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Everything posted by Paully

  1. Great pictures...
  2. Are you kidding me! Kinda looks fake... anyone ??
  3. hmmm.. learn something new every time im on here..
  4. I know that spot! ... did you see any bass under the dock??
  5. dont you remember that one time I came over for dinner at your place?
  6. Funny ad..... but that beer tastes like Crap! Anyone agree?
  7. Paully


    Making up for "other" short comings are we? Nice truck anyways... I got a ford f150
  8. It can only get better from here....I hope..
  9. Paully


    Did i hear correctly??... GCD bought a truck?
  10. Goooooood Luck... You're askin for alot... Try erindale park....
  11. Thats some real cool Then and now pictures.. Im surprised that some of thoes buildings were repaired instead of torn down and rebuilt. Thanks for sharing..
  12. This same thing happend to me a few weeks back... No spare key.. No way to get my spare tire down.. I took my trusty drill out.. half way through the lock it fell apart.. got my spare down.. Now if anyone wants to steal my tire... be my guest, Its not the best spare you can own..
  13. So cops love coffee... nothing new about that..
  14. ...Been to a few peirs last week... not much happening... My buddy got a pike with a glow spoon..
  15. Well said.... I totally agree
  16. Nice mix of fish!! I think you foul hooked the pike?
  17. Shirt or no shirt.....does it really matter?
  18. i tried casting off a peir for some salmon.. I can tell you it dident work out the way it did for you..
  19. i totally agree! Looks like a good time was had by all... That christmas tree looks real interesting.
  20. Red Devil or 5 of Diamonds... I hear they kill it on simcoe...
  21. If you fillet it properly (remove The Y bone) They really are good to eat.. almost like walleye. Just keep them small... FishCrisp and a few brewskies and your off..
  22. Im sure Van & Truck world has em...
  23. I got a felling this story is fake... you said you were wearing a shirt!
  24. Now thats a nice bass... You should change your name to Big Bass Mike
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