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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. I would not know where to start my list. Lol.
  2. Now that spring is finally here, we've been going full out with the smoker. Tried a couple of different marinades for our smoked trout. Last night it was hot pepper sausages. Nothing elaborate or over the top, but darn good eats.
  3. I have caught walleye in the section tween the creek dam and the bottom of the park.
  4. That is because propulsion is not rooted in the flipper. The entire body of the dolphin is flexing and moving in a very smooth rythmn to generate that force.
  5. The ponds are stocked for obvious reasons. Algae and grass eaters to keep the ponds from going scummy, and predators to keep those numbers in balance. A lot more cost effective than running large scale aeration, or dosing the ponds with algecides and defoliants.
  6. Bruce reactors don't have 1 million people living in close proximity to the facility.
  7. Yes, they are 2 plants, but the urban sprawl runs clear across from the Rouge straight across. I just used the most blatant example of sprawl in the area. Used to shoot goose tween Taunton rd and the conservation area, long before the first real surge of urban sprawl.
  8. Some courses stock the ponds. Others, it happens randomly through nature. Very few golf courses will let you fish their ponds
  9. Exactly!!! My riding choices were, to be quite honest, either dishonest or pathetic. In good conscience my only real option was to decline my ballot. Until I have some real choices between candidates, I will continue to register my displeasure in the same manner.
  10. Far too much urban development now surrounding the site to even consider a rebuild on the old site. When the site first opened, Courtice was a dozen houses and a general store on a crossroads straddling Hwy #2. Rural lands between Oshawa and Bowmanville will have been completely developed within the next 10 years. Even Wynne isn't that stupid, I hope ????????
  11. I'm aiming for 100 plus days on the water.
  12. They are all corrupt, and not one party is going to act in the best interest of most in this promise. Each party will continue to cater to their faithful, and the special lobbies, and the porkbarrel continues in perpetuity. As for the deficits and debt. Rae left a big debt for Harris. Harris, in turn, left one for the Liberals to build on, and Wynne will add to it for the next party that takes over, and that party will again do the same. The same thing has happened in Ottawa since the 70's. Every political dynasty has left a mess behind for the new guys to clean up, and Harper will be no different.
  13. Yep, that 50 year benchmark is coming up fast. Still remember our class visit and tour shortly after it opened, back in 71/72
  14. IF it is a regional conservation area, and I say "if", a conservation authority has the right to set its own rules of access to waters within their jurisdiction.
  15. Had my first CO visit yesterday. Was disappointed to find we are now down to 2 CO's in our area. They just can't be everywhere we want them to be, and they have a tough job down here. Many in zone 16 still refuse to acknowledge the major changes made to the regs in 2008. There are still people who fish pike year round with line, net and spear. Then there are the "heritage" communities who are seemingly beyond the law.
  16. Last night's NY/Pitts game was great. Fast paced, hard hitting, no holds barred hockey. A little dirty at times, but that's playoff hockey.
  17. After putting that up on full screen, She looks a lot like my sister in law. This wasn't up Ottawa way by chance??????
  18. Your hunting day is already shot. Follow her to vehicle or home, then file a formal complaint with both the police and the MNRF. You've got the video evidence to back up the complaint. No different than using video to make an example of the muskie idiot
  19. You obviously have not watched enough hockey. Some of the greatest all time heroes of the game, like Howe to start, or some of the great team eras, like the 70's Bruins and Flyers, made physically dirty hockey an art form. And in playoff hockey, there are no holds barred, and you push and cross the limit every game. That is how a team wins Lord Stanley's cup, and that is the way hockey has always been.
  20. It was a well played game. A third period misplay was the only thing stopping a Habs win, and they quickly fixed that in OT.
  21. Government doing things in a business like manner??? Never happen. Unemployment across the province would immediately double.
  22. We did the letter writing, petitions and phone calls to PC decades back before there was email. We got all sorts of excuses and explanations. The worst response we got. from PC was that if we did not like the way things were, we should "think about relocating".
  23. Montreal earned that win despite the "pucks" the refs were dumping on the ice.
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