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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. The biggest snow jobs are all those magazine subscriptions that guarantee to put you on bigger and better catches of fish
  2. If the trees are planted on his side of the lot line, they are his responsibility to care and maintain. On the lot line, you are jointly responsible. The sticky bit is when "the neighbours" trees encroach beyond the lot line. You can come to a mutual agreement, or you can go to the municipality to see what the municipality's guidelines are. Some municipalities have a "fence sitting" commitee that does nothing but resolve boundary disagreements.
  3. I was gonna suggest, put wheels on the canoe and tow the Kia
  4. Now that is a great opener. Well done.
  5. Would a Gilwellian angler do?
  6. The pups probably found something dead along the shore and rolled in it, or chewed it, as most dogs are prone to do.
  7. Technically, when the US border service has crossed into Canadian waters, they have violated a dozen different international laws. The most blatant: an armed agent of a foreign govt crossing into territorial waters engages in an undeclared act of war. If our coast guard was to be so ignorant and stupid, the US would fire upon and board the intruding vessel.
  8. Just a little Canadian government payback for a US Border service that has repeatedly stepped over the line. Other wise known as "monkey see, monkey do".
  9. Glad to hear you got a chance to unwind.
  10. Walmart buys from whoever they can get the best deal from, period, for all of North America. There is very little autonomy for Walmart Canada. Same for all big box stores.
  11. Here I was thinking there was a musical link.
  12. Could be a little fester infection from some of our local spiked weeds. Stinging nettle, sow thistle, prickly lettuce are examples. They can itch like heck but if the hair remains lodged in the skin you get a raised puss pocket.
  13. I'm only interested if we can run amok and riot once a year
  14. A few more like yourself and we'll be able to have our own Grimesby chapter
  15. Vancouver is not the only city to play host to a sports riot.
  16. Under the OFAH's new rules, the larger fish (exceeding a specified minimum) must be acconpanied by a photo or the entry wil not be recognized and the entry rejected. Would hate to think that our fun little contest might be won/lost based on the competence/ lack thereof of the OFAH
  17. Anybody else having problems getting the pictures to load? I keeping sending and resending the images as jpegs, and as photobucket links, and the pics still don't come through. I've seen the same thing with a few other entries for our fun tournament. Entry accepted, but no photo available. Gonna be hard to accumulate the bonus points. I just keep getting the same email message from their web developer asking me to resend the images. Maybe I should mail them the rotting fish next time.
  18. I know that spot oh soooo well. It's the picture of paradise in the early morning. Does the pine still sit in the eye of the needle?
  19. You poor, deprived, sod you. Fried newfie steak and eggs on toast. Yum Yum
  20. This year is starting to remind me of that year when Barrie got the tornado back in june of 85
  21. At this rate I'm not going to get anything planted this year
  22. Happens here all the time, despite the need to pass a boating exam. Again, just because you passed the test, does not mean you will act lawfully.
  23. Perhaps there should be a course and test for internet users while we are at it?
  24. I'm sorry, Junior can't go fishing until he is 12 years old and capable of writing the junior anglers test. most of us started at a wee age. Should we deprive future generations of another simple pleasure because adults behave like !!! I could just as easily argue that no one operate a canoe/kayak without ORCA II, or better, certification. Campers should have to take a class in woodcraft, and all should have basic first aid before being allowed loose in the great outdoors. I mean, really folks! If we are going to be s we might as well go full out. A test, certificate, license, will never impose or bring about compliance. Enforcement does.
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