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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Just remember, in nature, a meat eater's prime source of food is a vegetarian.
  2. Had to stay close to home, but there are some real good spots in Niagara, so no complaints. Started flogging the water at 6 and proceeded to have a most enjoyable morning. A few victims: And what is a day of bass fishing without a few WGSF in the mix. Seems they really like 6" twisters Now its nap time. Got to rest the legs for tomorrow's adventure.
  3. The system has a built in language filter that modifies and corrects potentially contentious language.
  4. Nothing like hitting the water at the very crack of dawn on the first day of the season with no wind and the thick morning mist softening the loons call and the splash of jumping fish. Rowing out in near silence to your starting point with only the odd creak of your oar rubbing the gunnel to disturb the tranquility and keep you grounded in reality. As you prepare for that first cast, you survey the surroundings and tie on on your choice of weapon. All the while sipping on a steaming hot mug of half and half while you take in the beauty of it all. And then, it begins.
  5. Surprisingly, yes, I still eat bannock (not necesarily aboriginal food stuffs) I usually wear mocs most places I go. I speak English because that was the language of the country that my grandparents came to. We assimilated, do not speak Finn or Swede, and we have English sounding names ( which I do regret).
  6. Been discussed a few times recently. Look threough the archives. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=33401&hl=polarized+glasses
  7. The Henckel filleting knife does not have the flexibility in the blade I would want for the task. Beyond that they are fine blades. Fish4Eyes Posted Today, 09:42 AM Jocko: Im still not picturing how you manage to cut yourself. When filleting pickeral, the only time I risk cutting myself is when I go to cut out the rib bone, as the blade is facing me, the rest of the time the blade and the tip of the knife is always away from me. I always manage to catch a finger tip once or twice a year. Usually when I'm working on the annual fall perch catch.
  8. 2 roots to the 'Big Ugli'. As a teen, I had a bit of an explosive or "ugli" temper and was known by some as the ugli Finn. It stuck. Now pan forward some 20 years to father and son. Rob was heavily into fishing. Wanted to fish tournies, and we started to make tackle. He wanted a name that would stick out, for the fishing team we were gonna be, and for the tackle we were making. I guess because he had more of my temper and other bad attributes than I realized I threw up the Ugliboys, being like father like son. Although everybody calls me Bruce, the son and I are both Robert B. So Big Ugli was a way of differentiating tween the 2 of us, and it's been a good description, of sorts , ever since.
  9. Civilization is what keeps the weak links in the gene pool alive and well. Who cares what some weak link thinks.
  10. If you want to go by percentages, he does not meet up to the best years of goalies like Bower or Plante.
  11. MNR has a listing of fire bans and current burning fires http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/AFFM/...age/240351.html
  12. bigugli


    I'm thinkin the 'Dawg' needs to give JP the shirt off his back after that response
  13. Glad to see your young lad isn't letting that danged cast get in the way.
  14. The "Big Ugli" has been a nickname before I started using the internet. Went hand in hand with UgliBoys Baits. When I was a teen the nickname was the "Ugli Finn" ( had a very bad temper back then ) Some nicknames are as much a part of us as our real names.
  15. It's all about depth , current, cover. Depending on the situation I use jigs from 1/8 to 1/2
  16. The old Massey Ferguson that went bankrupt after the government cut off the 15 year supply of subsidies. The brand name was kept alive by those who bought up the assets.
  17. I cheaped out and bought a pair of polarized wrap arounds for my glasses. $40 rather than $750 for a new pair of polarized script lens
  18. Most people have a hard enough time understanding what a Drill sgt is saying. Imagine the chaos of the parade gorilla barking at his recruits in 20 different languages I do, however, like the notion that citizenship should be earned ( wouldn't hurt those born here either seeing as only half of the voters bother to turn out federally, and only a 15% avg in municipal elections )
  19. bigugli


    I wouldn't rely on them for a straight answer.On the few times I have written to WFN I never got a straight answer. Why would they. The business is there to make money. To do that you have to air programs and advertising, A saturday filler makes sense. Anglers are busy fishing, and viewership is down at those times. That means cheap ad spaces. The network will, however, tell you that "this is part of [their(sic.)] effort to bring you, the viewer, the best in outdoor programming". That was the company line for keeping Charlie Moore on the air.
  20. Nice report. It's one of the places I'd like to try one of these days.
  21. In primary we were still singing GOD SAVE OUR QUEEN, and shifted to singing both after 67.
  22. Companies get too big and fat and the market eventually collapses around it. Can you say GMC or Genmar. For you older folks can you say MF or Eatons
  23. Hilarious Bill It happens to us all at some point How's that saying? Memories are made of these...
  24. And that is how a loyal and patriotic member of any country should feel.
  25. The more we sell out our country, the less we have to be proud of. In the hearts of far too many Canadians there is no patriotism or loyalty. I read it on this board frequently enough. Sadly, all Canadians are responsible for such a pathetic attitude. We tolerate it and allow it to thrive. A "Hyphen-Canadian" is a serious mistake. It says I love Canada for the opportunities, but that's it. Our society, today, has far too many non voters, non conformists, separatists, wanna be Americans, and bottom feeders, and not enough who are proud to be Canadian come hell or high water. The problem is even worse within our governments. Real Canadians, in New Brunswick, should have taken matters in hand when this problem first arose and fired every buffoon in the school board responsible, or supportive, of such an unpatriotic policy. Our nation's children should have teachers who will teach them to be proud of this land and the citizenship it bestows upon them. No person should be allowed to take office or hold authority for Canada without taking the loyal oath. Yes I am a rabidly loyal Canadian
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