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Everything posted by Paully

  1. Try a lake or river And welcome...
  2. A bad day of fishin' is still better than a good day at work...
  3. Biggest fresh Lake Trout in the World caught in Lake Athabasca 102lb and 6 Oz in the year 1963
  4. I dont see a crown but im real sure i see a horse shoe sticking out of his a........
  5. If i found a boat with a jar and instructions in it... i'd use it.. then leave a report for the next guy!
  6. Any of the locks in the kawarthas is good....
  7. Is that whole lake just one giant dam? either way... nice fish
  8. I've fished it a couple of times, Definately worth a try! smallmouth .. largies .. pike and possibly walleye in there.
  9. I'd say 5 lbs... unless that guys 400 pounds, then it might be a 10 lb fish..
  10. Carp are a great fight!... but to each their own... Welcome
  11. Try peir fishing... get a couple of glow in the dark Cleo's and start chucking...
  12. I like the one where you can see hand prints on the rock! sweet pics buddy
  13. The ausable has good fishing.. you can catch a variety of different things on worms fished on bottom. there's channel cats, drum, catfish, carp... Last time i was there i fished right by the highway bridge.
  14. Thats an amazing looking place! Good fishing and good friends. btw.. cool lookin dog you got.
  15. i've got a problem too.....
  16. I thought this was the record? Dotty the Bass
  17. This might be a dumb question but... do you have the old one? you can check the code on the side..
  18. I dont think you understood.. 2 fish on one lure, at the same time. unless your telling me you caught 2 4 pounders on one lure
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