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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Pretty hard to "Stand on guard for thee" with an empty weapon. I've long since come to the conclusion that our governments no longer have the "backs" of our services. I would certainly do all in my power to dissuade any member of my family from enlisting.
  2. 10 years back, I'd be all over this opportunity. Forget about one 1 minute video. Flood them with one a day. Physically those days are long gone. Anyone I know who has done the coast to coast trip, by car, forever cherishes that experience. I can just imagine how wonderful this experience would be.
  3. That boy of yours is something precious, for certain. I hope to have the privilege of meeting you both before Jack grows up too much.
  4. It was also OK to physically abuse wife and child in the 60's. Lord knows how many times my aunt slipped on that bar of soap.
  5. Nobody dared call me gay when I wore pink back in the 80's. I still wear it.
  6. It starts there, but becomes a running story line on growing up in the midst of the turbulent 60's, and ends with the shift in the music scene from the east coast, and New York, to the San Francisco scene "taking the last train for the coast".
  7. We did not have any real runoff yet in the channel and the bay is iced over still. But I think the temp may be close to 40F. Fingers weren't freezing when I was dipping my hands in.
  8. Had another good evening chasing crappie. Lot of smaller ones this time. Some big bull Bluegills started moving in as well.
  9. Pannies have always been the spring ritual for me. Crappie, gills, perch. The one question I would ask. Just how many of us owned computers 20 years back, and how much time did we spend online back then?
  10. I remember those. They fired a short 8-10" bolt. Back in the mid 90's there was a shop in Hamilton on Hwy 8 that was selling them. At least until he got busted
  11. It has happened before. They lower the lake levels and lock levels in anticipation of a predicted snow load and it's following runoff. If it does not materialize, you are stuck with water bodies below the norm. It's a guessing game. They would do the same thing on Six mile Lake as a reservoir for Gloucester Pool on the Severn system. Some of the shallower channels would end up impassable. Realistically, we only really saw one month of solid accumulation. That was February. January was snow and melt, and most of March was just dry.
  12. Nothing says spring like crappie fishing. 2 solid outings over Easter with some great results. Bite tended to be slow, but they were there. Bucktail jigs lightly twitched under a float have been very effective. Lots of good sized crappie in the 9-11" range. Maybe 5 dinks in all. had a couple of large OOS surprises, especially the 36"(appx) pike the son landed on 2lb line. Still can't load pics. That will have to wait for the new computer.
  13. As a scouter, I often was camp cook. For Beavers and Cubs, they would hear Scouter Bruce's deranged version of the Dr Seuss classic at campfire. Next morning for breakfast, you guessed it, green eggs and ham. I always produced some sensational camp meals.
  14. Simple dinner plans for tonight. Fresh crappie fillets rolled in crushed crackers.
  15. TV forecasters are dummies. As for the eggnog..... We used to keep a crate in the freezer until summer for ice cold rum and eggnog that would make your teeth ache.
  16. It was relatively easy to do until the 90's. Since then our family accountant, brother in law takes care of it all.
  17. Only the captain. First rule of service in the navy. You may be expected to give your right arm for the Queen , but always save the other for yourself.
  18. The BBC used to put up some real classy April Fool's gags back in the day. One was a documentary short on harvesting from "spaghetti trees" in Switzerland. Or the discovery of a rare colony of flying penguins. Swedish television with a spoof showing viewers that by stretching nylons over their TV screen they could convert their old black and white TV to colour.
  19. And she sailed for many a thousands more, long after Lew swallowed the hook.
  20. Go down to the mess. or legion, and have a wet. Wish the old girl well, and offer up Monday's and Sunday's toasts. I'll have a wet in her honour too.
  21. Love a good thick scratch pea soup, but the family does not. I have one ham bone in the freezer waiting to join Friday's victim in the pot.
  22. I'll bring the feathers.....Lol
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