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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. On a family trip to Florida. I had been warned ahead of time that the Georgia boys were tagging Ontario plates, so I got no ticket. Some of it has to do with a small border trade war between Georgia and Florida. Same little war was going on between Arizona and California 10-15 years back. Out of state travellers were just easy pickings.
  2. No different than the Georgia state troopers targeting Ontario plates en route to Florida. Got pulled over for a "safety inspection" some 20 years back. The 3 cars in the line up ahead of me all had Ontario plates. Sat there for a good 1/2 hour while the fella ahead got a ticket. Since then I have never stopped, nor spent a dime in that state. Sadly, out of towners are always easy targets for the eager ticket writer, no matter where you go.
  3. PC will just draw more from those lakes used as reservoirs in the Kawarthas and Haliburtons. Sadly, residents and cottagers have no say in the matter. I've experienced similar when PC drew down reservoir lakes along the Severn in the past.
  4. Hate to tell you this, but you are barking up the wrong tree. Parks Canada, read federal, read Tory, are the ones responsible for this screw up. They operate and control the Trent Severn waterway. It's their experts that screwed up on their spring flow estimates.
  5. Nowhere near enough to go around. Our MNR office has 3 CO's, and a week has 168 hours. At 40 hrs a week per man, we are still a man short for round the clock coverage. That does not account or allow for court time, surveillance, border busts, or big targeting pushes that take place on season openers.
  6. What Malthus suggested was generations ahead of his time. He understood the concept of biomass. He realized that like all else in nature, there is a finite amount of food resource available to all species. When a species exceeds that supply, nature forces a rebalancing. We see it in nature all the time. The Reverend merely applied those same laws to man. Man however has temporarily circumvented those laws with science and technology over the past 150 years, but we can't do so forever. At some point we have either to find another science miracle, stop breeding, or start dying back.
  7. There is another side to the gloom and doom story. and it is a very dark alternative at best. The simplest way to reduce man's overconsumption of resources is simple. Stop trying to find a cure for death. Allow war, disease, famine and pestilence to keep the human population in check. At the rate we are going, Malthus' theories on population may yet become a reality.
  8. OK folks. Step right up and get your soylent green.
  9. Have not made gnocchi in ages. My mangecake famiglia non sa piacce gnocchi. (Nobody in the house likes gnocchi but myself). I have to wait until one of the Italian clubs has a gnocchi dinner to get my fill of some homemade goodness.
  10. I just read this again, and now I can't get this dirty soldier's ditty about socks out of my mind. Lol.
  11. Funny thing looking at that beautiful canoe. My uncle had a cedar tiller boat with the same style bow cap as that canoe. The boat also had similar wicker benches. I still remember when we would strip and reglass the bottom every few years.
  12. Blub blub is definitely too runny. Any recipe I give is just a basic approximation. Even when baking bread, or making gnocchi, it all comes down to touch and taste.
  13. First fishing outing with the 2 little girls. After all the rain, and mud the prey weren't too cooperative. The youngest managed her very first fish, a crappie. That was it, but they played, ran around, and honked back at the geese as they were swimming by. They sure love playing in the minnow bucket.
  14. It's been done before. It's called the cadillac ranch. Really kinda "cool".
  15. Body cams still won't provide all the answers. They have a limited scope of vision, as do all lenses, cameras, of one type or other. They are just another tool which, depending on circumstance, will be either adequate or inadequate to the situation at hand. These are simple observations that are drawn from military and special police units that have been equipped with body and helmet cameras over the past 20 years.
  16. Gram was teaching us to be self reliant from an early age. Basics of cooking and baking learnt by touch and taste. Basic sewing, knitting, and the ability to darn one's own socks. How and when to buy meat and how to budget a meal were part of Gram's lessons for us at the market or the butcher. She wanted to make sure we could fend for ourselves on our own.
  17. Local scrap yards usually buy and sell scrap lead. That is my main source for all my pouring.
  18. Heck of a lot bigger than a liberty ship. Liberty ships had an average gross tonnage of 7-10,000 tonnes. Or a 5-7,000 tonne cargo capacity. That salty was carrying close to 20,000 tonnes. The Average tonnage capacity of a laker is 20-26,000 tonnes of cargo. The other thing to consider is that higher speeds are not cost effective. No different than a car.
  19. You really have no clue about military training, do you. We don't have jar heads here for one.
  20. But it's good PR for the politicians. Pity there isn't a single real patriot and nationalist sitting in parliament. Over in the Middle East we have to stand up and be counted, but at home we're expected to roll over and cower.
  21. They were replicas, but all the general public sees is a weapon and you are inviting a 911 call to the police. On the average John Q. Public tain't too bright. The replicas should have been transported in a better manner and fashion such as a weapons crate. I was a sea cadet and reservist. I do not see a cadet doing ceremonial drill as a bad image, nor small arms training at the range. That said, when drill or parade was done, weapons were immediately stored and away by the numbers. We did not use dummy weapons. As cadets we carried Enfields with spiked bayonet. CPO and guard PO carried a duty cutlass. There were no weapons incidents or accidents because weapons handling was heavily regulated and controlled by commissioned officers.
  22. Actually apple to apple. No difference tween a Grenadier in front of Buck Palace or an Argyll on the HIll. Same service . Same loyalty. Same duty. Whether you wish to accept it or not. Canada is involved in an undeclared war. It is neither intelligent or right to allow our service personnel to play the part of clay pigeons for the Jihadists while they have a free hand inflicting harm when and where they will with impunity.
  23. Navy League and DND had long time ago put distance tween themselves. They now do not use live round target shooting, as one example. It has been a long time since when your cadet corps officers held the Queen's commission. You have lots of Civilian Instructors instead. A friend of mine spent his last 2 years as a commissioned naval Lt., as the DND cadet liason officer for the region when the links with DND were being gradually severed. It had to happen. You cannot hand over military equipment, weapons and ammunition, access to resources, etc.... to civilians.
  24. How would that be any different than the standing guard mounted daily at Buckingham palace? They are armed and ready to do their duty, yet there are no random or questionable shootings, or skewerings. There are set rules of conduct and engagement, and they are far tighter than the rules of engagement followed by police here in North America.
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