to get a little farm work done, but hope to get out this weekend
  6. very sorry to hear this joey, you have my condolences and prayers. jason
  7. good start i reckon, looks like deer steaks are on the menu coming up. we start on the 26th of this month, cant wait. jason
  8. easy now we got three eyed catfish near every power plant on the ohio river. jason
  9. us buckeyes have special privledges gcd, we come and go as we please. lol jason
  10. when i was there, the neatest thing was that it was during the filming of the movie " Gettysburg" as we drove around the park, we got out to check out little round top and there was a man dressed in complete confederate garb making sketches looking out over the battlefield. i was a senior in high school traveling through with my livestock judging team for ffa and remember our conversation well to this day. he was a doctor from new york that was big into civil war re inactments and had got a part as an extra in the movie, he was much better than any tour guide we could have got and spent close to an hour with us telling us all about the battle. it was amazing. I have often thought about what would have been going through those poor soldiers mind going into such a terrible battle. it is unreal to think about what could cause men to line up and charge into such a volley of lead over and over. jason
  11. awesome, amazing and any other word you want to describe it. as always a great read. thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. jason
  12. gettysburg is real good. buy the cd that you put in and drive at a certain speed, and it tells you about each of the points of interest. i still remember getting goosebumps as we went through. its a very good stop. jason
  13. that 5000 timing hoe bag. i thought we had something special, and then i hear that she's been around the whole board, dang you cant trust any woman these days! I mean if you cant trust some anonymous woman that sends you a random email professing their love who can you trust. lol jason
  14. i only get to ontario once a year, but for us ellwood epps has always been a tradition to stop in even if we dont need anything. we usually buy 40 or 50 dollars worth of stuff, just because of the wide selection and pretty good deals. i have even knocked off an hour or so of sleep in the parking lot just waiting for them to open. i have about 17 years of memories there, and dont see it changing in the near future. jason
  15. i prefer blonde's with some dark roots myself, but im not that picky! sorry i couldnt resist. i wish i could be of some help, but im not much of a musky man. jason
  16. those are some very nice bass, glad you could get out on such a nice day. the wacky rig will get em everytime. jason
  17. Ok so this years trip was supposed to be a little different. we had planned on doing a 10 day back lake camping trip, (totally roughing it). well it didnt quite work out that way. our county fair ran the week before which always means long days of work for me since i am a vocational agriculture teacher and i am in charge of several of the various youth livestock shows. on tuesday the following week, my family and i were putting in embryo eggs into a select group of cows, kinda like a surragate mother. sp? any how after working cattle all day i really didnt feel like driving the 17 hour trip so i called the guys and post poned till morning. we left the next morning drove all day and night and got to elk lake around 6 am the next morning. too early to buy our liscence and not enough time to take a good snooze, so we just kinda hung out till we could get our ice and fishing permits for the trip back to the lake. we stopped at the golden eagle camp to get our supplies ice for the beer and fishing permits and then were off to meet our friends back on the lake. they had headed up on sunday from halliburton and then spend the rest of the week. on the way in we met them coming out. they had enough already, severe weather, high winds and tons of rain. they advised us not to go any farther due to washouts and terrible trail conditions. GREAT well after a little pondering we decided to just head back to the golden eagle camp and tent it there. at least we would have access to hot showers and freezers and a fish hut. After going back to the camp and getting everything set up we headed to a close lake and started fishing. we didnt catch alot, but plenty for our first fish fry of the year and tyler our newbie landed his first pike which was a nice 28" After a nice day's outing we headed back to camp and cleaned the fish and had a nice fry. the new owners of the camp(Bruce and Jennifer were also hosting a bon fire meet and greet for all the people staying at the camp that week, so we headed down to the fire with gifts of fish and ky black berry shine for the folks that had gathered for the evening. we met several nice people and had a good time with the rest of the camp and it was there that we met who would become our new friends and fishing partner for the week. Thomas and Jutta were a couple from Germany that had come to visit family in toronto and really didnt care much for the city life so they decided to jump in their rental car and head north. they happened to drive by the camp and decided that it might be a good spot to stay for the night, they enjoyed themselves so much they ended up staying all week. we ended up taking thomas out on our boat 3 days and got him on some fish. thomas with his first canadian fish with the weather being a mess, the fishing was slow for us, we only caught about a third of what we usually catch, but for me it was a great trip, no engine failure, no trailer trouble, no hook removals etc.... plus plenty of beer. our groups catch for the freezer dinner one night with thomas and jutta and my partners my best for the week, you should have seen the one that got away thomas and jutta with a nice stringer our last day of fishing. thomas actually contributed to this stringer, which made him very proud i think celebrating a good weeks fish and new found friends with Bruce and Alex from the camp. we had a great time once again, and the golden eagle camp is in good hands once again, Bruce and Jen seem to be great host, and alot of fun. I enjoyed talking with thomas and he was the perfect boat mate, i hope to stay in touch with his family in the future and share each others cultures. Thanks for taking the time to read, sorry there isnt a whole lot of pictures, but it rained nearly everyday except for the day that it was supposed to and we went to the walleye lake to get skunked. lol jason
  18. i cant say for sure about this one, but a small sleepy town near us hosted the u.s. event years ago, and it was a major deal, with people and exhibitors from all across the country. go for sure and let us know how it was. jason
  19. looks like a good time, and a way for the urban people to get a good first hand look at where their food actually comes from instead of the grocery store. jason
  20. i watched this group of bachelor bucks the other evening, there was 9 bucks all together anywhere from 4pts to 12pts.
  21. Hi folks, heading north in a couple days, going to tent camp for 9 or 10 days. In the past i have picked up my crown land camping permits at the mnr office in kirkland lake, but when i was looking at the web site, it said i could get them at one of the various liscence dealers through out the province. my problem is it will be night time while we are driving through most of the province ! So i guess my question is does anyone know where i can buy crown land camping permits in the north bay, temagamy, or new liskeard area? Thanks for any input. jason
  22. i use a pvc pipe and just duct tape the ends, works well for me, i have never had a problem. just drill a few small holes in the pipe to aid in fastening to the cargo rack. jason
  23. proud whitetail hunter here. i harvested 3 deer this past fall, and had chances at others, but 3 should last my family till this comming fall, and i didnt want it to go to waste and also stay fresh. i hunt with a compound bow,crossbow and muzzle loader. i have been out several evenings already this year scoping out a soy bean field, i watched 8 bucks and at least a dozen does the other evening. should be a good year. jason
  24. way to go jaden, thats a dandy of a pike you got there! jason
  25. awesome report again. you are a very rich man (not talking about money) getting to spend so much time outdoors with your family and friends at such great places. you are molding your children to be great people. jason
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